已閱讀1頁,還剩23頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、<p><b>  附錄2 外文翻譯</b></p><p><b>  中文</b></p><p>  空調(diào)工作過程和節(jié)能技術的研究</p><p>  摘要:一臺空調(diào)基本上是沒有被隔離的箱子的一個冰箱。 它象氟里昂一樣利用冷媒的蒸發(fā)提供冷卻。在一臺空調(diào)里氟里昂蒸發(fā)循環(huán)的過程和冰箱里的相同。</p&g

2、t;<p>  關鍵詞:水塔、改變氣候、壓縮機、節(jié)能</p><p>  當外面的溫度開始上升時,很多人尋找室內(nèi)的空調(diào)的極好的安慰。象水塔和電源線一樣,空調(diào)是我們每天看見但是很少注意的那些東西之一。 它將不是很高興的知道這些不可缺少的機器怎樣運轉(zhuǎn)他們的魔術嗎? 在這篇文章里,我們將檢查空調(diào) – 從微觀到宏觀 – 以使你對你所看見的知道得更多!</p><p><b>

3、;  低溫的各個方面。</b></p><p>  空調(diào)的定型是各種尺寸,冷卻能力和價格。 我們經(jīng)??匆姷囊环N類型是窗式空氣調(diào)節(jié)器。</p><p>  窗式空氣調(diào)節(jié)器是冷卻一個小的區(qū)域的一種容易和節(jié)約的方法。 居住在郊區(qū)的地區(qū)的大多數(shù)人通常在他們的后院有這些中之一:</p><p>  如果你住在一座公寓大廈里,這或許是一個熟悉的情景: 大多數(shù)商業(yè)和辦

4、公樓在他們的屋頂上有冷凝裝置, 并且當你飛到上空時,倉庫和商業(yè)區(qū)可能讓人把10 或者20 套冷凝裝置隱藏在他們的屋頂上:</p><p>  當你徘徊在很多醫(yī)院,大學和辦公室聯(lián)合企業(yè)的周圍時, 你會找到連接空氣調(diào)節(jié)系統(tǒng)的大的冷卻塔:</p><p>  即使這些機器中的每個都有一個相當清楚的外表,他們?nèi)恳韵嗤脑砉ぷ鳌?讓我們近距離地看一下。</p><p> 

5、 基本的想法,一臺空調(diào)基本上是沒有被隔離的箱子的一個冰箱。 它象氟里昂一樣利用冷媒的蒸發(fā)提供冷卻。在一臺空調(diào)里氟里昂蒸發(fā)循環(huán)的過程和冰箱里的相同。根據(jù)在線梅里厄姆織工字典,氟里昂一般“用于任何各種各樣的調(diào)節(jié)器”。 根據(jù)在線梅里厄姆織工字典,氟里昂一般"用于作為致冷劑和作為氣溶膠推進者使用的任何各種各樣的不易燃的碳氟化合物?!?lt;/p><p>  這就是在一臺空調(diào)里的蒸發(fā)循環(huán)是怎么樣工作(看出冰箱怎樣為關

6、于這個系列的完整的細節(jié)工作):</p><p>  1. 壓縮機壓縮低溫的氟里昂氣體,產(chǎn)生高溫,高壓氟里昂氣體。</p><p>  2. 這種高溫氣體通過一套線圈,因此它能使它的熱消散, 并且它凝結(jié)成一種液體。</p><p>  3. 氟里昂液體充滿一個膨脹閥, 并且在這個過程里蒸發(fā)變得低溫,低壓氟里昂氣體。</p><p>  4. 這

7、種低溫的氣體通過一套線圈,允許氣體吸收熱并且使大樓里面空氣冷卻。</p><p>  在與氟里昂里混合是少量一種輕便的油。 這種油潤滑壓縮機。</p><p><b>  窗式機組:</b></p><p>  一個窗式空氣調(diào)節(jié)器機組在小的空間內(nèi)可以實現(xiàn)一臺完全的空調(diào)。 機組被弄成小得足以適應一個標準窗子框架。 你關掉窗子,把機組接通電源和把它

8、打開得到?jīng)鏊目諝狻?拔下窗子單元,你脫掉蓋子,你將發(fā)現(xiàn)它包含:一臺壓縮機、一個膨脹閥、一種熱線圈(在外面上)、一種變冷的線圈(在里面)、一個控制單位。</p><p>  風扇越過線圈通過吹出空氣以改進他們的能力使高溫(對外界空氣來說)和低溫(對于房間來說,被冷卻)消散。</p><p><b>  BTU 和EER</b></p><p>

