1、糖尿病與心血管病變,復旦大學華山醫(yī)院 內(nèi)分泌糖尿病研究所 糖尿病防治研究中心 朱 禧 星,T2-DM命名和定義的發(fā)展,Diabetes Mellitus: 集中于糖代謝Diabesity: 多數(shù)伴有肥胖Diabetes Mellipidtus: 發(fā)展為糖、脂病,,T2-DM是代謝綜合征的主要成員(WHO)T2-DM≈CHD 等同病 (
2、ATP-Ⅲ),Story of,TITANIC & Iceberg,BHCZXQ:,,,,,,HEALTH,Life Style Diseases,T2-DMIGT,,Hypertension,Dyslipidemia,Obesity,Microalbuminuria,,,etc,HYPERINSULINEMIA,Isomaa et al. Diabetes Care 2001.,CVD morbidity & mor
3、tality & the Metabolic Syndrome (Botnia study: 35–70 years),Metabolic Syndrome seen in:10% females & 15% males with NGT (n = 1988)42% & 64% with IFG/IGT (n = 798)78% & 84% with Type 2 diabetes (n = 16
4、97)3-fold increase risk for CHD & stroke in people with Metabolic Syndrome (P < 0.001)CVD mortality markedly increased in subjects with the Metabolic Syndrome in 6.9 year follow-up (12% v 2.2%, P < 0.001),Ma
5、gnitude of the Atherosclerotic Burden in T2DM Asymptomatic Diabetics Have Significant CV disease,Diabetes is diagnosed late: 50% of newly diagnosed T2DM have CV diseaseType 2 diabetics have a 2-fold increas
6、e in silent ischemia and unrecognized myocardial infarctionAsymptomatic T2DM patiants have marked atherosclerosis by carotid sonography (IMT) or electron beam CTKannel, AHJ, 1990; NDDG, Diabetes in America. 2nd ed
7、. NIH, 1995; Harris, D. Care 1998;Haffner, NEJM 1998; Bonora, Diabetologia 2000; Schugrin, D. Care 2001,,,T2-DM中動脈硬化負擔的程度,DM患CV病2-4倍于非DM者估計在T2-DM中死亡原因的75%為CV病;在美國,用于DM的醫(yī)保費用,每年約9000億美元總費用中的75%用于CV病kannel,Ahu,
8、1990;ZIEGLLER,Daib Metab Rev 1994;NDOG,Diabetes in America,2nd ed.NIH,1995;Harris, D. Care 1998; Lowell, Diabetologla, 2000,Death From CHD in Type 2 Diabetic PatientsWith or Without Previous Myocardial I
9、nfarction,Survival(%) 100
10、 80 60 40 no Diabetes and no Previous MI ( n=1304) Diabetes and no Previous MI ( n=890)
11、 no Diabetes and Previous MI (n=69 ) 20 Diabetes and Previous MI (n=169 ) 0 0 1
12、 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Haffner SM, et al. N Engl J Med. 1998;339;229--234.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
13、,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,DECODE研究,( Diabetes Epidemiology : Collaborative analysis of Diagnosis criteria in Europe)歐洲13個中心25, 364人
14、 ----1, 275人有糖尿病史共跟蹤10年 (平均7.3年)包括13個有關男性的研究 ( 132, 785人年) 和6個有關女性的研究
