1、此文檔是畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)外文翻譯成品( 含英文原文+中文翻譯) ,無(wú)需調(diào)整復(fù)雜的格式!下載之后直接可用,方便快捷!本文價(jià)格不貴,也就幾十塊錢(qián)!一輩子也就一次的事!外文標(biāo)題:A Brief Introduction to Android Development外文作者:Roy Sandberg,Mark Rollins文獻(xiàn)出處: The Business of Android Apps Development,2018,pp 39-50 (如覺(jué)得
2、年份太老,可改為近 2 年,畢竟很多畢業(yè)生都這樣做)英文 4032 單詞,24515 字符(字符就是印刷符),中文 6940 漢字。A Brief Introduction to Android DevelopmentBy now, you have seen that there is a method to the madness of marketing Android apps. Chapter 2 discussed comi
3、ng up with that million-dollar idea, and Chapter 3 covered some legal technicalities. This chapter takes you through the first steps of actually creating an Android application. If you are an experienced programmer, you
4、might find the information in this chapter too basic, so it might seem more of a review. If so, by all means scan it quickly and move on to subsequent chapters that focus on marketing Android applications.If you are a fi
5、rst-time developer, you should read this chapter very carefully to understand the concepts involved. We wrote this book so that anyone can succeed in the current Android market, so it helps to learn as much as possible b
6、efore you write that first line of code for your application.If you are just beginning to write an application for Android, you might discover a lot of technical terms being thrown around, and it might be difficult to na
7、vigate this sea of abbreviations. Although we can’t teach you to write Android applications in one chapter, we can give you a very high-level overview that we hope will give you the guidance you need for learning more on
8、 your own.Integrated Development Environment (IDE)Authors tend to write by using a word processor; developers tend to code with an IDE. An IDE is an application, somewhat similar to a word processor, that enables you to
9、see and modify source code. Source code is typically color-coded in a way that highlights keywords and syntax. In addition, an IDE checks the syntax (structure) of your code as you write and is integrated (hence the nam
10、e) with development tools such as compilers and debuggers. IDEs have lots of very useful capabilities that make writing software easier and more enjoyable.Eclipse is a well-known, open-source IDE that is mostly written i
11、n Java and built around the idea of plug-ins. Eclipse has plug-ins for almost everything, including development, debugging, and revision control in many different programming languages. Although not directly related to
12、Android development (just as knowing how to use a word processor isn’t directly related to writing), it is very powerful and worth understanding. You can learn more here: http://help.eclipse.orgAndroid provides an Eclips
13、e plug-in that is perfect for developing Android apps. The ADT plug-in customizes your Eclipse workspace for use with Android. It includes a guided project setup, custom editors for Android configuration files, debug out
14、put, and more. It does everything you need, right down to creating a release package that gets uploaded to Google Play and other marketplaces. Alternatively, you can use commercial IDEs such as JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA.
15、IntelliJ comes in a free, open-source community edition and a commercial Ultimate Edition. Some developers swear by the Ultimate Edition, arguing that it has superior code indexing that results in better code completion,
16、 refactoring, and navigation. IntelliJ also supports plug-ins; that makes it a good candidate for Android development. You can learn more about using IntelliJ IDEA for Android Development here:Perks of the Android Operat