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1、<p><b>  中文3510字</b></p><p>  論工程項目代建制存在的風險及其防范</p><p><b>  一、簡介</b></p><p>  代建制是指政府通過招標的方式,選擇社會專業(yè)化的項目管理單位(即代建單位)負責項目的投資管理和建設組織實施工作,項目建成后交付使用單位的制度。代建期間

2、代建單位按照合同約定代行項目建設的投資主體職責,因此代建制是一種代理關系。</p><p>  二、中國代建制改革的背景 </p><p>  政府投資工程采用代建制方式可以克服“投、建、管、用”四位一體的政府投資工程管理模式所帶來的非專業(yè)化、低效率、低質量等弊端,通過專業(yè)化、集中化和市場化的管理,實現(xiàn)投資控制,保證質量和工期,同時有利于從體制上鏟除腐敗的土壤。因此我國將它確定為政府投資工


4、程節(jié)約R非法據(jù)為己有;或者是代建單位與工程預算的編制和審批單位串謀,提高封頂價格以進一步增大R獲取非法收益;同時,如果R比較容易攫取,則圍繞代建單位選擇的招標等問題,還可能產生與其它招標活動類似的腐敗問題。我們認為這就是代建制的主要風險之所在。 </p><p>  我國代建制配套制度的現(xiàn)狀及面臨的風險 </p><p>  政府工程造價管理制度不完善</p><p&g

5、t;  我國目前的政府投資工程的造價管理既有中央和地方發(fā)改委系統(tǒng)和財政系統(tǒng)的分級管理,又有從中央部委到地方政府的專業(yè)工程造價機構(工程造價管理站等)的管理,是一種全方位的管理,但也是多頭、分散的管理,因此不能有效降低工期與投資的不確定性,容易造成失控。同時我國還沒有完全擺脫過去全國采用統(tǒng)一的標準概預算定額的工程造價編制方法的影響,有的建筑施工企業(yè)因此缺少系統(tǒng)的企業(yè)內部造價估算定額體系,對自己的生產成本不太了解等等。因此我國現(xiàn)行的政府工程

6、造價管理的市場化程度比較低,工程預算容易大幅度偏離市場形成的工程成本價,這就可能使R很大而誘發(fā)串謀風險。</p><p>  (二)專業(yè)人士管理制度不健全 </p><p>  我國還沒有對建筑業(yè)各類專業(yè)人士建立一套有效的約束機制,以使其保持敬業(yè)、嚴謹、清廉、公允的職業(yè)操守。如建筑法規(guī)約束,專業(yè)人士組織、專業(yè)人士工作條例、職業(yè)道德標準的約束以及市場機制、信譽約束等方面,都沒有達到完善的程度

7、。以監(jiān)理工程師為例,我國與工程監(jiān)理相關的法規(guī)散見于《建筑法》、《工程建設監(jiān)理規(guī)定》等法規(guī)中,沒有統(tǒng)一的監(jiān)理法規(guī),尤其沒有針對政府工程制訂相關的規(guī)定;現(xiàn)有的監(jiān)理法規(guī)重點對監(jiān)理單位進行了約束,但懲罰較少落實到監(jiān)理工程師個人頭上;監(jiān)理工程師的行業(yè)管理弱化,缺乏對從業(yè)人員有效的約束與監(jiān)督機制等。這些使監(jiān)理工程師容易被收買而喪失獨立“執(zhí)法”的能力,從而容易使監(jiān)理制形同虛設。 在專業(yè)人士管理制度不健全的情況下,代建單位非法謀取R的行為不容易受到各類

8、專業(yè)人士的抵制。 </p><p> ?。ㄈ┪慈鎸嵭泄こ虛Ec保險制度 </p><p>  我國沒有對政府投資工程建立強制性的履約保證制度,而是賦予業(yè)主自愿執(zhí)行履約保證制度與否的選擇權,形成了一個很大的制度缺陷,使我國政府投資工程的履約情況不理想。雖然目前正在推行工程擔保制度,但部分工程擔保流于形式,且承保主體單一,擔保人的潛在風險高,反擔保形式單一等等。因此我國離國際慣例中主要依靠

