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1、中文 摘 要英 文 摘 要翻 譯 部 分評 論 部 分注 釋參考 書 目A b stract:“Fri ends T hrough T hi ck and T hi n“,a shor tst ory w ri t t en by C hi nesecont em porary w ri ter W ang Z engqi(1920-2 008),vi vi dly descri bes the dail y fol k l i fe

2、of com m on C hinese peop l e t hrou gh i ts p l ai n ,concise and rh yt hm i c l anguage;m eanw hil e t h e author adheres to hi s aest h eti c vi ew and spi ri t ualpursu i tas a l i terarym an throu ghoutthe w ri tin

3、g.In the p rocess of tran sl ati on,the transl at or exp l ored andapproached rendi t i on by studyi ng t he paral l elt ext s and rel ated m at eri al s.Forpreservi ng t he w ork ' s authent i c fl avorof fol

4、k l i fe and i ts aesthet i c vi ew ,l ocalcust om s,histori calfi gures,tradi ti onalarts,etc.shoul d be the i nal i enabl e el em ents ret ai ned i nt he t ran sl ati on .A lso,som e adjustm ents to t he surface stru

5、cture of the so urce l angu ageare m ad e in o rder to ach iev e a m ore v i vid,eff ecti v e an d fai th fu lv ersion .K ey W o rd s:Li t er ary Transl ati on,Language St r uct ure,Fol k Scene,Li t er ary pursui


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