1、New Horizon College English Book 4新視野大學(xué)英語(yǔ)4,School of Foreign Studies,Unit 6Bribery and Business Ethics,Introduction,In the severe competitive society, businessmen want to achieve their goals by using various kinds of m
2、eans. Facing huge profits, some find it difficult to keep balance between moral standard and business interest. Here comes a problem: bribery or business ethics?,Dictation,Business stu
3、dents often have to study professional 1 as part of their course because many people feel that bribery is increasing . The people in the motor industry in
4、 3 have admitted to the fact that they have been making payments of one kind or another bribes, extra 4 , etc. in recent years. They have spent a large sum of money just
5、to keep 5 happy and they argue to say that, because the market is so 6 , if they did not give bribes then one of their competitors would.,,ethic,,,international,Britain,discounts,cus
6、tomers,competitive,,,The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) wishes to see a code of conduct that would 7 bribery. While some members of the ICC would like the 8 to have the power of 9
7、 , other members feel it is not the business of the ICC to 10 the code and that it should only state what is right and wrong.,stop,code,law,enforce,Questions and Answers,Listen to the tape
8、again. Then answer the following questions with your own experiences. 1. Why do business students study professional ethics?2. In what forms does bribery come?3. What can we do to restore ethics in business?,,Contents
9、,,1. bribery n. the acting of giving or taking bribes,I. New Words,Example,,,Numerous officials get involved in the bribery scandal.,許多官員與這樁受賄丑聞?dòng)袪窟B。,,2. ethics n. (pl.) moral rules or principles 道德 (si
10、ng.) science that deals with moral 倫理學(xué),I. New Words,Example,,,Medical ethics __ (don’t/doesn't) permit the doctor to do that.,Ethics __ (are/is) a branch of philosophy.,don’t,is,Contents,Main Idea of The T
11、ext,The passage focuses on a social phenomenon in business----bribery. The passage discusses the practice of bribery in business and lists the categories of bribery in business and how international businessmen often
12、 face a conflict between moral standards and the need to make profit.,,Problem,Analysis,Solution,Bribery and Business Ethics,Analysis of The Text,4,5,8,9,11,Analysis of The Text,Contents,Part I (Para.1-4): Phenomena,Pa
13、ssage Reading,Language pointsQuestions,,,,,,Para. 1 Students taking business courses are sometimes a little surprised to find that classes on business ethics have been included in their schedule. They often do not rea
14、lize that bribery in various forms is on the increase in many countries and, in some, has been a way of life for centuries.,Bribery and Business Ethics,,,on the increaseSynonym: on the riseAntonyms: on the decrease, on
15、 the decline,據(jù)統(tǒng)計(jì),中國(guó)上半年的GDP持增長(zhǎng)勢(shì)頭。,It is estimated that China’s GDP is on the increase in the first half year.,,,,Para. 2 Suppose that during a negotiation with some government officials, the Minister of Trade makes it cle
16、ar to you that if you offer him a substantial bribe, you will find it much easier to get an import license for your goods, and you are also likely to avoid “procedural delays”, as he puts it. Now, the question is: Do yo
17、u pay up or stand by your principles?,,,1. put,state or express sth. in a particular way,簡(jiǎn)單地說(shuō),學(xué)英語(yǔ)貴在堅(jiān)持。,To put it simply, to learn English well, the most important thing is to persist.,他太相信別人,換句話說(shuō),他毫無(wú)商業(yè)頭腦。,He was too tru
18、sting, or, to put it another way, he had no head for busiess.,,,2. pay up,pay all the money that one owes,你如果現(xiàn)在付清債務(wù),就不會(huì)送你上法庭。,If you pay up now, you will not be taken to court.,,,3. stand by:,1) remain faithful to a prom
19、ise, etc; keep to,2) stay loyal to someone and support them, especially when they are in trouble,他仍然信守自己所說(shuō)的每一句話,He still stands by every word she said.,我非常感激我的家人,他們支持我經(jīng)歷了所有這一切,I owe so much to my family for standing by m
20、e through all this.,,,,Para. 3a It is easy to talk about having high moral standards but, in practice, what would one really do in such a situation? Some time ago a British car manufacturer was accused of operating a fun
21、d to pay bribes, and of other questionable practices such as paying agents and purchasers an exaggerated commission, offering additional discounts, and making payments to numbered bank accounts in Switzerland.,A “number
22、ed bank account” is a bank account which is opened by using a number instead of name in order to keep the name of depositor secret.,,,,Para. 3b The company rejected these charges and they were later withdrawn. Neverthele
23、ss, at that time, there were people in the motor industry in Britain who were prepared to say in private: “Look, we’re in a very competitive business. Every year we’re selling more than a £1billion worth of cars abroad.
