1、北京艾克斯特信息技術有限公司www.extechplm.com,Objection Handling處理異議,Janet Yang,OBJECTION HANDLING處理異議,We expect to課程目標:Have a common understanding of what is an “Objection”理解什么是“異議” Have a clear path to manage an Objection清楚如何處理異議
2、 Be aware of why people raise Objections明白為什么會產(chǎn)生異議 Be aware of the profiles of who raise Objections了解有那些人會提出異議? When do they make it 什么時候會提出異議? Be aware of the benefits of questioning in objection handling 了解處
3、理異議時提問的好處 Be aware of the importance of having objections during the sales campaign 了解在銷售活動中處理異議的重要性,OBJECTION HANDLING,After this session you should be able to課程結(jié)束后你能夠:Understand and apply a proper technique to h
4、andle objections (you will need to practice on your own)掌握處理異議的技巧(平時自己也需要多練習)Be aware of the importance of questioning skills/listening skills知道提問/聆聽技巧的重要性Simulate a scenario in which you handle a Customer Objection 模擬
5、一個如何處理客戶異議的情景,Why do people object? 為什么人們提出異議,90% of the time:90%的情況是因為: Fear, Doubt, Skepticism害怕,擔心,懷疑 Need more information需要更多信息 Solution unclear 產(chǎn)品/方案不明確 Presentation Unclear你的陳述不夠清楚 You did not listen你自己沒認真聽
6、Customer did not listen客戶沒認真聽 You did not qualify 你不稱職 Benefits don’t outweigh Costs/Risks 效果達不到期望值,Why do people object?為什么人們提出異議,,10% of the time because they are:剩下的10%在于:Enemies! =Competitors Champions! 敵人=競爭對手
7、的Champions!,What is an Objection?什么是異議?,A GREAT OPPORTUNITY…………!很好的機會。。。!Objection means interest!異議意味著感興趣!,What is an Objection?什么是異議?,Excellent opportunity to educate the customer教育客戶的絕佳機會 They allow you to build
8、credibility 建立個人信譽的機會 Demonstrate customer’s interest (at least, sensitivity) buying signals 表示出客戶的購買信號或興趣 Determine your position in Sales Cycle 判斷你在這個銷售過程中的位置 Natural part of the buying process 購買過程中很自然要發(fā)生的
9、Objections are very revealing of Decision criteria, power chart, personal win, competition揭示了決策標準,權力圖,個人影響力等等 allow to Get next steps 幫助邁向下一步 allow to Qualify people 幫助識別客戶 Allow to define decision cri
10、teria and decision process 幫助確認決策標準,流程 An opportunity to differentiate T3 from the competition把TD和其他競爭產(chǎn)品區(qū)分開的一個機會,What is an objection什么是異議?,This is why Objections reveal a lot about customer這就是為什么異議揭示了客戶的很
11、多信息,This is a “well objection handled” Customer 這是一個“異議處理的很好”的客戶(坦誠相見了),,Remember!切記!,People generally don’t deliberately lie.人們一般不會故意撒謊 People are generally in good faith. 人們普遍都比較善意 Sometime they only omit to tell al
12、l the details because we do not listen to them. 有些時候他們不愿透露更多細節(jié)是因為我們沒有認真聆聽。,OBJECTION HANDLING 處理異議,Handling Objections, Sales People often處理異議的時候,銷售人員會經(jīng)常:Ask with no aim (Not prepared)沒有目標的詢問(沒有準備好)Ask inaccuratel
13、y! (linguistic problems)問的過于寬泛(語言表達問題)Do not ask! (Afraid)不去問(害怕)Do not listen to the answers (I keep going my way)沒有認真聽回答(自顧自的)Make many assumptions, 想當然的Do not build questioning on the basis of the answers received
14、. (I keep going my way)不是基于聽到的回答進行發(fā)問(自顧自的)Think at the response immediately不假思索的就回答Respond without thinking what “l(fā)ives” behind the objection沒有認真思考對方提的異議背后的真實意思。,OBJECTION HANDLING 處理異議,Remember!切記!Focus on the custo
15、mer, not just the right answer.把注意力放在客戶身上,而非為了得到一個正確的回答Earn the Right to Advance. 贏得先機Persuade through Involvement.說服需要依賴客戶充分的參與,Objection Handling Process 異議處理流程,Activity活動:Why we should be emphatic?為什么要表現(xiàn)出積極的情緒?Wha
