1、<p><b> 高爐煉鐵</b></p><p> Jan Terpar, Imrich Kostial</p><p> Department of Informatics and Process Control</p><p> Faculty of BERG</p><p> Technica
2、l University of Ko?ice</p><p> B.Nemavej304200 Kosice</p><p> Slovak Republic</p><p> 高爐是一個(gè)巨大的內(nèi)部為耐火材料的剛爐,鐵礦石,焦炭和石灰石傾入爐頂,預(yù)熱空氣在底部吹入。經(jīng)過物理化學(xué)反應(yīng)后轉(zhuǎn)換成的鐵水,既一種液態(tài)鐵的氧化物。原材料在爐內(nèi)經(jīng)6至8小時(shí)降低到爐底部,得到
3、的最終產(chǎn)品是液態(tài)渣鐵,炎熱的空氣在爐底被吹上行在6至8秒到頂端后,將進(jìn)行各種化學(xué)反應(yīng)。高爐一旦啟動(dòng),最少將連續(xù)運(yùn)行4到10年后,才將高爐熄火,進(jìn)行維護(hù)。</p><p> 1 高爐煉鐵反應(yīng)過程</p><p> 在原料礦、球團(tuán) 、燒結(jié)礦在高爐內(nèi)反應(yīng)后得到鐵礦石。原礦石來自于地表,其塊狀的大小為0.5至1.5英寸。一些礦石鐵的含量的大約為 50%到70%,這些礦石要么是赤鐵礦(氧化鐵)要
5、類似鋼鐵傳送帶燒結(jié)鏈,它是在燃?xì)鉅t和原礦在經(jīng)過焦炭熱融合形成成面積較大,尺寸從0.5頃到2.0英寸的礦石。鐵礦石,球團(tuán)礦,燒結(jié)礦在高爐內(nèi)反應(yīng)后形成為液態(tài)鐵在和含有其他剩余雜質(zhì)液態(tài)渣。</p><p> 焦炭是一種煙煤混合物。將煤炭粉碎,磨成粉末,然后送入煉焦?fàn)t內(nèi)。經(jīng)過18至24小時(shí)的反應(yīng)時(shí)間,由于高溫使煤炭中熟焦油等雜質(zhì)被剔除,在被冷卻后并形成大小從1英寸到4英寸不等的焦炭。焦炭內(nèi)含有90至93%的碳,但一些灰
6、分和硫原煤相比,是十分強(qiáng)勁的。焦炭能夠產(chǎn)生熱量與氣體,具有很高的能源價(jià)值 ,熱量與氣體在高爐內(nèi)與鐵礦石,球團(tuán),燒結(jié)反應(yīng),形成液態(tài)鐵。</p><p> 最后,是原材料石灰石煉制過程。石灰石是從地球上由使用炸藥爆破得來的。它經(jīng)過粉碎,篩選,然后得到一個(gè)大小范圍從0.5英寸到1.5英寸的石灰石。這可以是高鈣石灰石,含有鎂的石灰石石或混合類型的石灰石。由于熔化后石灰石中的硫和其他雜質(zhì)被去除,高爐操作者可以混合不同的石
7、頭產(chǎn)生所需的化學(xué)礦渣和各種特性,如熔點(diǎn)低和高流動(dòng)性的材料。所有的原料都存儲(chǔ)在一個(gè)礦田,一旦這些材料被送到到爐頂,將在高爐內(nèi)經(jīng)過多次化學(xué),物理反應(yīng)后下降到高爐的底部。</p><p> 鐵礦石,球團(tuán)和燒結(jié)是在高爐內(nèi)的料位的降低意味著在鐵氧化物氧是由一系列化學(xué)反應(yīng)形成的。這些反應(yīng)發(fā)生情況如下:</p><p> 1) 3 Fe2O3 + CO = CO2 + 2 Fe3O4</p&g
8、t;<p> 2) Fe3O4 + CO = CO2 + 3 FeO</p><p> 3) FeO + CO = CO2 + Fe or FeO + C = CO + Fe</p><p> 在同一時(shí)間通過這些鐵氧化物的凈化反應(yīng)后,他們也開始軟化,然后融化為液態(tài)鐵,最后緩慢地流向高爐的底部。</p><p> 焦炭料位下降到爐底的時(shí)候,預(yù)熱空
9、氣或熱風(fēng)進(jìn)入高爐,在熱風(fēng)的作用下,焦炭立即發(fā)生反應(yīng),同時(shí)產(chǎn)生熱量。</p><p> C + O2 = CO2 + Heat</p><p> 由于反應(yīng)發(fā)生在存在過剩的碳的情況下,焦炭在高溫下與產(chǎn)生的二氧化碳反應(yīng),生成一氧化碳。反應(yīng)過程如下:</p><p> CO2+ C = 2CO</p><p> 這種反應(yīng)生成的一氧化碳,是用來
10、與鐵礦石中的氧化鐵反應(yīng)生成鐵的。</p><p> 高爐內(nèi)石灰石料位下降的同時(shí),產(chǎn)生的化學(xué)反應(yīng)如下:</p><p> CaCO3 = CaO + CO2</p><p> 這種反應(yīng)需要的大量的能量,并且只有在爐內(nèi)溫度達(dá)到約1600 ° F時(shí)才開始開始。從這個(gè)反應(yīng)所形成的氧化鈣是用來去除鐵所含有的硫。這種硫化反應(yīng)是:</p><p
11、> FeS + CaO + C = CaS + FeO + CO</p><p> 反應(yīng)后,硫化鈣(CaS)成為礦渣的一部分,礦渣也包括剩余的二氧化硅(SiO2),氧化鋁(Al2O3),氧化鎂(MgO)為或氧化鈣(CaO),隨著鐵礦石,球團(tuán),燒結(jié)或焦炭進(jìn)入。最后液體渣下降到高爐的底部,同時(shí),因?yàn)樗芏容^低,漂浮在液態(tài)鐵的上部。另一個(gè)煉鐵過程的產(chǎn)物,除了鐵水和爐渣,是熱高溫的有毒氣體。這些氣體經(jīng)高爐爐頂流
12、出后進(jìn)入煙氣處理設(shè)備,并通過設(shè)備中去除其中可吸入顆粒和對(duì)氣體進(jìn)行冷卻。這種氣體還可以通過“熱風(fēng)灶”進(jìn)行預(yù)熱,并進(jìn)入高爐成為“熱風(fēng)”燃料。其他氣體中的任何一種可送到鍋爐房,用于產(chǎn)生蒸汽渦輪風(fēng)扇轉(zhuǎn)生成的壓縮空氣并作為“冷風(fēng)”送到爐灶。</p><p> 高爐是一個(gè)逆流容器,固體料位下降的同時(shí)氣體上,在這一過程中伴有大量的化學(xué)和物理反應(yīng),產(chǎn)生我們所需要的最終產(chǎn)品——液態(tài)鐵。</p><p>