9、  大多數(shù)空調(diào)是以英國熱量單位(BTU)來評價他們的容量。一般說來, BTU 是提高一磅(0.45 千克)水1 華氏度數(shù)(0.56攝氏度)的溫度需要的額度。 明確的說,1 BTU 等于1,055 焦耳。 在加熱和冷卻的條件過程中,1"噸"等于12,000 BTU。</p><p>  一臺典型的窗式空氣調(diào)節(jié)器可以用10,000 BTU來評價。 對于比較來說,一個典型2,000 平方英尺(185

10、.8 m2)房子可能有5 噸的(60,000-BTU)空氣調(diào)節(jié)系統(tǒng), 暗示你每平方英尺可能需要30 BTU。 (記住這些是粗略的估計。適合你的一臺空調(diào)具體需要的是尺寸,用來與一個HVAC 訂約人聯(lián)系.)</p><p>  一臺空調(diào)的能量效率評價(EER)是超過它的瓦特數(shù)的BTU 等級。 例如,如果一臺10,000-BTU 空調(diào)消耗1,200 瓦特,它的EER 是8.3(10,000 BTU/ 1,200 瓦特)

11、。 顯而易見,你希望EER 盡可能高,但是通常更高的EER伴隨著一個更高的價格。</p><p>  更高的EER 是值得的嗎?</p><p>  假如你有在兩個10,000-BTU 單位之間的選擇。 一個有8.3 的EER 并且消耗1,200 瓦特,并且另一個有10 的EER 并且消耗1,000 瓦特。我們也說差價是100 美元。 為了理解還本時期更昂貴的單位上是什么,你需要知道:&l

12、t;/p><p>  1.大約每年你將操作空調(diào)多少小時</p><p>  2. 你所在的地區(qū)消耗一千瓦時(kWh) 的所需要費用</p><p>  假如你計劃在夏天(一年中4個月)使用空調(diào), 并且它將大約每天6個小時操作。 讓我們也想象在你的地區(qū)的費用是0.10 美元/ kWh。 在兩者之間的能源消耗的差別是200 瓦特, 表明與更昂貴的單位相比較,每5個小時比較便

13、宜的單位將多消耗1kWh(因此更多的0.10 美元)。</p><p>  如果在一個月內(nèi)有30 天,你發(fā)現(xiàn)在夏天你正操作空調(diào):</p><p>  從多出的100美元更昂貴的單位成本起,那意味著將花費大約7年時間以更昂貴單位收支相抵。</p><p>  看這一個季節(jié)性的精力效率評價(預言者)的解釋的頁。</p><p><b>

14、  分體式空調(diào)</b></p><p>  分體式空調(diào)把高溫區(qū)域從系統(tǒng)的低溫區(qū)域那里分開。</p><p>  冷端,由膨脹閥和冷的線圈組成,一般被投入一個爐膛或者一些其他空氣處理機。 空氣處理機通過這種線圈吹出空氣。 熱端被稱為冷凝裝置,裝在大樓外邊。機組由一種長的圓筒形狀的螺旋形的線圈組成。 在這種線圈里面是一個風扇,風扇通過這種線圈吹出空氣,跟一臺調(diào)節(jié)氣候的壓縮機和一些控

15、制邏輯一起。因為它是低成本,以及因為它在房子里面通常產(chǎn)生較低的噪音(以增加房子外邊的噪音作為代價)這種方法已經(jīng)多年逐步形成,。 除了熱端和冷端分開以及制冷能力差別(線圈和壓縮機體積大)的事實以外, 在一個分體式空調(diào)和一臺窗式空氣調(diào)節(jié)器之間沒有差別。</p><p>  在倉庫,生意,商業(yè)區(qū),大的百貨商店方面等等,冷凝裝置通常存放在屋頂上并且可能十分巨大。 或者,在屋頂上可能有很多更小的單位,每一個里面附帶一臺小的

16、空氣處理機的機組都會冷卻大樓一個具體的區(qū)域。</p><p>  現(xiàn)在讓我們看一臺變冷水的空調(diào)。</p><p><b>  變冷水的系統(tǒng)</b></p><p>  在大的建筑,特別是在多層的大樓,變冷水的系統(tǒng)分析法開始遇到問題。 在冷凝器和空氣處理機之間兩者中任何一個運轉(zhuǎn),都會超過(距離太長以致不能使壓縮機內(nèi)得到潤滑)距離限制, 或者導管的