9、工程擔保來防范工程風險的要求還有很大的差距。雖然實行代建制時一般要求代建單位提供履約保函,但同樣會遇到上述問題。 我國的工程保險制度也尚在試點中,深圳、上海、北京等地方已開始推行工程設計保險,深圳市還對政府投資工程實行了強制保險制度。但總體上我國工程保險方面的法律法規(guī)還不完善,其它條件也不完全具備,因此目前還不能在全國范圍內強制實行工程保險制度。這樣保險人對被保險的代建單位、施工、監(jiān)理單位以及各類專業(yè)人士的監(jiān)督作用就不能體現(xiàn)出來。如果沒

10、有工程擔保與保險等相應的配套措施作保障,代建單位將可能將很容易實現(xiàn)其非法謀取R的目的。 </p><p> ?。ㄋ模┊a權約束沒有完全形成 </p><p>  雖然我國目前建筑業(yè)的承包商已是以私有產權為主,但國有產權的建筑企業(yè)以其技術、資金和管理實力依然在政府投資工程建設領域占主導地位;造價單位、監(jiān)理單位以及其它中介機構很多還是政府部門的附屬物或掛靠的事業(yè)單位,有的即使脫鉤,也是明脫暗不脫

11、;有能力作為代建單位的多半也是以國有產權為主的建筑企業(yè)或其它機構。在這種產權制度下,國有產權為主的代建單位以及承包商容易出現(xiàn)國有企業(yè)固有的代理經營風險,如其經營者非法牟利,獲取R乃至其它好處后,將代建單位以及承包商的風險轉移給納稅人。掛靠的造價單位、監(jiān)理單位以及其它中介機構可能缺乏獨立性和公正性,不能充分發(fā)揮中介機構在政府投資工程建設中應有的作用。 </p><p> ?。ㄎ澹┱O(jiān)管制度不嚴密 </p&g

12、t;<p>  目前我國還沒有完善的政府工程預算審核制度,合同變更審查制度,索賠與反索賠審查制度,超預算支付審查制度,嚴格的竣工驗收和后評價制度,以及嚴格的工程項目審計制度,責任追究制度等。例如,就索賠與反索賠審查制度而言,由于我國索賠與反索賠尚沒有完全開展,因此就談不上這一項制度;竣工驗收很多是走過場;基本沒有開展政府投資工程項目的后評價工作;同時缺乏有效的輿論監(jiān)督,舉報制度不完善等等。這些監(jiān)管制度的缺失,使我國的政府投

13、資工程實行代建制后容易出現(xiàn)代建單位、施工、監(jiān)理單位以及中介機構和各類專業(yè)人士共同串謀分享R的風險。 此外,我國現(xiàn)有的工程項目管理公司不但在技術水平上還是管理水平上,以及數(shù)量上,都難以滿足大范圍推行代建制的要求。 總之,我國當前尚未完全具備實行代建制的配套條件,如果在目前的情況下大面積推行代建制,則其優(yōu)點可能難以充分發(fā)揮。 </p><p>  四、我國代建制風險的防范對策 </p><p>

14、;  要防范代建制的風險,就應完善代建制的配套制度: </p><p> ?。ㄒ唬┻M一步完善政府投資工程的造價管理制度 </p><p>  嚴格的工程造價管理制度可以盡量縮小R,從而降低代建單位與施工、監(jiān)理單位以及中介機構和各類專業(yè)人士共同串謀的積極性,這是防范代建制風險的關鍵所在。我國可以借鑒美國的做法,專門制定政府投資工程的“造價/工期計劃與控制規(guī)范”,按照全面造價管理的方法去管理政

15、府投資工程的造價;在工程造價信息發(fā)布方面充分發(fā)揮政府的作用和開放民間造價信息發(fā)布渠道,使政府投資工程在制定工程預算時的參考數(shù)據(jù)更貼近市場;加強招標監(jiān)督,建立和健全工程造價變更和工程結算以及超預算支付審查制度等等。 </p><p> ?。ǘ┻M一步完善專業(yè)人士管理制度和施工監(jiān)理制度 </p><p>  完善的專業(yè)人士管理制度可以使其保持敬業(yè)、嚴謹、清廉、公允的職業(yè)操守,如使監(jiān)理工程師在監(jiān)

