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1、Endocrine System,Spoken English C2 3th group,Pituitary gland,crin/o- : to secrete 分泌 endocrine 內分泌pituitar/o- 垂體 pituitarism 垂體功能障礙 hypopituitarism 垂體功能減退癥,Pituitary gland,somatotro

2、pin 生長激素 midgetism 侏儒癥 gigantism 巨人癥lact/o- : milk prolactin(催乳素): promote breast growth, maintain lactation,Pituitary gland,-tropin : stimula

3、ting the function thyrotropin 促甲狀腺激素 adrenocorticotropin 促腎上腺皮質激素 gonadotropin 促性腺激素,Anatomy of the adrenal glands,The adrenal glands,The left kidney,The right kidney,,,,,,The

4、 abdominal artery,,The structure of the adrenal gland,rulosa zona fasccularis,The structure of the adrenal gland,,cortex (periphery )皮質 1.capsule 被摸 2.zona glomerulosa 球

5、狀帶 3.zona fasciculata 束狀帶 4.zona reticularis 網狀帶 medulla(center) 髓質,Adrenal hormonesadrenocorticoid Hormones(腎上腺皮質激素):1.mineralocorticoid(鹽皮質激素)2.glucocorticoid(糖皮質激素)3.sex horm

6、one(性激素) -corticoid(腎上腺皮質類脂醇),oids,,Adrenal hormones,adrenal medullary hormone(腎上腺髓質激素): 1.adrenaline(epinephrine)(腎上腺素) 2.noradrenaline(norepinephrine)(去甲腎上腺素)

7、 adrenal-(腎上腺的),one-choice question,Which is not the basic structure of the adrenal cortex? A: zona glomerulosa B: zona fasciculata C: zona reticularies D: zona ambulacr

8、alis,Truncal obesity,460.gif,Clinical Manifestations,1.Algia- arthralgia2.les- lethargy mal- malaise dys- dysfunction dysarthrosis dystrophy

9、4.electro- electrolyte (k+ ,Na+) hypokalaemia hypernatremia,Symptoms and signs,,State of glucocorticoid excess,ACTH-dependent states a. Pituitary adenoma 90-95% b.

10、 Ectopic ACTH SyndromeACTH-independent states a. adrenal adenoma b. adrenal carcinomaExogenous Sources Glucocorticoid intakePsychiatric Conditions (Preudo-cushing disorders) a. depression

11、 b. alcoholismPregnancy,Therapies,Drug therapies : inhibitors of ACTH secretion: bromocriptine ACTH receptor antagonists :propranolol inhibitors of glucoeortieoid synthesis or

12、 secretionSurgery Individual treatment,,,Thyroid Gland,Thyroid -- 甲狀腺 gland -- 腺體 aden--腺 adenocyte 腺細胞 adenoma 腺瘤,Thyroid Gland,Thyr/o- 甲狀腺 Thyroid 甲狀腺 T

13、hyroiditis 甲狀腺炎 Thyro-operation 甲狀腺手術 Thyroxine 甲狀腺素T4 Thyroglobulin 甲狀腺球蛋白,Thyroid Gland,Thyroid hormone 甲狀腺激素 Thyrotropin hormone=thyroid-stimulating horm

14、one 促甲狀腺激素TSH Thyrotropin-releasing hormone 促甲狀腺激素釋放激素 TRH,Thyroid Gland,eu- : good,normal euthyroid 甲狀腺功能正常的 -ectomy 切除術 parathyoidectomy 甲狀旁腺切除術 hypophysectomy 垂體切

15、除術 appendicectomy 闌尾切除術,Parathyroid gland,parathyroid/o- 甲狀旁腺 parathormone 甲狀旁腺激素 PTH parathyroidectomy 甲狀旁腺切除術para- : beside ,near parasympathetic 副交感神經,,,Parathyr

16、oid gland,calc/o- : calcium calcify 使鈣化 calcitonin 降鈣素 hypocalcemia 低血鈣 hypercalcemia 高血鈣,Doctor-patient dialogue,,What bothers you?,I'm sick...,甲亢檢查室,Hyperthyroidism,hyper-

17、 higher or too muchhypo- below; underthyr/o- thyroid glandHyperthyroidism 甲亢Hypothyroidism 甲減,Hyperthyroidism,Polyphagia Weight loss Sweating Tachycardia,Hyperthyroidism,poly- : many

18、 polyfunctional多功能的 polyphagia 多食 polydipsia 多飲 polyuria 多尿,,Hyperthyroidism,Sweatingsud- : sweat 汗 sudatory 發(fā)汗的 sudorific 發(fā)汗劑diaphor/o- profuse sweating(尤指大量

19、)發(fā)汗 diaphoresis 發(fā)汗hidr/o- sweat hyperhidrosis 多汗癥,,Hyperthyroidism,Tachycardiatachy- : fast tachycardia 心悸, 心動過速 tachyphylaxis 快速免疫;快速耐受 tachypne

20、a 呼吸急促,,Vocabulary,Pancreat- pancreas (-itis 炎癥) Pancreatitis 胰腺炎(-otomy 切開術) pancreatectomy 胰腺切除術,Vocabulary,Gluc/o- suger glucose 葡萄糖 glucagon 胰高血糖素Glyc/o- suger(hyper- high )

21、hyperglycemia 高血糖癥(hypo- low) hypoglycemia 低血糖癥(-uria urine condition ) glycosuria 糖尿,Vocabulary,Insulin/o- insulin hypoinsulinemia 血胰島素過少(-oma 腫物) insulinoma 胰島瘤,Pancreas anatomy,Pancreas tissue,The main horm

22、one Insulin enters the blood stream and then helps all of the cells or the body to be able to absorb glucose.,Islet of Langerhans,Feedback system,Alpha cells: producing glucagonBeta cells :producing insulinGlucose/In

23、sulin: activates beta cells and inhibits alpha cellsGlycogen/Glucagon: activates alpha cells which activate beta cells,metabolic diseases(代謝疾?。﹉igh blood sugarPancreas (胰腺)insulin (胰島素),Type 1 diabetes(

24、Ⅰ型糖尿?。㏕ype 2 diabetes (Ⅱ型糖尿病)Gestational diabetes(妊娠糖尿?。?frequent urination尿頻increased thirst口渴increased hunger饑餓lose weight消瘦,Symptom,,Prevention,Eat fewer snacks Eat more vegetables Sleep enough Exerc


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