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1、<p><b>  中文2975字</b></p><p><b>  英文原文</b></p><p>  PROSPECTS ESTIMATION OF KNOWN SYSTEMS APPLICATION FOR COAL SEAMS MINING AT GREAT DERTH</p><p>  Prof.

2、w.p.Zubov</p><p>  Leningrad Mining Institute</p><p>  Abstract: Estimation of present and future situation in technological schemes on coal mining at great depth applying highly productive mech

3、anized complexes is presented here, Stis shown that the decrease both in operation concentration and the share of pillar mining at deep mines is connected with increasing difficulties in development working support behin

4、d the face as well as prevention of roof caving in face area.</p><p>  Introduction:</p><p>  Underground coal mining efficiency depends at Iarge extent on technical economic indices of deep min

5、es, the level of their development being steadily increased. In transition to deeper levels specific expenditures increase parallel with the deterioration of geological conditions in coal seams mining. At mines of Donets

6、k basin where seams are mined at a depth of 500m ad more, the depth increase for every 100m results in production cost to 3-4%,here labour productivity of miners decreases in 6-8%[</p><p>  One of the main e

7、ffective ways to neutralize negative depth influence on under-round coal mining efficiency is to increase average daily face output on the basis of using complex mechanization in stopping.</p><p>  At non-ga

8、ssy mines the application of long pillar mining leads to face output in 1.2-1.65 times compared to average daily face output in longwall combined methods.</p><p>  Even more effective appeared to be long pil

9、lar mining in stopping under condition characterized by increased gas emission in goaf.</p><p>  In gassy mines the face output is determined taking into account the requirement of methane dilution up to per

10、missible concentration, with methane emitting into ventilation current. In long wall and combined methods the intake air should enter the face along one of the development workings and the return air runs along the other

11、 development working. Maximum intake air quantity to the stope depends on both air current veloclty, regulated by safe security rules in working area and cross section ar</p><p>  The application of long pil

12、lar mining permits prior to stopping to carry on some measures for seam degasification and use more effective schemes of panel ventilation.</p><p>  Thus in applying both long pillar mining in the variant “f

13、ace-sub-panel” and in shuttle scheme of panel ventilation relatively high face output (1000-1500t/day)may be reached at mines with relative gas emission up to 15m3/t, as well as at mines with higher gas emission when met

14、hane does not emit from the goaf.</p><p>  In estimating the prospects of long pillar and longwall mining as the space and plan basis for technological schemes in stopping operations at great depths, it is a

15、lso necessary to evaluate the following factors. With the increase of coal seams depth, the methane content both in workings and in seams changes according to hyperbolic curve approaching to some limited value. The stron

16、ger influence of depth is more evident in gassy zones associated with developed areas of coal-bearing deposits conta</p><p>  In the regions where antracite groups 11A-12A occur lower than the zones of gas e

17、mission, natural gas content increases at first up to maximum and then decreases sharply in values typical for zones of gas ecmission [2]. Such character of natural gas content change marked for measures C of Torezsk-Sn

18、ezhnyansk region and measures C of Bokovo-Chrustalsk geological-industrial region may be explained by the increase of metmorphism grade of antracite seams with the depth increase.</p><p>  Practically speaki

19、ng in donetsk basin methane content of seams is not traced onlyin its southeastern parts, where the seams up to a bepth of 1600 m are represented by high metamorntosed antracites. Therefore, in the nearest future gas fa

20、ctor influence on economic efficiency of underground coal mining will be increasing in the USSR.Taking into account good results achieved by known ways of preliminary seams gasitication, it should be assumed that the mos

21、t negative influence of operation effioncy</p><p>  The fact that gas emission from the developed area increases panel gas balance depth deserves special attention in estimating some prospects of longwall.