16、理“執(zhí)法”中保持獨立與公正,讓代建單位與施工單位或其他單位的串謀行為不能得逞。我國可以借鑒香港的“認可人士”制度,從加強各類專業(yè)人士的管理人手,嚴格落實監(jiān)理制,實行“誰簽字,誰負責”、“認人不認單位”等制度,要求各類專業(yè)人士通過負責任的簽字來保證整個工程的施工是嚴格按照招標合同以及政府的相關法規(guī)進行的。 </p><p> ?。ㄈ┻M行產權改革,在此基礎上強制實行工程擔保與保險制度 </p><

17、;p>  為了增強產權約束,我國在實行代建制時,應盡量選擇以私有產權為主體且產權明晰的單位作為代建單位,同時進一步進行國有建筑企業(yè)和掛靠的造價單位、監(jiān)理單位以及其它中介機構的產權改革,并培育足夠多的合格項目管理公司。在強化產權約束的基礎上,強制實行工程擔保與保險制度,以充分發(fā)揮后者在代建制中的重要作用。我國可以引進法國的工程竣工十年責任險,并強制代建單位購買,以增強對代建單位的約束。 </p><p>  

18、(四)健全和完善代建制的各項政府監(jiān)管制度 </p><p>  我國應進一步完善政府工程的預算審核制度,招標投標監(jiān)督制度,合同變更審查制度,索賠與反索賠審查制度,超預算支付審查制度,嚴格的竣工驗收和后評價制度,以及嚴格的工程項目審計制度,責任追究制度和輿論監(jiān)督與舉報制度;同時建立和完善代建單位以及承包商、供應商的資質管理制度,實行代建單位、施工、監(jiān)理單位以及中介機構和各類專業(yè)人士的“黑名單”制度、準人與禁人制度;

19、強化各類專業(yè)人士的建筑法規(guī)約束,專業(yè)人士組織、專業(yè)人士工作條例、職業(yè)道德標準的約束以及市場機制、信譽約束等等。這樣可以盡量降低代建制的風險。 </p><p><b>  五、結束語 </b></p><p>  我國已將代建制作為政府投資工程建設管理的改革方向,一些地方的代建制試點也證明了該制度的優(yōu)點。但代建制并非沒有風險,如果在其配套制度不健全的情況下冒然大范圍地

20、采用,其弊端將會不斷顯現(xiàn)。不過總體而言,代建制的優(yōu)點是不言而喻的,我們所要做的是盡可能認識其可能的風險并進行相應的制度完善與創(chuàng)新,以充分發(fā)揮其在政府投資工程建設管理中的作用。</p><p>  Agent theory of project risk and its prevention</p><p>  1 Introduction</p><p>  Org

21、anizational system refers to the government through the way of bidding, choose social specialized project management unit (that is, the construction unit) is responsible for carrying out the project investment management

22、 and construction organization work, delivery of the system of units used after the completion of the project.Construction during the construction entity shall, according to the contract prior to the project of the const

23、ruction of the investment main body responsibility, so th</p><p>  2The background of China's reform of agent</p><p>  Government investment project adopts agent method can overcome the &quo

24、t;investment, construction, pipe, with" four one of the government investment project management mode of non-specialized, low efficiency and low quality defects, such as through specialization, centralization and ma

25、rket management, investment control, ensure the quality and time limit for a project, at the same time is conducive to rooting out corruption in the soil from the system.So China will determine it as the reform directio&

26、lt;/p><p>  3 the acting system supporting system in our country the status quo and facing the risk</p><p>  3.1the government, the project cost management system is not perfect</p><p>

27、;  The present government investment project cost management includes both the central and local development and reform commission (NDRC) hierarchical management system and financial system, and from the central ministri

28、es and commissions to professional engineering cost of local government agencies (management, project cost management, etc.) is a kind of comprehensive management, but also is long, decentralized management, so can't