15、 (48, 900人年)DECODE Study Group . Lancet 1999; 354; 617-621,Decode研究的結(jié)果,餐后2小時血糖比空腹血糖更有力的預測死亡; 2h blood glucose is more powerful at predictingpremature death from all causes than
16、 fasting bloodglucose levels無論空腹血糖水平怎樣, 餐后血糖水平的提高都會增加死亡的危險;For any level of fasting glucose , the risk of premature death increased with increasing 2-hglucose Source: DECO
17、OE Study Group . Br J Med 1994: 317: 371 - 375,餐后血漿葡萄糖水平與死亡的危險,(mmol/ L)
18、 DECODE 研究小組 ( Lance 1999, 35. 617-21 ),DECODE: 結(jié)論,餐后2小時血糖 (2H-PG) 是糖尿病死亡的獨立危險因素.DECODE Study Group
19、 . Lancet 1999; 354: 617-621,HbA1c As a Predictor of Coronary Artery Disease in T2DM,P<0.01 vs lowest tertilep<0.05 vs lowest terile
20、 CHD Mor AII CHD Events 25 20
21、 15 Incidencein 3.5 years 10 ( % ) 5
22、 <6% 6%-7.9% 7.9% 6% 6%-7.9% 7.9%
23、 HbA1c Tertile HbA1c Tertile Kuuslsto J.at alDiabetes. 1994:43:960-967,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,血漿葡萄糖時相與動脈硬化關系,比較FPG,OGTT服糖
24、后PG ( 30m 60m 90m 120m ) PGS(高峰) , OGTT時糖面積和 HbA1c 與頸動脈IMT之間關系;PG和PGS與IMT關系較FPG和 HbA1c更相關PGS中以 120m 最相關, 30m 無相關 Diab care 2000;23:1830,餐后
25、血漿葡萄糖 (PPG),許多因素可影響PPG曲線, 如CHO吸收,胰島素和胰升血糖素分泌狀態(tài)等;進餐開始10分鐘后, 血糖開始 , 吸收持續(xù)5-6小時PGS (高峰) 的時間和大小取決與進餐計時,進餐量及其成份;DM的餐后血糖高峰在2小時, 在GDM則為1-h. Diab care
26、2001;24:775,,FPG 和 2h-PG 均需重視 (一),一. 1985~1998 因 1985 WHO DM診斷標準 中 FPG和2h-PG并不相當, 漸發(fā)現(xiàn)篩查和早 期診斷有遺漏, 控制達標不佳 漸漸重 視和 強調(diào)2h-PG水平. 二. FPG代表基礎水平,2h-PG反映負荷后水平, 有不同的臨床意義,,
27、FPG 和 2h-PG 均需重現(xiàn) (二),三.1998年 ADA/WHO DM 診斷標 FPG 為 ≥126mg/dl, FPG 和 2h-PG 相當性較好, IGT 心血管危險性與DM相似 , 需加強隨訪 IDF -WPR T2-DM 診療指南, 要求FPG 和 2h-PG 以及HbA1C都須達標,,,,,,,,,大 動 脈,內(nèi)膜: 內(nèi)皮細胞, 內(nèi)皮下間隙
28、, 內(nèi)彈力層中膜: 平滑肌細胞(SMC), 細胞外基質(zhì)(ECM), 外彈力層等外膜: 也可有SMC, 膠元, 彈性蛋白, 血管滋養(yǎng)血管等,DM血管病變的病理生理基礎,內(nèi)皮細胞生理功能紊亂血管平滑肌細胞功能紊亂泡沫細胞和脂條、斑塊形成代謝綜合征:高糖,高血壓,血脂紊亂 etc.ROS↑(高糖引出),氧化應激↑血小板功能紊亂及凝血功能異常炎癥反應和粘附分子參與抽煙: 尼古丁→HbCO↑→缺氧→內(nèi)皮損傷,內(nèi)皮功能障礙和病
29、變,內(nèi)皮細胞(EC)在生理或病理時可分泌ACE, Ⅷ因子,tPA, PAI-1,NO,PGI2,TXA2, ET, LPL 等 DM 時,Ⅷ因子、PAI-1、ET和ACE↑, NO↓,促進血凝,內(nèi)皮損傷,進而促進炎癥反應炎癥細胞因子如TNF-α和MCP-1(單核細胞趨化蛋白-1)等在多種因素聯(lián)合作用下,使mono移行至內(nèi)皮下層并分化成巨噬細胞,吞噬氧化或/和糖化LDL-C成為foam cell,并可分泌基質(zhì)金屬蛋白酶,降解斑塊帽基質(zhì)
30、,泡沫細胞在VCAM 和WBC的參與下,粘附于內(nèi)膜,逐漸形成斑塊,斑塊,不穩(wěn)定型斑塊: 含大量炎癥細胞和脂質(zhì),纖維帽較薄,易破,穩(wěn)定型斑塊: 纖維帽較厚,炎癥細胞和脂質(zhì)較少。,NO的生理功能,抑制血小板的激活血管擴張抑制管壁炎性反應抑制平滑肌細胞的增殖、移行,內(nèi)皮素-1的生理功能,腎臟鈉、水潴留增加血管張力刺激腎素-血管緊張素系統(tǒng)血管平滑肌增生,平滑肌細胞,病理時(如DM),SMC在PDGF(血小板源生長因子)和TNF