22、 Thus, in Donetsk basin a coal seam up to 600 m depth becomes the main source of gas emitting into stopes and development workings, methane emission from the coal seam is 40-50%and in some cases up to 20% of total gas em

23、ission volume in transltion of mining operations to a depth of 700-1000m. Besides at deep levels the preliminary degasificati</p><p>  Thus gas emission from the developed area becomes the main factor determ

24、ining maximum face output in seam mining at great depths. Under these conditions to solve the problem of panels ventilation only by seam degasification measures seems impossible.</p><p>  In highly categoriz

25、ed mines with gas emission not more than 40% during stopping some restricting on ventilation can be overcome only be applying direct scheme of panel ventilation with return air freshing in goaf. But this scheme of ventil

26、ation is practically realized only in pillar mining.</p><p>  The facts mentioned above indicate that the increased application of pillar mining combined with direct ventilation schemes should be considered

27、as priomising and economically proved. It perfects deep mining when highly productive mechanized mechanized complexes are used.</p><p>  Though in Donetsk mines the problem concerning the average daily face

28、output increase is acute, the share of pillar mining comprises not more than 43%, including about 10% of pillar mining with direct panel ventilation. Moreover, with depth there is a strong tendency of decreasing the numb

29、er of faces developed by pillar mining. Thus in “Makeevugol” mines the share of pillar mining decreased from 60 to 35% during the period of 1975-1985. The average depth of mining during this period increased in</p>

30、<p>  As a whole in Donetsk basin the share of pillar mining in mines extracting seams at depths up to 600m is 48.2%, at depths of 600-1000m it is 40.2% and at depths more than 1000m it is not more than 19%.Now at

31、 deep levels long wall and combined methods of mining in the so-called “single face” variety are widely used.</p><p>  Long wall and combined (in the shape of) methods prevail in deep mines of FRG. In the la

32、te 1985 their share in the number of faces was more than 65%, as to their share in the overall mining of commercial coal it was 62.2%[3].</p><p>  Taking into account that at large depths seams are mined in

33、new or reconstructed mines the share of pillar mining decreases with depth. Thus, this fact reflects the tendency to change the technological schemes of mines with transition of mining to deeper levels. This tendency is

34、in contradiction with progressive directions of underground coal mining technology preventing negative rock pressure manifestation.</p><p>  The investigations carried out showed that the decrease of pillar

35、methods in deep mines is caused mainly by the following reasons. When mining at deeper levels there appeared more difficulties to maintain district development working at deeper seams at depths of 800-1200m expenditures

36、on sub-level maintenance in pillar mining are 1.5-2.5 times more than these in longwall mining. In pillar mining reliable means of safety and support providing stability in development workings behind the longwall </p

37、><p>  In non-pillar seam mining the use of longwall systems produces means to increase the number of faces adjacent to one inclination and thus to reduce the length of main development workings that should be

38、supported, markedly decreasing the application of pillar mining in deep Donetsk mines. Therefore, in panel mine development at longwall mining in the variety “face-level” it becomes possible to develop two faces as well

39、as to prepare simultaneously another two faces within the two-sided panel. In</p><p><b>  SUMMARY</b></p><p>  At great depth of mining characterized by great gas emission in goaf it

40、 becomes possible to increase greatly daily average face output only by using pillar mining. This system allows to use direct panel ventilation schemes with return air freshing in goaf.</p><p>  The decrease

41、 of pillar mining with depth increase is mainly connected with the absence of supports and means of safety at miner’s disposal that should provide workings stability behind the face during pillar recovery when swelling r

42、ocks occur in the seam bottom, as well as the ways of rock pressure control that eliminate rock caving in face ends.</p><p>  Grinko N.K. Some problems in deep mines. Coal, 1989,N 9,p.p.21-22.</p><

43、;p>  Brizanev A.M. Methane distribution regularity in Donetsk Basin. M.Ugol,iss. 6,1986,p, 33.</p><p>  Clas F.Faift P.The state of panels in FRG coal industry by l985. Glückauf, 1985,N24,P.P.19-24.&

44、lt;/p><p><b>  中文譯文</b></p><p>  現有開采方法在礦井深部開采中應用的評估</p><p>  W.P.Zubov教授</p><p> ?。ㄌK)列寧格勒礦業(yè)學院</p><p>  摘要:本文介紹了用綜合機械化開采礦井深部煤層時當前和未來技術狀況的評估。可以看出,降

45、低集中開采程度和減少柱式開采法所占的比例,將增加工作面后方采準巷道支護的困難并使工作面頂板陷落的防止更加困難。</p><p><b>  概述:</b></p><p>  煤礦地下開采的效益在很大程度上取決于礦井深部煤層開采的技術經濟指標,礦井開采的深度正在逐步增大。在向較深水平過渡時,隨著煤層開采的地質條件的惡化,所需的額外的資金也增加了。在頓涅茨克煤田的很多礦