29、 effectively reduce the time limit for a project and the uncertaint</p><p>  3.2professional management system is not sound</p><p>  Our country has not yet been to the construction of various t

30、ypes of professionals to establish a set of effective constraint mechanism, to keep it professional, rigorous, honest, fair ethics. Such as building rules, professional organizations, professional work regulations and et

31、hical standards and market mechanism, credit constraints, etc., are not perfect.Supervision engineer, for example, our country engineering supervision related laws and regulations referring to "the law", "

32、engineering co</p><p>  3.3failed to fully implement engineering guarantee and insurance system</p><p>  Our country did not establish a mandatory performance guarantee system of government inve

33、stment project, it gives the owner voluntary performance guarantee system of choice, formed a huge system defects, and make our country government investment project performance is not ideal. Although is currently carryi

34、ng out engineering guarantee system, but become a mere formality, part of the engineering guarantee and insurance subject single, the potential risk of the guarantor is high, the guarantee fo</p><p>  3.4pro

35、perty rights constraints, not fully formed</p><p>  predominantly private property rights, but the state-owned property right of construction enterprises with technology, capital and management strength is s

36、till dominant in the field of government investment project construction; Cost per unit, supervision unit, and many other agencies or government departments appendages or affiliated institutions, some even decoupling, is

37、 bright and dark not to take off; Enterprises have the ability as a mostly is mainly state-owned property right of constructi</p><p>  3.5 imprecise government regulation system</p><p>  At pres

38、ent our country still did not improve the system of government project budget audit, contract variation censorship, claim and counterclaim censorship, pay over censorship, after the completion inspection and acceptance o

39、f and strict evaluation system, and strict project auditing system, responsibility system, and so on. For example, in terms of claim and counterclaim censorship, because our country claim and counterclaim is still not fu

40、lly developed, and the result is far from this one sy</p><p>  4agent risk prevention countermeasures in our country</p><p>  To prevent the risk of acting system, should perfect the supporting

41、system of agent:</p><p>  4.1 to further improve the cost management system of government investment project</p><p>  Strict engineering cost management system can be minimized R, thus reducing

42、construction, supervision unit and construction units and intermediary institutions and the enthusiasm of all kinds of professional collude together, this is the key to preventing agent risk. The practice of our country

43、can draw lessons from the United States, the government investment project designed specifically "specifications" cost/time limit for a project plan and control, in accordance with the method of comprehen</p

44、><p>  4.2to further improve the system of professional management and construction supervision system</p><p>  Perfect professional management system to keep it professional ethics, rigorous, hone

45、st, fair, such as the supervision of the supervision engineer in independence and justice in the "law enforcement", let the construction unit and construction unit or other units collusion behavior can not succ

46、eed. Can draw lessons from Hong Kong's "recognition" system in our country, from strengthen the management of all kinds of professional staff, strictly implement the supervision system, implement "who

47、sign</p><p>  4.3property right reform, on the basis of enforcing engineering guarantee and insurance system</p><p>  To strengthen property rights constraints, when acting system is implemented

48、 in our country, should choose as far as possible in units of private property rights as the main body and property right clarity as the construction unit, at the same time further state-owned construction enterprises an

49、d the cost of call unit, supervision unit, and other intermediary institutions of property rights reform, and cultivating enough qualified project management company. On the basis of strengthening propert</p><

50、p>  4.4improve and perfect acting system of the government regulation system</p><p>  Our country should further improve the system for engineering budget audit supervision system, bidding and tendering c

51、ontract variation censorship, claim and counterclaim censorship, pay over censorship, after the completion inspection and acceptance of and strict evaluation system, and strict project auditing system, responsibility sys

52、tem and the system of supervision by public opinion and report; At the same time establish and improve the qualifications of the construction units and contractor</p><p>  5the conclusion</p><p>

53、;  Has been acting system in our country as the reform direction of the government investment project construction management, some parts of the pilot acting system proved the advantages of the system. Agent are not with

54、out risks, if in the case of its supporting system is not sound converse widespread adoption, its defects will be constantly emerging. But overall, the advantage of agent is self-evident, we need to do is try to know the


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