13、 2 高爐煉鐵的工藝過程</p><p> 通過上面的描述,我們以知道高爐內(nèi)部反應(yīng)過程,現(xiàn)在讓我們回顧一下煉鐵工藝過程。</p><p> 原料可以在礦石堆場,也可在礦石碼頭和駁船的地方用來卸貨。在礦石堆場存儲(chǔ)的原料原礦,球團(tuán),燒結(jié),石灰石或幾種混合礦石或可能是焦炭。這些材料被轉(zhuǎn)移到儲(chǔ)存室可通過輸送皮帶配礦。材料也可以通過礦石轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)車轉(zhuǎn)移到儲(chǔ)存室。每個(gè)礦,球團(tuán),燒結(jié),焦炭,石灰石類型倒入
14、單獨(dú)的儲(chǔ)料槽內(nèi)。在稱量斗內(nèi)對(duì)各種原料進(jìn)行稱量,各種原料按一定比例進(jìn)行配比,配料的目的是獲得較高的生產(chǎn)率和性能穩(wěn)定的優(yōu)質(zhì)鐵水,符合高爐冶煉生產(chǎn)的要求。稱量好的礦石再經(jīng)過主皮帶機(jī)運(yùn)至料坑礦石匯總稱量斗。碎礦皮帶機(jī)設(shè)在料坑兩側(cè)的篩下,篩下的碎礦由皮帶機(jī)轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)至返礦倉。在爐頂, 通過布料設(shè)備雙鐘和旋轉(zhuǎn)布料器裝入爐喉。一些現(xiàn)代高爐在自動(dòng)化技術(shù)的控制下完成同樣的動(dòng)作。</p><p> 在爐頂?shù)牟牧?,?dāng)爐內(nèi)不缺料時(shí),一些原料
15、(礦,球團(tuán)或燒結(jié)型組成的),焦煤和石灰石積累在爐頂。 高爐操作人員小心通過控制爐頂?shù)牟剂享樞騺砜刂瓶刂茪怏w流量和爐內(nèi)化學(xué)反應(yīng)。該原材料的通過大小鐘進(jìn)入高爐內(nèi)部, 而爐內(nèi)密封的氣體,圍繞爐內(nèi)均勻分布的原料?,F(xiàn)代一些高爐沒有大小鐘,而是有2個(gè)或3個(gè)密封艙式料斗旋轉(zhuǎn)槽,可以改變其角度,讓更多在爐料靈活的精確的布置在爐內(nèi)。</p><p> 在高爐爐頂四個(gè)泄壓裝置,爐氣從這里離開高爐。 兩個(gè)泄壓裝置合并成一個(gè)放散管。這
16、兩個(gè)放散管然后在爐頂合并成煤氣管道。在高爐的頂部有泄放閥,可釋放氣體,保護(hù)爐內(nèi)氣體的壓力,以防止?fàn)t內(nèi)氣體壓力突然激增。放出氣體通過煤氣管道進(jìn)入除塵器里,其中過濾的粗顆粒礦渣,積累到一定量后有卡車或其他設(shè)備運(yùn)出傾倒 。過濾后氣體流經(jīng)一個(gè)文氏管洗滌器,使氣體不在含有其它的細(xì)小顆粒,最后氣體經(jīng)過氣霧分離器,不僅能降低氣體的溫度,而且能夠獲得較純凈的煤氣。一些現(xiàn)代高爐配備有混合洗滌冷卻裝置,用來準(zhǔn)備清洗和冷卻的氣體。</p>&l
17、t;p> 被過濾后煤氣經(jīng)過管道,進(jìn)入蓄熱室。這里緊挨著高爐的地方通常有3或4個(gè)圓柱形火爐 。氣體在燃燒爐中的底部被加熱并通過爐內(nèi)的耐火材料上升。連續(xù)經(jīng)過幾個(gè)燃燒爐中的耐火材料后,形成熱量儲(chǔ)存在蓄熱室內(nèi)。</p><p> 大量的空氣,從80,000 ft3/min到230,000 ft3/min,經(jīng)渦輪鼓風(fēng)機(jī)吹入并流過的空氣脫濕機(jī)到燃燒爐。冷風(fēng)然后進(jìn)入先前已在加熱和爐耐火磚內(nèi)儲(chǔ)存的熱量的蓄熱室內(nèi),形成“
18、熱風(fēng)”。熱風(fēng)溫度可從1600 ° F到2300 ° F,取決于爐的燃燒爐設(shè)計(jì)和生產(chǎn)條件。這被加熱的空氣,然后流出燃燒爐,并被吹入到高爐內(nèi)。同時(shí)連接到主冷裝置的熱風(fēng)主要是與用于控制熱風(fēng)溫度并保持恒定的溫度。熱風(fēng)主要進(jìn)入一個(gè)園圈形狀的管道圍爐,所謂的“熱風(fēng)管”。通過熱風(fēng)管后,熱風(fēng)直接入爐是通過一個(gè)名為“風(fēng)口”噴嘴直接入爐。這些風(fēng)口同樣間隔圍繞高爐周圍。高爐規(guī)模較小可能有14對(duì)風(fēng)口,而規(guī)模較大的高爐有40對(duì)風(fēng)口,組成這些風(fēng)
19、口所用的材料是銅,是因?yàn)橹苯永鋮s水冷卻后的溫度依然也可能達(dá)到3600 ° F到4200 °F。原油,焦油,天然氣,煤和氧粉也可通過風(fēng)口與高爐內(nèi)焦炭結(jié)合,釋放更多的能量,可以提高高爐的生產(chǎn)量。與此同時(shí),在在出鐵口與出渣口分別開始流出鐵水和礦渣水。</p><p><b> 3 結(jié)論</b></p><p> 高爐是鋼鐵生產(chǎn)的第一步,把鐵礦石還原成
20、生鐵的連續(xù)生產(chǎn)過程。世界上第一座高爐出現(xiàn)在14世紀(jì),每一天能生產(chǎn)生鐵1噸。隨著技術(shù)的發(fā)展,高爐設(shè)備在不斷的改進(jìn)的,現(xiàn)代的巨大高爐,每天能實(shí)現(xiàn)生產(chǎn)13000噸的生鐵。即使設(shè)備進(jìn)行了改進(jìn)和生產(chǎn)速率的提高,但在高爐內(nèi)的進(jìn)程是基本保持不變的。高爐將進(jìn)入下一個(gè)千年的生存,而面積較大,高效率的熔爐在鐵水的生產(chǎn)過程中將獲得在其成本與其煉鐵技術(shù)的競爭優(yōu)勢。</p><p> Working of a Blast Furnace
21、</p><p> Jan Terpar, Imrich Kostial</p><p> Department of Informatics and Process Control</p><p> Faculty of BERG</p><p> Technical University of Ko?ice</p>