17、數(shù)量起作用,導管的長度變得難以控制。 在這點上,就該考慮一個變冷水的系統(tǒng)了。</p><p>  在一個變冷水的系統(tǒng)里,或者存放在屋頂上或大樓后面的整個空調(diào)。 它把水冷卻到在40 和45 F(4.4 和7.2 C)之間。 然后這種變冷的水在整個大樓以管子輸送并且連接到需要給處理機通風的機組。 如果它隔離得好,沒有對變冷水系統(tǒng)的管的長度的實際的限制。</p><p>  無論何時你走在一座大

18、樓后面并且找到有大量水充滿的一個塑料網(wǎng)眼, 你就該意識到你已經(jīng)找到了一座冷卻塔!</p><p>  在很多聯(lián)合企業(yè)辦公室和大學校園, 冷卻塔和空調(diào)被集中,并且冷水通過地下數(shù)英里的管被輸送到所有大樓。</p><p>  基于動態(tài)負荷跟蹤的中央空調(diào)系統(tǒng)全閉環(huán)節(jié)能技術的研究</p><p><b>  1.引言 </b></p>&

19、lt;p>  節(jié)能可以說是樓字自動控制系統(tǒng)的出發(fā)點和歸宿。眾所周知,在智能建筑中,HVAC(采暖、通風和空調(diào))系統(tǒng)所耗費的能量要占到大樓消耗的總能量的極大部分比例,大致在50%~60%左右。特別是冷:東機組、冷卻塔、循環(huán)水泵和空調(diào)機組、新風機組,都是耗能大戶。所以實有必要發(fā)展一種有效的空調(diào)系統(tǒng)節(jié)能方法,尤其用是在改善現(xiàn)有大樓空調(diào)系統(tǒng)自動化上方面。 DDC(Directdigitalcontr01)直接數(shù)字化控制,是一項構造簡單操作

20、容易的控制設備,它可借由接口轉(zhuǎn)接設備隨負荷變化作系統(tǒng)控制,如空調(diào)冷水循環(huán)系統(tǒng)、空調(diào)箱變頻自動風量調(diào)整及冷卻水塔散熱風扇的變頻操控等,可以讓空調(diào)系統(tǒng)更有效率的運轉(zhuǎn),這樣,不僅為物業(yè)管理帶來很大的經(jīng)濟效益,而且還可使系統(tǒng)在較佳的工況下運行,從而延長設備的使用壽命以及達到提供舒適的空調(diào)環(huán)境和節(jié)能之目的。</p><p>  一般大樓常用的空調(diào)系統(tǒng)有CAV、VAV、VWV等,各有不同操控方式,都可以用DDC控制。<

21、/p><p>  1定風量系統(tǒng)(ConstantAirVolume,簡稱CAV)。</p><p>  定風量系統(tǒng)為空調(diào)機吹出的風量一定,以提供空調(diào)區(qū)域所需要的冷(暖)氣。當空調(diào)區(qū)域負荷變動時,則以改變送風溫度應付室內(nèi)負荷,并達到維持室內(nèi)溫度于舒適區(qū)的要求。常用的中央空調(diào)系統(tǒng)為AHU(空調(diào)機)與冷水管系統(tǒng)(FCU系統(tǒng))。這兩者一般均以定風量(CAV)來供應空調(diào)區(qū),為了應付室內(nèi)部分負荷的變動,在

22、AHU定風量系統(tǒng)以空調(diào)機的變溫送風來處理,在一般FCU系統(tǒng)則以冷水閥ON/OFF控制來調(diào)節(jié)送風溫度。</p><p>  2變風量系統(tǒng)(VAV)</p><p>  變風量系統(tǒng)(VarlableAirVolume,簡稱VAV)即是空調(diào)機(AHU或FCU)可以調(diào)變風量。常用的中央空調(diào)系統(tǒng)為AHU(空調(diào)機)與冷水管系統(tǒng)FCU系統(tǒng)。這兩者一般均以定風量(CAV)來供應空調(diào)區(qū),為了應付室內(nèi)部分負荷


24、AV系統(tǒng))。AHU-VAV系統(tǒng)是在全風管系統(tǒng)中將送風溫度固定,而以調(diào)節(jié)送風機送風量的方式來應付室內(nèi)空調(diào)負荷的變動。FCU-VAV系統(tǒng)則是將冷水供應量固定,而在室內(nèi)FCU加裝無段變功率控制器改變送風量,亦即改變FCU的熱交換率來調(diào)節(jié)室內(nèi)負荷變動。這兩種方式透過風量的調(diào)整來減少送風機的耗電量,同時也可增加熱源機器的運轉(zhuǎn)效率而節(jié)約熱源耗電</p><p>  3變流量系統(tǒng)(VWV)</p><p&g