16、t happens if we respond immediately?如果馬上作答會發(fā)生什么?How can we be sure that we’re responding exactly?我們怎么確?;卮鸬恼_?How can we be sure we’re responding effectively?我們怎么確保回答的有效?What are the steps in the Objection Handling Pro
17、cess?異議處理流程有哪些步驟?,Objection Handling Process異議處理流程,6 steps:ENCOURAGING鼓勵QUESTIONING提問CONFIRMING確認RESPONDING回答CHECKING檢查PROBING-ACTION下一步,Step1 – Encourage鼓勵,Encourage鼓勵Listen & Observe 聆聽&觀察Show empathy
18、in order to diffuse antagonism表現(xiàn)積極點,避免對立情緒Do not react 不要太多反應Let them finish question聽他們說完問題Turn confrontation into mutual problem solving轉(zhuǎn)變成共同來解決問題Pay attention to body language 注意身體語言Key Questions: 一些問題:I hear y
19、ou, but I’m not sure I understand….我在聽,但我不太理解。。。Please, explain….請解釋。。。Can you Elaborate on that?能說的更具體些嗎?That is really interesting….這點非常有趣。。。,Step 2 – Question提問,Question 提問Play Colombo Get all objections on the t
20、able 了解所有異議Flush out the real objection 找出真正的異議Dig Deeper for understanding 挖掘更多信息幫助理解Keep encouraging again and again 繼續(xù)鼓勵Key phrases:一些句子:How do you do this now? 你現(xiàn)在是怎么做的?What is the nature of your concern?您關注是基于
21、?What are your biggest concerns?你最關心的是什么?What specifically do you hear?您聽到了哪些具體的?,Step 3 – Confirm確認,Confirm 確認Restate what you’ve heard 重申你所聽到的Summarize it 總結(jié)一下Make sure everyone in the room understands 確認在場的人都明白了
22、Be sure you understand 你自己是否理解了Key phrases:Let me restate what I think I heard讓我重復一下我聽到的In case others did not hear, I will repeat your question 為確保大家都理解了,我再重復您的問題Is that what you are asking? 您是這個意思嗎?,Step 4 – Respon
23、d回答,Respond 回答It depends from the “type” of the Objection.取決于異議的類型We can divide Objections into 4 categories:可以劃分為4類Misconception 概念錯誤Skepticism懷疑Complaint抱怨Real drawback 真正的缺點(所引發(fā)的)Key phraseMisconception: Clari
24、fy對于概念錯誤的:立即澄清Skepticism: Prove懷疑:用方法證明Complain: Action抱怨: 采取行動Real drawback: Minimize真正的缺點引發(fā)的:弱化影響,Step 5 – Vefify檢查,Verify 檢查Ask if you have addressed the objection,詢問是否解決了對方的異議If not, repeat the step如果沒有,重復上述過程I
25、f yes, action required 如果是,開展下一步Key questionsHave I addressed your concern…?我有沒有回答好您所關心的。。。?Do you have any other question about…?您有其他的問題嗎?Can we go ahead with this proposal…..?我們是不是可以進行下一步了。。。?,OBJECTION HANDLING處理
26、異議,If YES, We can go ahead and test….如果是,我們可以繼續(xù)往前了Establish a condition:設定一個條件: If we….. Will you?如果我們。。。你會不會。。。?Suppose that I resolve the problem you just told me answering my questions, would you do commit for thi
27、s specific next step within this period? 如果我解決掉這個問題,你們會答應進行下一步活動嗎? Suppose that…假設。。。,OBJECTION HANDLING處理異議,Suppose your boss makes you decide, what will be your decision? 如果你的老板讓你來決定,你的決定是?Suppose your colleagues hav
28、e another idea…?如果你的同事有其他想法。。。? Suppose we do this …What will it happen later on? (Next Step)假設我們這樣做了,下一步會怎么樣?Suppose that I show you that think design can do this, then what happen?如果我向你證明ThinkDesign能做到這點,接下來會如何?,OBJE
29、CTION HANDLING處理異議,Summary總結(jié)An objection rarely means that the customer does not want think design如果客戶有異議,那很大程度上證明對方有興趣We can learn a great deal from the objection itself and from who asked it 從異議本身和提問者可以獲得很多信息P