24、If we spend a few million pounds to keep some of the buyers happy, who’s hurt? If we didn’t do it, someone else would.”,,,1. questionable:,1) Not likely to be honest, good, useful,他們得出的結(jié)論很值得懷疑的。,The conclusion that they
25、come to are highly questionable.,It’s questionable whether the expenditure on this project is really justified.,這個(gè)工程的支出是否合理值得懷疑。,,,2. withdraw:,1) Say that what you said earlier was not true,一到法庭,他就撤回了對(duì)警察所做的陳述,Once in co
26、urt, he withdraw the statement he’d made to the police.,,,3. in private:,1) With no one else present,A home is a place for relaxing in private.,家是私下放松的地方。,他最不愿意和口是心非的人打交道。,He is most reluctant to have dealings with those
27、 who comply in public but undermine in private.,,,,Para. 4a It is difficult to resist the impression that bribery and other questionable payments are on the increase. Indeed, they seem to have become a fact of commercia
28、l life. To take just one example, the Chrysler Corporation, the third largest of the US car manufacturers, revealed that it made questionable payments of more than $2.5 million between 1971 and 1976.,,,,Para. 4b By annou
29、ncing this, it joined more than 300 other US companies that had admitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission that they had made payments of one kind or another—bribes, extra discounts, etc.—in recent years. For
30、 discussion purposes, we can divide these payments into three broad categories.,viewpoint :,Part I . Bribery — a common occurrence in many countries (Paras.1~4),example1:,example 2:,conclu
31、sion:,bribery, on the increase, a way of life,negotiation with government official,British car manufacturer,bribery, a fact of commercial life,Summary of Part one,Part Ⅱ (Para.5-8): Analysis,Passage Reading,Language poin
32、tsQuestions,,,In this part, a writing technique is employed here:,Part II . Three categories of bribery (Paras.5~8),Listing + Examples,Part II,,,,,,Category 1,Category 2,Category 3,,,,Example 1,Example 2,Example 3,,,,
33、Para. 5 The first category consists of substantial payments made for political purposes or to secure major contracts. For example, one US corporation offered a large sum of money in support of a US presidential candida
34、te at a time when the company was under investigation for possible violations of US business laws. This same company, it was revealed, was ready to finance secret US efforts to throw out the government of Chile.,,,1. sec
35、ure,Obtain or achieve something, especially when this means using a lot of effort,湯姆流利的英語(yǔ)幫他獲得了這份工作。,Tom’s fluent English helped him secure the job.,The delegation has secured the promise of a ceasefire.,代表團(tuán)爭(zhēng)取到了?;鸬某兄Z。,,,
36、2. throw out,1) get rid of, make someone leave because of a fault,人要脫胎換骨,首先要拋棄的是思維定式。,For one to undergo a complete change, the first thing to throw out is one’s fixed pattern of thinking.,,,,,Para. 6 In this category, w
37、e may also include large payments made to ruling families or their close advisers in order to secure arms sales or major petroleum or construction contracts. In a court case involving an arms deal with Iran, a witness cl
38、aimed that £1 million had been paid by a British company to a “negotiator” who helped close a deal for the supply of tanks and other military equipment to that country. Other countries have also been known to put pressur
39、e on foreign companies to make donations to party bank accounts.,,,1. close a deal,1) Complete a transaction successfully,經(jīng)過(guò)兩年的艱苦談判,我們終于成交了一筆生意。,After two years of hard negotiation, we’ve at last closed a deal.,,,,,Para.