25、t;  所謂變流量系統(tǒng)(VariableWaterVolume,簡稱VWV),是以一定的水溫供應空調(diào)機以提高熱源機器的效率,而以特殊的水泵來改變送水量,順便達成節(jié)約水泵用電的功效。變水量系統(tǒng)對水泵系統(tǒng)的節(jié)能效率依水泵的控制方式和VWV使用比例而異,一般VWV的控制方式有無段變速(SP)與雙向閥控制方式。以上三種空調(diào)系統(tǒng)是目前大樓空調(diào)最常被設計的系統(tǒng)。中央空調(diào)控制也就是把管路、管件、閥體或閥門集中設定控制流體提供冷氣。所以有效組合中央空調(diào)

26、控制即能有效控制耗能,設計合乎節(jié)能的空調(diào)系統(tǒng)。</p><p>  近年來,我國大部分地區(qū),尤其是東南沿海地區(qū)夏季空調(diào)能耗正在急劇上升,空調(diào)用電激增的趨勢已引起電網(wǎng)供電緊張。據(jù)統(tǒng)計,近年來我國每年炎熱季節(jié)空調(diào)耗電已占全社會用電的三分之一,大量電能被工業(yè)和民用建筑空調(diào)所吞噬,尤其是大型建筑中央空調(diào)系統(tǒng),如各類商業(yè)建筑(寫字樓、商場、醫(yī)院、飯店等)的中央空調(diào)由于其空間大、人流量多、運作時間長、管理復雜的特點,使得運行


28、率輸出之間的矛盾,實際造成巨大能源浪費,給國民經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展帶來很大的影響。這給中央空調(diào)的節(jié)能控制帶來了嚴峻的課題,也給廣大的節(jié)能控制領域的工作者帶來了極大的施展才華的空間。</p><p>  電力負荷缺口增大,電力供應緊張局面近幾年難以得到緩和。因此,節(jié)能尤其是節(jié)電,不僅具有重大的社會意義而且具有迫切的現(xiàn)實意義。積極研究開發(fā)推廣綠色環(huán)保新型空調(diào)技術和設備,抑制空調(diào)能耗增加,已成為建筑暖通空調(diào)領域一個迫切而熱門

29、的研究課題。依靠技術創(chuàng)新、體制創(chuàng)新,節(jié)能降耗,提高能源利用效率,保證在"能源消耗最少,環(huán)境污染最小"的基礎上,實現(xiàn)"節(jié)能優(yōu)先,結(jié)構多元,環(huán)境友好"的能源發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略。</p><p>  在我們電信生產(chǎn)中,空調(diào)的節(jié)能管理工作較為薄弱,能源浪費現(xiàn)象較為嚴重,所以加強空調(diào)的維護管理和技術改造,可以達到節(jié)能的目的。從空調(diào)的壓焓圖來看,只有運行在在最佳的工況和條件,才能發(fā)揮空調(diào)的最大制

30、冷量,達到空調(diào)節(jié)能的目的。空調(diào)的節(jié)能,我們維護部門應該從運行成本、維護保養(yǎng)方面的角度進行考慮。</p><p>  2.空調(diào)節(jié)能系統(tǒng)的研究概況</p><p>  1)通過負荷控制,達到節(jié)能目的。①炎熱季節(jié)新風負荷占到整個冷負荷的25-40%,減少新風負荷,降低新風能耗,選擇最小必要新風量,也能達到目的。但是新風量的最小供應一方面國家已有標準,另外新風量不足將影響空氣質(zhì)量,危及人體健康。②

31、優(yōu)化建筑外圍護結(jié)構的節(jié)能設計,采用保溫隔熱材料技術,降低空調(diào)負荷,實現(xiàn)建筑節(jié)能,但同時也導致建筑成本上升,推廣受到一定的限制。</p><p>  2)蓄能空調(diào)。通過冰蓄冷,避開白天的用電高峰,夜間將空調(diào)冷凍水制冷儲存起來,白天不開動空調(diào)主機僅使用水系統(tǒng)循環(huán)。這種方法本身并不節(jié)能省電,而是優(yōu)化了電網(wǎng)供電,對已經(jīng)實行分時電價的地區(qū),起到"省錢不節(jié)能"的作用,具地區(qū)性推廣意義。</p>