46、井中,煤層埋藏深度已超過500 m,開采深度每增加100 m,生產費用就增加3~4%,工人的勞動生產率就下降6~8%。</p><p>  抵消深度對煤礦地下開采效益影響的主要有效方法之一是在回采工作面使用綜合機械化裝備的基礎上提高工作面平均日產量。</p><p>  在無瓦斯礦井,應用長壁開采法導致工作面產量較長壁聯合開采法增長了1.2~1.65倍。</p><p&

47、gt;  甚至在采空區(qū)瓦斯涌出量增加的條件下,長壁開采法也顯得很有效。</p><p>  在瓦斯礦井中,工作面產量取決于甲烷稀釋到允許的濃度并排放到風流中去這一通風方面的要求。采用長壁聯合開采法時,入風流應沿一條采準巷道進入工作面,回風流則沿另一條巷道排出。進入工作面的最大風量取決于按安全規(guī)程規(guī)定的采區(qū)風流風速以及現流自由流過工作面的橫斷面面積。由于風速和斷面的限制,實際上不大可能增加進入盤區(qū)的入風量。按上述理

48、由,在甲烷涌出量增加的礦井中,用長壁聯合開采法的工作面實際平均日產量較綜合機械化開采法低3~5倍。</p><p>  應用長壁開采法允許開采前采取一些措施排放煤層瓦斯并采用更有效的盤區(qū)通風方式。</p><p>  這樣,當礦井中相對瓦斯涌出量達到15 m3/t,或當采空區(qū)中尚無甲烷涌出而礦井中瓦斯當量較高時,無論是在不同的“工作面——子盤區(qū)”系統(tǒng)中還是在往復式盤區(qū)通風方式中,應用長壁開

49、采法都可能取得相對較高的工作面產量(1000~1500 t/d)。</p><p>  評估長壁和長壁開采法礦井深部回采工序及其空間和在計劃基礎上的技術方案時,下面的因素值得考慮。隨煤層深度的增加,甲烷在采區(qū)和煤層中的含量都呈雙曲線變化并達到某一限定值。在與已開發(fā)的煤層走向沉積地區(qū)有聯系的瓦斯地帶,較強烈的深度影響非常明顯。煤層走向范圍高度集中以及由此引起的瓦斯排放向較深的地下傳播,是上述現象形成的原因。這種甲烷

50、承載能力變化規(guī)律在頓涅茨吉克煤田開采下列礦井中也注意到了,即馬克維斯克,凱瑞莫斯克,奧馬維斯克和維瑞斯勞瑞斯克礦井以及凱瑞德斯克地質工業(yè)區(qū)。</p><p>  無煙煤組11A~12A地帶的瓦斯涌出量低于正常地區(qū),在那里,自然瓦斯含量一開始就上升并達到極值,然后急劇下降到典型的瓦斯涌出地區(qū)的數值[2]。這種自然瓦斯含量變化的特征已在Torezsk-Rovenetsky 地區(qū)C32煤層中測出,在Bokovo-Chr

51、ustalsk地質工業(yè)區(qū)的C52煤層中也已測出這種特征可以用隨著無煙煤埋藏深度的增加其變質程度也隨之增加來進行解釋。實際上,在頓茨克煤田煤層中甲烷含量僅僅在煤田東南部分未被測到,在那時,煤層深達1600 m,為高度變質的無煙煤。因此,蘇聯在近期煤礦地下開采中,瓦斯這一因素在經濟上的影響將會增大。</p><p>  考慮到現有的原始煤層排放瓦斯的方法取得的良好效果,可以假定,礦井中廣泛采用長壁開采時,對于開采效益

52、最大的負影響發(fā)生在瓦斯涌出量超過15 m3/t。日的礦井中。頓茨克煤田列出了這一因素隨深度增加而變化的趨勢,1940年,高與瓦斯類型礦井數量占17%,1970年為45%,1980年為60%1987年后期占68.8%。在此期間平均開采深度從198 m增至659 m。</p><p>  開采地區(qū)的瓦斯涌出量增加了盤區(qū)瓦斯深度變化的平衡關系,在評價長壁開采的某些方面時,這一事實應引起特別的注意。在頓涅茨克煤田,某一煤