40、 7a The second category covers payments made to obtain quicker official approval of some project, to speed up the wheels of government. An interesting example of this kind of payment is provided by the story of a sales m
41、anager who had been trying for some months to sell road machinery to the Minister of Works of a Caribbean country. Finally, he hit upon the answer.,,,,Para. 7b Discovering that the minister collected rare books, he boug
42、ht a rare edition of a book, slipped $20,000 within its pages, then presented it to the minister. This man examined its contents, then said, “I understand there is a two-volume edition of this work.” The sales manager, w
43、ho was quick-witted, replied, “My company cannot afford a two-volume edition, sir, but we could offer you a copy with a preface!” A short time later, the deal was approved.,,,1. speed up,1) Make something happen or move
44、quickly,For anyone who wants to speed up the wheels of his adaptability to a new environment, the most important task is to know as much about it as possible.,對(duì)于任何想盡快適應(yīng)新環(huán)境的人,首要任務(wù)是盡可能多地了解它。,,,2. hit upon,1) think of an id
45、ea unexpectedly,通常情況下,科學(xué)家們?cè)S多偶然的發(fā)現(xiàn),實(shí)際上是其多年努力的必然結(jié)果。,Generally speaking, many discoveries scientists hit upon are, in effect, a natural result of their many years of efforts.,,,,Para. 8 The third category involves payments
46、made in countries where it is traditional to pay people to help with the passage of a business deal. Some Middle East countries would be included on this list, as well as certain Asian countries.,The 1st category: for _
47、______________ , to ___________________.,political purposes,secure major contracts,One US corporation offered a large sum of money in support of a US presidential candidate…,Example:,Sum
48、mary of Part Two,The 2nd category: to _________________________, to ___________________ ___________________.,obtain quicker official approval,speed up the
49、wheel,a sales manager who had been trying for some months to sell road machinery to the Minister of Works…,Example:,of government,Summary of Part Two,The 3rd category:
50、 to pay people to help with the _______ of a business deal.,passage,Some Middle East countries would be included on this list, as well as certain Asian countries.,Example:,Summary of Part
51、 Two,Writing Device of Part Two,What device of writing is employed herein?Listing supported by examples.,Part Ⅲ (Para.9-11): Solution,Passage Reading,Language pointsQuestions,,,1. Who is making efforts to prohibit bri
52、bery?,2. How to prohibit bribery?,3. What is the prospect?,Part III . Efforts to prohibit bribery and its prospect (Paras.9~11),ICC.,Set up a code of conduct that would ban giving and seeking of bri
53、bes.,Opinions differ among members of the ICC.,It is difficult to square business interests with moral conscience.,,,,Para. 9 Is it possible to devise a code of rules for companies that would prohibit bribery in all
54、 its forms? The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) favors a code of conduct that would ban the giving and seeking of bribes. This code would try to distinguish between commissions paid for real services and exaggera
55、ted fees that really amount to bribes. A council has been proposed to manage the code.,,,1. a code of conduct,In a society of honesty, it is true for people’s code of conduct that they treat each other with all sincerity
56、.,在誠(chéng)信的社會(huì)里,以誠(chéng)相待是人們的行為準(zhǔn)則。,,,2. amount to,1) have the same effect as,如果你總是這樣渾渾噩噩地生活,你一生都不會(huì)取得什么成就.,If you always live in a state of ignorance, you will never amount to anything all your life.,,,,Para. 10 Unfortunately, opini
57、ons differ among members of the ICC concerning how to enforce the code. The British members would like the system to have enough legal power to make companies behave themselves. However, the French delegates think it is
58、the business of governments to make and impose law. The job of a business community like the ICC is to say what is right and wrong, but not to impose anything.,,,1. behave oneself to act in a way that people think is
59、 correct or proper,He is now 20, it’s time that he started behaving himself. 我希望孩子們規(guī)矩點(diǎn)。,他現(xiàn)在二十歲了,該是規(guī)矩行事的時(shí)候了。 I hope the children behave themselves.,,,,Para. 11 In a well-known British newspaper, a writer argued recently
60、 that “industry is caught in a web of bribery” and that everyone is “on the take”. This is probably an exaggeration. However, today’s businessman, selling in overseas markets, will frequently meet situations where it is
61、difficult to square his business interests with his moral conscience.,,,1. on the take be willing to do sth. Wrong in return for money,總伺機(jī)牟取私利的人,終究總是會(huì)吃大虧的。,He who is always on the take is in line for great losse
62、s in time.,,,,2. square … with to make two ideas, facts agree with each other; to agree or to be consistent with another idea, fact,The official, though at home with the art of flattering, is still afraid of f
63、ailure to square his conduct with the intention of his superior.,這個(gè)官員雖精通奉承之道,但仍擔(dān)心不能使自己的行為符合領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的意圖。,Contents,Summary of the Text,Bribery in various forms is on the _________ in many countries, and even a way of life for ce
64、nturies. If an official clearly tells that if you offer him a _________ bribe, you’ll easily get an import license and avoid “procedure delays”, do you ________ or ________ your principles? Bribery and other questionable
65、 payments indeed have become a fact of __________ life. We divide these payments into ______ broad categories. The first category consists of substantial payments made for ______ purposes or to secure major_________
66、. The second category covers payments made to obtain quicker official _________,commercial,three,pay up,stand by,substantial,increase,political,contracts,approval,of some project, to ________ the wheel of government.
67、 The third category involves payments made into countries where it is traditional to pay people to help with the ________ of a business deal. But how to prohibit bribery in all its forms? ICC favors a code of conduct tha
68、t would ban the ______ and ______ of bribes. Unfortunately, opinions differ among the members of ICC concerning how to _______ the code. Anyway, today’s businessman will frequently meet situations where it is difficult t
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