32、<p>  3)水源熱泵。相對于空氣和土壤而言,水是最為理想的空調(diào)用冷熱源,水源熱泵也因此具有環(huán)保、高效、節(jié)能等眾多優(yōu)點,但我國水源熱泵技術研究還不是很成熟,與一些發(fā)達國家相比還存在一定的差距。同時,水源熱泵盡管具有很多優(yōu)點,但所受的地質(zhì)、環(huán)境、政策等的限制也比較大,這就使得水源熱泵在我國更廣泛的應用受到了限制。</p><p>  4)中央空調(diào)系統(tǒng)中單個耗能設備節(jié)能改造。①風機和水泵通用變頻器調(diào)速

33、節(jié)能,這是目前采用較多的技術。這種方法簡便實用,節(jié)電效果明顯,但水泵、風機等產(chǎn)品屬系統(tǒng)輔機部分,占整個系統(tǒng)能耗約為40%,所以挖掘空間有限。②制冷主機,制冷機組的耗電量在空調(diào)系統(tǒng)中占有很大份額,節(jié)約這部分的耗能是整個空調(diào)系統(tǒng)經(jīng)濟運行的關鍵。目前一般都采用降低室內(nèi)溫度標準、提高冷水初溫等措施實現(xiàn)制冷主機的節(jié)能。上面幾種方法的不足之處是僅考慮了局部的節(jié)能,而沒有從整個系統(tǒng)的全局去考慮。</p><p>  5)動態(tài)負

34、荷跟蹤的節(jié)能控制系統(tǒng)以整個中央空調(diào)系統(tǒng)為一體,根據(jù)空調(diào)區(qū)負荷不斷變化的狀況,通過改變主機及循環(huán)系統(tǒng)內(nèi)各參數(shù)運行變化情況,同步跟蹤負荷的變化,以實現(xiàn)在滿足負荷需求的前提下及時定量供給冷量,即做到“按需供應”,基本達到“不滯后、不多給、不少給”的目的。這種方法不但與恒流量的水泵和風機相比實現(xiàn)了輔機最大幅度的節(jié)能,而且優(yōu)化了主機運行工況,可達到整個系統(tǒng)節(jié)能15-35%?! ?lt;/p><p>  3.動態(tài)負荷跟蹤的節(jié)能控

35、制方案</p><p>  傳統(tǒng)的中央空調(diào)系統(tǒng)的調(diào)節(jié)方案是:采用恒流量模式或冷源側(cè)恒流量但負荷側(cè)變流量模式,系統(tǒng)所需負荷是按最大負荷、最惡劣的氣象條件及最差的使用工作環(huán)境來設計,而實際運行時50%以上的時間,系統(tǒng)所需負荷都在50%以下,存在有極大的能量浪費。且當負荷Q在變化時,傳統(tǒng)的系統(tǒng)運行參數(shù)根本不能做到同步調(diào)節(jié),滯后的調(diào)節(jié)手段除通過主機被動地加載卸載外,幾乎沒有什么其他的控制手段。</p>&l

36、t;p>  本研究課題將摒棄以往的控制方案,以模型辨識、隨動控制系統(tǒng)理論、智能控制系統(tǒng)理論為基礎,與中央空調(diào)主機制冷技術與冷媒循環(huán)系統(tǒng)控制相結(jié)合,以變頻技術為輔助手段,實現(xiàn)中央空調(diào)全系統(tǒng)的整體協(xié)調(diào)運行和綜合性能優(yōu)化。本研究是空調(diào)節(jié)能的新理念,代表了節(jié)能技術的新的發(fā)展趨勢。動態(tài)負荷跟蹤節(jié)能控制系統(tǒng)原理圖見圖1。</p><p>  1)循環(huán)系統(tǒng)節(jié)能:以系統(tǒng)的角度,通過對末端負荷參數(shù)、中央空調(diào)主機、輔機的運行工



39、度、空調(diào)末端負荷發(fā)生變化時,中央空調(diào)主機的</p><p>  由于冷卻水系統(tǒng)采用最佳轉(zhuǎn)換效率控制,保證了中央空調(diào)主機在滿負荷和部份負荷的情況下,均處于最佳工作狀態(tài),始終保持最佳的能源利用率(即 COP 值),從而降低了空調(diào)主機的能量消耗,同時因冷卻水泵和冷卻塔風機經(jīng)常在低于額定負荷下運行,也最大限度地節(jié)約了冷卻水泵和冷卻塔風機的能量消耗。 </p><p>  2)輔機節(jié)能:各種泵類(冷