53、層埋藏至600 m深時,便成為涌入工作面及開采區(qū)的瓦斯的主要來源。從該煤層中排放的甲烷含量為40~50%,在某些情況下可升至瓦斯總涌出量的20%,此時開采深度為700~1000 m。除受深度影響外,初期瓦斯排放高效率也因煤層瓦斯?jié)B透性的降低而下降。事實上,用常規(guī)方法測得深部煤層瓦斯排放的實際效率不超過15~30%。而要求降低開采時的瓦斯涌出量的數值不應低于60~70%,此時瓦斯因素的限制條件更加嚴格了。</p><p

54、>  因此,開采地帶的瓦斯涌出成為限制礦井深部開采時工作面最高產量的主要因素。在這種條件下,僅采用排放煤層瓦斯這一措施來解決盤區(qū)的通風問題似乎是不可能的。</p><p>  在瓦斯涌出量不超過40%的高瓦斯礦井中,可以采用直接使回風流流入采空區(qū)的盤區(qū)通風方式來解決開采期間一些通風限制問題。但這種方式實際上只能在柱式開采法中使用。</p><p>  上述事實指出,增加柱式開采法的應

55、用與直接通風方式有關,這種應用,對條件是否允許要進行考慮并從經濟上加以驗證。當采用綜合機械化開采時,深部開采會更完善。</p><p>  雖然在頓茨涅克煤田的許多礦井中增加平均日產量這一問題十分尖銳,但是柱式開采法所占的比例不超過43%,這還包括約占10%的用直接盤區(qū)通風方式的柱式開采法在內。再者,還存在一種強烈的趨勢,即要求減少深部開采時使用柱式開采法的工作面數量。因而,在Maxeevugol許多礦井中,從1

56、975至1985年期間,柱式開采的比例由60%降至35%。同期平均開采深度增加了276 m,即達到1985年的860 m。</p><p>  在整個頓涅茨克煤田,用柱式開采法開采的煤層所占的比例,當深度600時為48.2%,深度600~000 m時為40.2%,深度超過1000 m時不超過19%。目前,長壁聯合開采法在所謂的多種單工作面中得到廣泛應用。</p><p>  長壁聯合開采法

57、在西德深井中普遍采用。1985年后期,采用這種方法的工作面所占的比例超過65%。就商業(yè)用煤所使用的全部開采法而言,長壁聯合開采法占的比例為62.2%。</p><p>  考慮到在新井或老井改造的礦井中,深部用柱式開采法的比例隨深度下降這一事實,反映了使用過渡的開采法改變礦井的技術體系以過渡到較深水平這一趨勢。這種趨勢與地下開采技術改進的發(fā)展方向是矛盾的。實際生產中礦工們常采用一些措施用以預防巖石跨落。</

58、p><p>  調查表明,深井中柱式開采法應用減少的主要原因是,當在較深水平開采時,用柱式開采法維護采準巷道地段要比用長壁聯合法困難。因此,在深度為800~1200 m的礦井中開拓煤層時用于分水平的維護費用,柱式開采法為長壁開采法的1.5~2.5倍。在柱式開采法中缺乏可靠安全的支護手段,已保證在長壁工作面后方的采準巷道的穩(wěn)定性。在一定數量的深井中,這一點成為從前接受回風流可流入采空區(qū)的柱式開采法現在又拒絕這種方法的主


60、t;<p>  在非柱式煤層開采發(fā)中,使用長壁系統(tǒng)可以增加與鄰近一側傾斜方向的回采工作面數量。以此減少需維護的主要采準巷道的長度,從而使柱式開采發(fā)在頓茨涅克深部礦井中的應用明顯減少。因而,在用長壁開采各種“工作面水平”的盤區(qū)礦井布置中,可以在同一盤區(qū)的兩翼分別布置兩個工作面。而用柱式開采法則只有當掘進附加側翼巷道時才有可能這樣做。</p><p><b>  結論</b><

61、;/p><p>  (1)在采空區(qū)涌出的瓦斯量大這一特點的礦井進行深部開采時,只有使用柱式開采才能大大提高工作面平均日產量。柱式開采體系允許使用讓回風流通過采空區(qū)的直接盤區(qū)通風方式。</p><p>  (2)柱式開采法的應用隨深度的增加而減少,這主要是由于這種方法缺乏對礦工們的工作場所提供必要的支護和安全手段,與控制工作面端部巖石冒落的礦壓方法相類似,當底鼓發(fā)生時,這種手段能提高回收煤柱期間


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