30、ractice and employ the technique you feel better with 不斷練習各種處理技巧Improve 持續(xù)改進Be accurately prepared on the most common objections to handle it with credibility 對于常見異議要做好細致的準備,OBJECTION HANDLING處理異議,Some phrases of
31、 great sales guys….一些偉大的業(yè)務員曾說過:“The Sooner You Start Talking, The Sooner You Start Losing.”越快開口講話,就輸?shù)脑娇臁癇y Gathering Information you Gain Advantage; By Giving Information you Give Away Advantage.”收集信息會獲得優(yōu)勢,只是一味提供信息就會
32、喪失競爭優(yōu)勢“Sell, Don’t Tell.銷售,而非說教”,OBJECTION HANDLING:處理異議:,EXERCISE N. 1 練習1Objection: Changing is too expensive異議:改變成本太高了1) encourage: 鼓勵:Interesting to hear ….很高興聽到。。。It sounds like you thought changing already…
33、.聽著似乎你已經(jīng)思考過改變了。。。May I make some question about it?我可以問一些問題嗎?,OBJECTION HANDLING處理異議:,2) questions: 提問:Current system is your first one?目前的系統(tǒng)是你們用的第一個嗎?Have you got any benefits compared to past one?跟過去相比,你們獲得哪些好處呢?Do
34、 you think is going to be your last solution? 你認為它會是你最后一個方案嗎?How do you evaluate cost? On price, on Roi?你是怎么評估成本的?價格?ROI?,OBJECTION HANDLING處理異議:,3) Confirm: 確認Your company already made changes你的公司已經(jīng)在做出改變You had issue
35、s on learning, training, but you got benefits. 會面臨學習,培訓這些問題,但你會獲得一些好處。You agree on Roi as criteria 你承認用ROI作為標準。,,OBJECTION HANDLING處理異議:,4) Respond : 回復I can understand Your position 我能理解你所處的位置Feel, Felt, Found…..(會經(jīng)歷
36、一個過程,從最初的‘覺得’到后面‘發(fā)現(xiàn)’確實有效果)More than 90% of our customers come from the same situation 我們90%的客戶都面臨過這樣的問題All of them wanted to preserve existing productivity and improve efficiency at the same time.他們都希望在保持生產(chǎn)率的同時改進效率。,,O
37、BJECTION HANDLING處理異議:,5) Respond: 回復Let analyze one issue at the time and understand your needs 我們一個一個來分析,確認您真正需要的We know there are some cost related to training and changing 的確會因為培訓,改變等產(chǎn)生一些成本W(wǎng)e all know there is a c
38、ost even in NOT changing但如果不改變也會發(fā)生成本I’d like to show you some case studies about benefits that customers similar to you got with our solutions 我可以給你看一些跟你情況類似的客戶,用了我們的方案后的獲益情況Do you have any other doubt?還有其他疑慮嗎?,,OBJECT
39、ION HANDLING處理異議:,6) Verify :檢查Have we answered in a proper way?我們這樣回答合適嗎?Can we move forward on this way?能繼續(xù)這樣嗎?,,OBJECTION HANDLING處理異議:,Critical situation during questioning需引起注意的危險情況:The meeting seems to be an inq
40、uiring… no info, poor info 會議中只是不斷詢問。。。沒有任何信息或信息很少The speaker thinks his answers have no importance…發(fā)言者認為他的回答不重要The questions show that you don’t care about the situation and the speaker… 你提的問題說明你沒有注意當時情況和發(fā)言者。。。The sp
41、eaker is afraid that the info he gives can be used against him 發(fā)言者害怕他提供的信息會對他不利He doesn’t understand the meaning of the questions and loses his patience 沒有理解問題的含義并失去耐心In spite of the forecast, he isn’t inte
42、rested in 不感興趣,,OBJECTION HANDLING處理異議:,What will you do?你該怎么做Change role: from questioning to informing till he reassures himself: metrics, references, nice story, add value! 改換角色:從提問到鼓勵直到對方得到寬慰,通過metrics,客戶參考,故事,增加價
43、值等!Make questions and give info, at the same time同時提問并給予信息The skill consists of making essential questions in the right way and at the right time 技巧包括何時何地問什么樣的問題It’s very important to show that the speaker’s info are
44、necessaries and turn them to his advantage告訴發(fā)言者他們的信息很必要,很有價值,,OBJECTION HANDLING處理異議,Step 1: ACTION Make the offer (next step)行動帶來訂單(下一步)What about having a demo on Thursday?何不這周四舉行一個demo?What about you to organize a