40、凍泵、冷水泵、風機等)的運行節(jié)能。采用帶有空間矢量控制的變頻調(diào)速方式,將定量泵改為變量泵。輔機節(jié)能不少于40%。</p><p>  3)優(yōu)化輔機運行模式:一般在滿負荷時泵機需全速運行,沒有節(jié)能空間,但采用冗余技術與變頻技術相結(jié)合,定量泵與變量泵相配合,優(yōu)化運行模式,可使輔機機組綜合節(jié)能。</p><p>  4)多參量非線性控制:本系統(tǒng)為多參量、時變、非線性系統(tǒng),以計算機為控制手段,設計

41、一套具有自尋優(yōu)自適應的智能控制、功能完善的穩(wěn)定安全的控制系統(tǒng)。</p><p>  本中央空調(diào)動態(tài)負荷跟蹤節(jié)能控制系統(tǒng),與中央空調(diào)系統(tǒng)配套使用,可實現(xiàn)中央空調(diào)系統(tǒng)的高效節(jié)能,效果顯著。經(jīng)理論計算,與恒流量中央空調(diào)系統(tǒng)相比,全年平均節(jié)電率可達20%-30%。該項目技術含量高,是集暖通空調(diào)技術、制冷技術、智能控制理論和計算機控制技術為一體的中央空調(diào)高效節(jié)能系統(tǒng)。</p><p><b&g

42、t;  4.系統(tǒng)特色</b></p><p>  1)全閉環(huán):將中央空調(diào)的主機、輔機、循環(huán)系統(tǒng)等作為整體構成節(jié)能控制系統(tǒng),尋求一種最佳的控制規(guī)律,使中央空調(diào)主機、冷媒流量系統(tǒng)都隨負荷Q的變化而變化,旨在滿足空調(diào)區(qū)舒適性所需負荷Q前提下,實現(xiàn)整個系統(tǒng)最大程度的節(jié)能。2)運行更穩(wěn)定、安全:優(yōu)化了主機運行模式,可解決主機的啟停問題,減少沖擊電流,降低電網(wǎng)需求容量;采用軟啟停和低頻運行水泵、風機,避免啟停沖擊

43、電網(wǎng)和減輕設備機械磨損,延長設備使用壽命。</p><p>  3)遠程控制:通過遠程通訊接口與計算機連接,實現(xiàn)遠程控制,運行狀態(tài)可視化。</p><p>  4)系統(tǒng)適應性強:本節(jié)電系統(tǒng)可與新裝中央空調(diào)系統(tǒng)或與舊裝中央空調(diào)系統(tǒng)配套使用,不改變原系統(tǒng)的安裝,系統(tǒng)接口簡單,節(jié)電系統(tǒng)的加載與卸載切換方便,無沖擊。本系統(tǒng)占地面積小,整個系統(tǒng)運行無需看護、低噪聲、無異味;節(jié)能高、環(huán)保好;不產(chǎn)生有害

44、物質(zhì),對環(huán)境沒有不良影響。</p><p><b>  5.展望</b></p><p>  設備系統(tǒng)投入市場后,若每年有超過200套產(chǎn)品全部安裝在建筑面積大于5萬m2的商業(yè)建筑中央空調(diào)機房內(nèi),其節(jié)省電量相當于每年新建一座5萬kW的發(fā)電廠,對夏天電網(wǎng)削峰用電也將起到一定的緩解作用,真正實現(xiàn)社會可持續(xù)協(xié)調(diào)發(fā)展。</p><p><b>

45、  英文</b></p><p>  How Air Conditioners Work and energy conservation technology research</p><p>  Abstract: An air conditioner is basically a refrigerator without the insulated box. It uses

46、 the evaporation of a refrigerant, like Freon, to provide cooling. The mechanics of the Freon evaporation cycle are the same in a refrigerator as in an air conditioner.</p><p>  Keywords: water towers 、weath

47、er-resistant、 compressor、energy conservation</p><p>  When the temperature outside begins to climb, many people seek the cool comfort of indoor air conditioning. Like water towers and power lines, air condit

48、ioners are one of those things that we see every day but seldom pay much attention to. Wouldn't it be nice to know how these indispensable machines work their magic? In this article, we will examine air conditioners

49、-- from small to huge -- so you know more about what you're seeing!</p><p>  The Many Faces of Cool</p><p>  Air conditioners come in various sizes, cooling capacities and prices. One type t

50、hat we see all the time is the window air conditioner.</p><p>  Window air conditioners are an easy and economical way to cool a small area. Most people who live in suburban areas usually have one of these i

51、n their backyard:</p><p>  If you live in an apartment complex, this is probably a familiar sight: Most businesses and office buildings have condensing units on their roofs, and as you fly into any airport y