22、<p> B.Nemavej304200 Kosice</p><p> Slovak Republic</p><p> The purpose of a blast furnace is to chemically reduce and physically convert iron oxides into liquid iron called "hot me
23、tal". The blast furnace is a huge, steel stack lined with refractory brick, where iron ore, coke and limestone are dumped into the top, and preheated air is blown into the bottom. The raw materials require 6 to 8 ho
24、urs to descend to the bottom of the furnace where they become the final product of liquid slag and liquid iron. These liquid products are drained from the furnace a</p><p> 1 The Process</p><p>
25、; Iron oxides can come to the blast furnace plant in the form of raw ore, pellets or sinter. The raw ore is removed from the earth and sized into pieces that range from 0.5 to 1.5 inches. This ore is either Hematite (Fe
26、2O3) or Magnetite (Fe3O4) and the iron content ranges from 50% to 70%. This iron rich ore can be charged directly into a blast furnace without any further processing. Iron ore that contains a lower iron content must be p
27、rocessed or beneficiated to increase its iron content. Pellets </p><p> The coke is produced from a mixture of coals. The coal is crushed and ground into a powder and then charged into an oven. As the oven
28、is heated the coal is cooked so most of the volatile matter such as oil and tar are removed. The cooked coal, called coke, is removed from the oven after 18 to 24 hours of reaction time. The coke is cooled and screened i
29、nto pieces ranging from one inch to four inches. The coke contains 90 to 93% carbon, some ash and sulfur but compared to raw coal is very strong. </p><p> The final raw material in the ironmaking process in
30、 limestone. The limestone is removed from the earth by blasting with explosives. It is then crushed and screened to a size that ranges from 0.5 inch to 1.5 inch to become blast furnace flux . This flux can be pure high c
31、alcium limestone, dolomitic imestone containing magnesia or a blend of the two types of limestone. </p><p> Since the limestone is melted to become the slag which removes sulfur and other impurities, the bl
32、ast furnace operator may blend the different stones to produce the desired slag chemistry and create ptimum slag properties such as a low melting point and a high fluidity. </p><p> All of the raw materials
33、 are stored in an ore field and transferred to the stockhouse before charging. Once these materials are charged into the furnace top, they go through numerous chemical and hysical reactions while descending to the bottom
34、 of the furnace.</p><p> The iron ore, pellets and sinter are reduced which simply means the oxygen in the iron oxides is emoved by a series of chemical reactions. These reactions occur as follows:</p>