45、 meeting with Mr. higher level/E.Buyer etc…?你能組織一個會議,邀請高層/購買決定者參加。。。?What about signing a PO after the demo?做完demo就簽單怎么樣?What about flying to Italy to visit the former think3 biggest European customer (GD..)?想不想去意大利參觀歐
46、洲的客戶?,,OBJECTION HANDLING處理異議,Step 2: Get a objection, get a NO出現(xiàn)異議,被答復說“No”Customer:客戶: Well, I am not sure if I am willing to organize this demo with my boss for next week because I‘m not sure that you are able to
47、handle large assemblies我不確信我是否能組織一個demo并邀請老板參加,因為我還不能確認你能不能做大裝配,,OBJECTION HANDLING處理異議,Step 3: Encourage鼓勵You:你:Do not react, smile不要其他反應,保持微笑Listen, good contact eyes聆聽,保持眼神接觸Let him finish objection: Keep your
48、 mouth shut讓他說完:閉上你的嘴Show empathy 表現(xiàn)出積極情緒Good Questions好的反應:I hear but I’m not sure I understood 我在聽但不確認是否理解了Can you tell me more about what you mean by “Handling Large Assemblies”?你能告訴我“處理大。裝配”是什么意思嗎?,,OBJECTION H
49、ANDLING處理異議,Step 4: Confirm確認Customer Answer:客戶回答:We manufacture Machines and we need Large Assembly features. Pro/E is the best product to handle Large Assembly. It’s been a long way to implement it and I do not
50、feel comfortable to bring into discussion this decision 我們制造機器,需要大裝配功能。Pro/E是處理大裝配的最好產(chǎn)品。我們已經(jīng)實施了很多年,我想沒必要再討論這個問題了,,OBJECTION HANDLING處理異議,Step 4: Confirm: Key questions確認:Let me restate what I think I heard讓我重復一遍我聽到的
51、In case other’s did not hear, I will repeat your question 為確保所有人都聽到了,我再重復一遍你的問題Is that what you are asking? 你是問的這個意思嗎?Example 舉例Well, Let me recap what you just told me. You are telling me that it has been tough to r
52、each the results you are getting with Pro/E and you are not willing to start again? 我總結(jié)下您剛才說的。您是說花了很大精力才用Pro/E達到這些結(jié)果,所以不想再重新開始,是嗎?,,OBJECTION HANDLING處理異議,Step 5: Probing Customer answer:客戶回答:Yes, this is exactly what
53、I mean.對,我是這個意思No (get back to stage 3)不是(回到第3階段)You Questioning你的問題How long did it take to implement Pro/E?實施Pro/E花了多長時間? Are you satisfied with the way the users are using it now? 你對現(xiàn)在的使用滿意嗎? What would you i
54、mprove if you could?如果可以的話你希望哪些方面得到改進?,,OBJECTION HANDLING處理異議,Step 6: Responding回復Customer answer:客戶回答:I' am not fully satisfied because only 4 out of 22 users are up to speed….我不太滿意,以為22個人里只有4個達到速度。。。,,OBJECTIO
55、N HANDLING處理異議,You Responding/Questioning你的答復/提問 Suppose that I show you a new very innovative technology that allows any user to productive in less that one week …. Would you be willing to organize a demo with your bos
56、s next week? 如果我向你展示一項創(chuàng)新的技術,能讓使用者在不到一個星期時間就出效果,,,你能不能組織一場demo,請你的老板也參加? Suppose that there is a company in your field that has been using 190 seats of proe for 10 years that decided to implement 300 seat of thinkdesign
57、last month, would be curious to see a demo? 你們區(qū)域有一家公司買了190套proe,用了10年,上個月卻決定購買300套ThinkDesign了,你會不會覺得好奇,想看看demo?,,OBJECTION HANDLING處理異議,Step 7: Action!行動!Demo POCustomer Visit 客戶拜訪Corporate Visit 企業(yè)拜訪Custom DemoE
58、tc….,,OBJECTION HANDLING處理異議,How to handle objections: 如何處理異議:Listening/questioning 聆聽/提問 Fortunately, customers make objections 很幸運,客戶提出異議了 The only way to handle efficiently objections is to improve our liste
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