52、ou notice that warehouses and malls may have 10 or 20 condensing units hidden on their roofs:</p><p>  And then if you go around back at many hospitals, universities and office complexes, you find large cool

53、ing towers that are connected to the air conditioning system:</p><p>  Even though each of these machines has a pretty distinct look, they all work on the same principles. Let's take a closer look.</p

54、><p>  The Basic Idea</p><p>  An air conditioner is basically a refrigerator without the insulated box. It uses the evaporation of a refrigerant, like Freon, to provide cooling. The mechanics of t

55、he Freon evaporation cycle are the same in a refrigerator as in an air conditioner. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online, the term Freon is generically "used for any of various conditioner. According t

56、o the Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online, the term Freon is generically "used for any of various nonflammable fluorocarb</p><p>  This is how the evaporation cycle in an air conditioner works (See How Re

57、frigerators Work for complete details on this cycle):</p><p>  1.The compressor compresses cool Freon gas, causing it to become hot, high-pressure Freon gas (red in the diagram above).</p><p>  

58、2.This hot gas runs through a set of coils so it can dissipate its heat, and it condenses into a liquid.</p><p>  3.The Freon liquid runs through an expansion valve, and in the process it evaporates to becom

59、e cold, low-pressure Freon gas (light blue in the diagram above).</p><p>  4.This cold gas runs through a set of coils that allow the gas to absorb heat and cool down the air inside the building.</p>

60、<p>  Mixed in with the Freon is a small amount of a light weight oil. This oil lubricates the compressor.</p><p>  Window Units</p><p>  A window air conditioner unit implements a complete

61、 air conditioner in a small space. The units are made small enough to fit into a standard window frame. You close the window down on the unit, plug the unit in and turn it on to get cool air. If you take the cover off of

62、 an unplugged window unit, you will find that it contains:</p><p>  A compressor</p><p>  An expansion valve</p><p>  A hot coil (on the outside)</p><p>  A chilled coi

63、l (on the inside)</p><p>  A control unit</p><p>  The fans blow air over the coils to improve their ability to dissipate heat (to the outside air) and cold (to the room being cooled).</p>

64、<p>  BTU and EER</p><p>  Most air conditioners have their capacity rated in British thermal units (BTU). Generally speaking, a BTU is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one poun

65、d (0.45 kg) of water 1 degree Fahrenheit (0.56 degrees Celsius). Specifically, 1 BTU equals 1,055 joules. In heating and cooling terms, 1 "ton" equals 12,000 BTU.</p><p>  A typical window air cond

66、itioner might be rated at 10,000 BTU. For comparison, a typical 2,000-square-foot (185.8 m2) house might have a 5-ton (60,000-BTU) air conditioning system, implying that you might need perhaps 30 BTU per square foot. (Ke

67、ep in mind that these are rough estimates. To size an air conditioner for your specific needs, contact an HVAC contractor.)</p><p>  The energy efficiency rating (EER) of an air conditioner is its BTU rating

68、 over its wattage. For example, if a 10,000-BTU air conditioner consumes 1,200 watts, its EER is 8.3 (10,000 BTU/1,200 watts). Obviously, you would like the EER to be as high as possible, but normally a higher EER is acc

69、ompanied by a higher price.</p><p>  Is the higher EER is worth it?</p><p>  Let's say that you have a choice between two 10,000-BTU units. One has an EER of 8.3 and consumes 1,200 watts, an

70、d the other has an EER of 10 and consumes 1,000 watts. Let's also say that the price difference is $100. To understand what the payback period is on the more expensive unit, you need to know:</p><p>  1.

71、Approximately how many hours per year you will be operating the unit</p><p>  2.How much a kilowatt-hour (kWh) costs in your area</p><p>  Let's say that you plan to use the air conditioner

72、in the summer (four months a year) and it will be operating about six hours a day. Let's also imagine that the cost in your area is $0.10/kWh. The difference in energy consumption between the two units is 200 watts,

73、which means that every five hours the less expensive unit will consume 1 additional kWh (and therefore $0.10 more) than the more expensive unit.</p><p>  Assuming that there are 30 days in a month, you find

74、that during the summer you are operating the air conditioner:</p><p>  Since the more expensive unit costs $100 more that means that it will take about seven years for the more expensive unit to break even.&

75、lt;/p><p>  See this page for a great explanation of seasonal energy efficiency rating (SEER).</p><p>  Split-system Units</p><p>  A split-system air conditioner splits the hot side f

76、rom the cold side of the system。</p><p>  The cold side, consisting of the expansion valve and the cold coil, is generally placed into a furnace or some other air handler. The air handler blows air through d