31、-α,IL-1,TGF-β等細胞因子的作用下移行至內(nèi)膜并增生SMC可合成ECM,如膠質(zhì),葡糖氨基多糖,使血管基質(zhì)增生,△炎癥反應與動脈硬化和T2-DM形成有關△炎癥反應與免疫相關,,Type of Immune Systems,◆ Innate immune syst(IIS) inflammation specially related---1st line defense agnt noxious stimul
32、i* an ancient inherited defense system using germ line-encoded protein to recognize pathogen and trigger elimination; takes 1-2 days,Types of Immune System(cont’d),◆Adaptive(acquired) immune system(AIS)* only in v
33、ertebrates,* more sophisticated immune response mediated by B & T lymphocytes and Igs; takes several days or more,Innate Immune System,Phagocytic cells: monocytes & macrophagesacute phase rea
34、ctants cytokines complementsacute phase reactants,,,,Mono-macrophages,On the lst line defense of IIS,Arise from procursor within marrow,Tissue monocytes migrating from circulation secrete factors: IL-1,2
35、,6, TNF-α, central to Ag-specific activation of T & B cells,Mono-macrophages(cont’d),Mediate innate immune effector functions: destruction of Ab-coated bacteria, tumor cells or even normal hematopoitic cellsMediate
36、 Ag-nonspecific lytic activity and eliminate cell types like tumor cells without Ab,Acute Phase Reactants(Proteins),Inc or Dec in amount in response to inflammation by hepatocytesIncrement as little as 50%(compleme
37、nt), or as large as 1,000-fold(CRP),Complements,An important soluble component of IIS: regulatory proteins for cell lysis,C3 when bound to foreign antigen surfaces →opsonization for phagocytosis,Cytokines,Soluble
38、proteins from various cell types critical for both IIS & AIS,Chief stimulators of the acute phase protein changes,activated macrophages, monocytes & adipocytes are important sources; IL-6 , TNF-α, resistin
39、and adiponectin are examples of potent adipose cytokines,Expression perturbed in most immune, inflammatory and infectious diseases,Proinflammatory Cytokines,由mono/phagocyte按應激要求而生成如IL-6,TNF-α等化學因子(chemokines)家屬如IL-8,
40、MCP-1,2,3(monocyte chemotactic proteins),MIP-1α,1β(monocyte inflammatory proteins)等也可作用于mono/phagocyte生成炎癥細胞因子,Inflammatory Markers,coagulation factors, PAI-1Factor Ⅶ, ⅧleucocytesplateletshaptoglobinC Reactive Prote
41、in(CRP), IL-6 dependent hepatic biosynthesized,Adiponectin(脂聯(lián)素,ADN)(Clin Chim Acta 04;344:1-12; Am J Phy End Met 03;285:E527-33),ADN系由脂肪細胞分泌的cytokine, 具有促胰島素敏感性、抗炎作用從而有抗動脈硬化作用,血ADN水平在T2DM和冠心病↓,均有預測意義,且與血CRP呈負相關,,Adip