35、;<p> 1) 3 Fe2O3 + CO = CO2 + 2 Fe3O4 </p><p> 2) Fe3O4 + CO = CO2 + 3 FeO </p><p> 3) FeO + CO = CO2 + Fe or FeO + C = CO + Fe </p><p> At
36、the same time the iron oxides are going through these purifying reactions, they are also beginning to soften then melt and finally trickle as liquid iron through the coke to the bottom of the furnace. </p><p&g
37、t; The coke descends to the bottom of the furnace to the level where the preheated air or hot blast enters the blast furnace. The coke is ignited by this hot blast and immediately reacts to generate heat s follows: <
38、/p><p> C + O2 = CO2 + Heat </p><p> Since the reaction takes place in the presence of excess carbon at a high temperature the carbon dioxide is reduced to carbon monoxide as follows:</p>
39、<p> CO2+ C = 2CO </p><p> The product of this reaction, carbon monoxide, is necessary to reduce the iron ore as seen in the previous iron oxide reactions. </p><p> The limestone descend
40、s in the blast furnace and remains a solid while going through its first reaction s follows:</p><p> CaCO3 = CaO + CO2 </p><p> This reaction requires energy and starts at about 1600°F. T
41、he CaO formed from this reaction is used to remove sulfur from the iron which is necessary before the hot metal becomes steel. This sulfur emoving reaction is: </p><p> FeS + CaO + C = CaS + FeO + CO </p
42、><p> The CaS becomes part of the slag. The slag is also formed from any remaining Silica (SiO2), Alumina (Al2O3), Magnesia (MgO) or Calcia (CaO) that entered with the iron ore, pellets, sinter or coke. The li
43、quid slag then trickles through the coke bed to the bottom of the furnace where it floats on top of the iquid iron since it is less dense.</p><p> Another product of the ironmaking process, in addition to m
44、olten iron and slag, is hot dirty gases. These gases exit the top of the blast furnace and proceed through gas cleaning equipment where particulate matter is removed from the gas and the gas is cooled. This gas has a con
45、siderable energy value so it is burned as a fuel in the "hot blast stoves" which are used to preheat the air entering the blast furnace to become "hot blast". Any of the gas not burned in the stoves i
46、s sent to the boiler </p><p> The blast furnace is a counter-current realtor where solids descend and gases ascend. In this reactor there are numerous chemical and physical reactions that produce the desire
47、d final product which is hot metal.</p><p> 2 The Blast Furnace Plant</p><p> Now that we have completed a description of the ironmaking process, let s review the physical quipment comprising
48、the blast furnace plant.</p><p> There is an ore storage yard that can also be an ore dock where boats and barges are unloaded. The raw materials stored in the ore yard are raw ore, several types of pellets