77、ucts. The hot side known as the condensing unit, lives outside the building. The unit consists of a long, spiral coil shaped like a cylinder. Inside the coil is a fan, to blow air through the coil, along with a weather-r

78、esistant compressor and some control logic. This approach has evolved over the years because it is low-cost, and al</p><p>  In warehouses, businesses, malls, large department stores, etc., the condensing un

79、it normally lives on the roof and can be quite massive. Alternatively, there may be many smaller units on the roof, each attached inside to a small air handler that cools a specific zone in the building.</p><p

80、>  Let's take a look now at a chilled-water air conditioner.</p><p>  Chilled-water System</p><p>  In larger buildings and particularly in multi-story buildings, the split-system approac

81、h begins to run into problems. Either running the pipe between the condenser and the air handler exceeds distance limitations (runs that are too long start to cause lubrication difficulties in the compressor), or the amo

82、unt of duct -work and the length of ducts become unmanageable. At this point, it is time to think about a chilled-water system.</p><p>  In a chilled-water system, the entire air conditioner lives on the roo

83、f or behind the building. It cools water to between 40 and 45 F (4.4 and 7.2 C). This chilled water is then piped throughout the building and connected to air handlers as needed. There is no practical limit to the length

84、 of a chilled-water pipe if the system can be got well - insulated.</p><p>  Whenever you walk behind a building and find a unit that has large quantities of water running through a plastic mesh, you will kn

85、ow you have found a cooling tower!</p><p>  In many office complexes and college campuses, cooling towers and air conditioning equipment are centralized, and chilled water is routed to all of the buildings t

86、hrough miles of underground pipes.</p><p>  Based on dynamic load track central air-conditioning system entire closed loop energy conservation technology research.</p><p>  1. introductions</

87、p><p>  The energy conservation may say is the building character automatic control system starting point and the home to return to. It is well known, in the intelligent construction, HVAC (heating, ventilates

88、and air conditioning) the system consumes to have to occupy the building consumption total energy enormous partial proportions, approximately about 50% ~60%. Specially cold: East the unit, the cooling tower, the circulat

89、ing water pump and the air conditioning unit, the new atmosphere unit, all are</p><p>  The general building commonly used air-conditioning system has CAV, VAV, VWV and so on, respectively has differently ho

90、lds controls the way, all may use DDC to control.</p><p>  1 decides the amount of wind system (ConstantAirVolume, is called CAV).</p><p>  Decides certainly the amount of wind system the amount

91、 of wind which blows out for the air conditioner certainly, provides coldly (is warm) the gas which the air conditioning region needs. When air conditioning region load variation, then changes the blast temperature to de

92、al with in the room to shoulder, and achieves the maintenance indoor temperature to the comfortable area request. The commonly used central air-conditioning system is AHU (air conditioner) and the cooling water pipe syst

93、em (th</p><p>  2 changes the amount of wind system (VAV)</p><p>  Changes the amount of wind system (VarlableAirVolume, is called VAV) is the air conditioner (AHU or FCU) may move changes the a

94、mount of wind. The commonly used central air-conditioning system is AHU (air conditioner) and the cooling water pipe system FCU system. These two generally decides the amount of wind (CAV) to supply the air conditioning

95、area, in order to deal with in the room the partial loads change, decides the amount of wind system in AHU to change warm by the air conditioner blows of</p><p>  3 changes the current capacity system (VWV)&

96、lt;/p><p>  So-called changes the current capacity system (VariableWaterVolume, is called VWV), is enhances the heat source machine by the certain water temperature supply air conditioner the efficiency, but ch

97、anges by the special water pump delivers the water volume, while convenient achieves saves the effect which the water pump uses electricity. Changes the water volume system to depend on the water pump to the water pump s

98、ystem energy conservation efficiency the control mode and the VWV use proportion b</p><p>  In recent years, the our country majority of areas, in particular southeast the coastal area summer the air conditi

99、oning energy consumption suddenly was rising, the air conditioning uses electricity the tendency which increases sharply to cause the electrical network power supply to be intense. Statistics have indicated, our country

100、every year the burning hot season air conditioning consumed the electricity to occupy 1/3 in recent years which the entire society uses electricity, the massive elec</p><p>  The power load gap increases, th

101、e electric power supply tense aspect with difficulty obtains in recent years relaxes. Therefore, energy conservation in particular electricity saving, not only has the significant social significance moreover to have the

102、 urgent practical significance. Positively studies the development promotion green environmental protection new air conditioning technology and the equipment, the suppression air conditioning energy consumption increases


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