42、onectin(cont’d) (B B Res Com 04;314:415-9),在脂細胞中ADN與TNF-α或IL-6相互抑制其表達;ADN增加肌肉對FFA的氧化,肥者血ADN較瘦者低53%,減肥后ADN↑51%,ADN可抑制resistin介導的粘附分子VCAM-1、ICAM-1的表達,減少對內(nèi)皮細胞的不良影響,C反應蛋白(CRP),由肝臟合成的炎癥急性反應蛋白血CRP↑可預測冠心病、心梗,與脂
43、聯(lián)素呈負相關血CRP↑可預測T2-DM發(fā)生,Cardiovascular Health StudyDiabetes 2001;50:2384-89,4481 non-dm subjects,>65y, followed 3-4ybaseline CRP, WBC, platelet, albumin, fibrinogen and Factor Ⅷ measuredafter adjustment for subclinica
44、l CVD, BMI and other inflammation, elevated CRP(75% percentile, 2.86mg/l)gp VS lower(25% percentile, 0.82mg/l)gp= 2.03 : 1baseline CRP level predicted incident DM,West Scotland Coronary Prevention Study(WOSCOPS)
45、 Diabetes 2002;51:1596-00,5245 middle aged men, baseline CRP measured, followed 5 ys, 127 transited from NGT→DMCRP still a DM predictor indepentent of baseline BMI, BG & F-TG(multivariate ana)The h
46、ighest quintile(CRP>4.18mg/l) was >3-fold risk to develop DMCRP(very stable in serum) is to better predict develop of T2-dm,Inflammatory markers and risk of T2-DM: Role of AdiponectinADA 2002,A study in NGT Pima I
47、ndians, followed 4.6 yrs85(61F/24M) develop DM ; controls matched at baseline for age, BMI & genderbaseline CRP, IL-6, sE-selectin, sICAM-1, sVCAM-1 & adiponectin measured,Risk of T2-DM and Adiponc
48、etin (cont’d),CRP & IL-6 (+)ly correlated with BMI(p<0.001); adipocectin( -)ly correlated with CRP,sE-seletin(p<0.05). Only adiponectin signif different in DM than in control(p=0.003)adiponectin
49、--protective for develop of DM(HRR=0.61, p=0.01), remained signific after adjustment for other makerslow adiponectin predicted T2-DM develop,Summary,Inflammation is known one of the important factors in the formation of
50、 atherosclerosisInflammation may also play a possible role in diabetogenesis,DM和心血管病治療原則,◆2型糖尿病的治療觀念從單純強調(diào)控制血糖轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)樘岢轿欢嘁蛩馗深A,嚴格糾正各種異常,包括生活方式,高血糖, 高血壓、血脂紊亂、高凝狀態(tài)等,◆據(jù)UKPDS的結(jié)果, 同時嚴控血壓對CHD的益處較單獨嚴控血糖更大,,,,,,歡 迎
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- 腦血管疾病糖尿病
- 糖尿病與心腦血管疾病
- 心血管疾病與糖尿病
- 糖尿病與心血管疾病
- 糖尿病與心血管疾病控制
- 糖尿病心腦血管病姜
- 糖尿病外周血管疾病診斷與治療
- 糖尿病和心腦血管疾病脂質(zhì)及載脂蛋白的變化
- 營養(yǎng)與疾病糖尿病
- 代謝疾病與營養(yǎng)疾病糖尿病
- 基于腦血管造影結(jié)果分析腦血管狹窄與高血壓病、糖尿病的相關性.pdf
- 糖尿病與非糖尿病性急性腦梗死患者腦血管狹窄程度及相關因素分析.pdf
- 糖尿病心腦血管病變的防治
- 糖尿病與口腔疾病
- 疾病的糖尿病
- 糖尿病腎臟疾病
- 腦血管疾病神經(jīng)病學
- 神經(jīng)病學腦血管疾病
- 糖尿病與血管病變
- 型糖尿病心腦血管病防治宣化