49、, sinter, limestone or flux blend and possibly coke. These materials are transferred to the "stockhouse/hiline" complex by ore bridges equipped with grab buckets or by conveyor belts. Materials can also be brou
50、ght to the stockhouse/hiline in rail hoppers or transferred from ore bridges to self-propelled rail cars called "ore </p><p> At the top of the furnace the materials are held until a "charge"
51、 usually consisting of some type of metallic (ore, pellets or sinter), coke and flux (limestone) have accumulated. The precise filling order is developed by the blast furnace operators to carefully control gas flow and c
52、hemical reactions inside the furnace. The materials are charged into the blast furnace through two stages of conical "bells" which seal in the gases and distribute the raw materials evenly around the circumfere
53、nce o</p><p> Also at the top of the blast furnace are four "uptakes" where the hot, dirty gas exits the furnace dome. The gas flows up to where two uptakes merge into an "offtake" . Th
54、e two offtakes then merge into the "downcomer" . At the extreme top of the uptakes there are "bleeder valves" which may release gas and protect the top of the furnace from sudden gas pressure surges.
55、 The gas descends in the downcomer to the "dustcatcher", where coarse particles settle out, accumulate and are dumped into a rai</p><p> The clean gas pipeline is directed to the hot blast "s
56、tove" . There are usually 3 or 4 cylindrical shaped stoves in a line adjacent to the blast furnace. The gas is burned in the bottom of a stove and the heat rises and transfers to refractory brick inside the stove. T
57、he products of combustion flow through passages in these bricks, out of the stove into a high "stack" which is shared by all of the stoves.</p><p> Large volumes of air, from 80,000 ft3/min to 23
58、0,000 ft3/min, are generated from a turbo blower and flow through the "cold blast main" up to the stoves. This cold blast then enters the stove that has been previously heated and the heat stored in the refrac
59、tory brick inside the stove is transferred to the "cold blast" to form "hot blast". The hot blast temperature can be from 1600°F to 2300°F depending on the stove design and condition. This h
60、eated air then exits the stove into the "hot blast ma</p><p> 3 Conclusion</p><p> The blast furnace is the first step in producing steel from iron oxides. The first blast furnaces appear
61、ed in the 14th Century and produced one ton per day. Blast furnace equipment is in continuous evolution and modern, giant furnaces produce 13,000 tons per day. Even though equipment is improved and higher production rate
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