1、<p><b> 畢業(yè)論文開題報告</b></p><p><b> 英語</b></p><p> Emily as a “Rose”in a Rose for Emily </p><p> 一、選題的背景、意義</p><p> 威廉·??思{是美國現(xiàn)代文學(xué)史上
2、最出色的幾位小說家之一,是英美意識流小說的杰出代表,南方文學(xué)的領(lǐng)袖。福克納于1897年9月25日出生于美國南方密西西比州一個沒落的莊園主家庭。他的家族在南北戰(zhàn)爭以前興旺發(fā)達,在當?shù)仡H有名望和權(quán)勢。南北戰(zhàn)爭結(jié)束后,美國的奴隸制度隨之壽終正寢,福克納家族同南方的許多莊園主家族一樣逐漸衰敗。由于家境破落,??思{沒有機會接受良好的教育。</p><p> 美國南北戰(zhàn)爭的結(jié)束意味著南方過去的輝煌成為歷史,南方神話徹底破滅
3、。然而絕大多數(shù)南方人卻無法接受這一現(xiàn)實,一方面他們苦澀地意識到美好的昔日已不復(fù)存在,但是另一方面他們始終不愿從過去的美夢中醒來。為了留住那美好的回憶和過去的榮耀,他們竭盡全力德去維護南方舊的價值觀,保留傳統(tǒng)的風俗習慣并且小心翼翼的呵護著曾經(jīng)十分顯赫的沒落貴族的飄零子弟。</p><p> 而作為美國南方貴族的一員,福克納創(chuàng)作了一部部以約克納帕特縣為背景,描述南方社會200年的歷史變遷,各階層人物的命運浮沉,揭示
4、了社會轉(zhuǎn)型期的矛盾和沖突?!东I給艾米麗的一朵玫瑰》中,??思{借助艾米麗悲慘的一生,表達了對南方文明的深切思念和緬懷的同時,也展現(xiàn)了他對腐敗南方的舊制度舊觀念的深刻揭露和批判,以喚起人們的正義感,擯棄那些糟粕的東西,吸取南方價值觀念中的積極向上,符合人性的東西,重新構(gòu)建南方一個嶄新的美好的精神家園。</p><p> 本論文創(chuàng)作目的是把艾米麗作為玫瑰對整部小說進行分析。小說的題目是《獻給艾米麗的一朵玫瑰》,而整篇
5、文章出現(xiàn)的與玫瑰有關(guān)的詞匯是在結(jié)尾處,并且只有兩處,那就是“玫瑰色窗簾”和“玫瑰色的燈罩”,僅此兩處。這就引起了我對這個題目的好奇,為什么福克納要把題目定為“獻給艾米麗的一朵玫瑰”,為什么要把玫瑰獻給艾米利?這是我寫這篇論文的初衷。</p><p> 二、研究的基本內(nèi)容與擬解決的主要問題</p><p> 本篇論文會從三個方面展開:第一部分寫的是艾米麗是南方文明的玫瑰。??思{的大部分作
6、品都發(fā)生在Yoknapatawpha County—一個福克納假象的美國南方小鎮(zhèn)?!东I給艾米麗的一朵玫瑰》也不例外。大房子,皮質(zhì)的家具,黑男仆,免稅的特權(quán)等等,都讓讀者仿佛親眼看到這個曾經(jīng)歷鼎盛時期的種植園主家庭。玫瑰有枯萎的一天,種植園制度也難逃衰敗的厄運。艾米麗是南方文明的代表。當艾米麗家傳出難聞的惡臭時,年過八十的老市長是怎樣處理才不為難到艾米麗的。當艾米麗小姐去世的時候,人們紛紛去她家探望。小說把艾米麗的死形容成是倒塌的紀念塔,
7、都體現(xiàn)了人們對逐漸消失的舊傳統(tǒng)的緬懷。</p><p> 第二部分是寫艾米麗是她家族的玫瑰。艾米麗是位貴族小姐,她的先輩在當?shù)赜袡?quán)有勢,連地方官員都要給她家?guī)追置孀印J虚L為了免除她家的稅務(wù),還編出了一個故事。艾米麗是她父親的玫瑰。年輕的艾米麗氣質(zhì)高貴,舉止優(yōu)雅。但是她父親卻對她管教很嚴,不許她跟任何年輕人來往,認為鎮(zhèn)上的年輕人都配不上他的女兒。這足以看出艾米麗在他父親心目中的地位。</p><
8、;p> 第三部分寫艾米麗的愛情。玫瑰代表了忠貞不渝的愛情,而艾米麗對荷默的感情就像這火紅的玫瑰,專一,專注,專橫。</p><p> 本篇論文的最終目的是要理解題目,文章主題以及作者的創(chuàng)作意圖。</p><p> 三、研究的方法與技術(shù)路線</p><p> 本文主要把艾米麗作為玫瑰來分析。艾米麗是南方文明的玫瑰,艾米麗是她家族的玫瑰以及艾米麗的愛情玫瑰
9、,從而理解主題。其次注重小說中人物性格的描寫,理解作品的本身意義以及作者的創(chuàng)作意圖。</p><p> 技術(shù)路線:通過借閱圖書館書本,以及網(wǎng)上搜索有關(guān)這個課題的資料,結(jié)合兩者及自己的想法,擬定出該論文。</p><p> 四、研究的總體安排與進度</p><p> 2010-10 前,確定論文題目和提綱</p><p> 2010-1
10、1-25前,完成任務(wù)書、開題報告、文獻綜述</p><p> 2011-01-15前,完成論文初稿</p><p> 2011-03-25前,完成論文二稿</p><p> 2011年5月下旬:進行畢業(yè)論文答辯。</p><p><b> 五、主要參考文獻</b></p><p> [1
11、] 程錫麟.獻給艾米麗的玫瑰在哪里[J].外國文學(xué)評論,2005(3):67-73</p><p> [2] 黃曦.玫瑰的花與刺[J].成都大學(xué)學(xué)報(教育科學(xué)版),2008,(2):107-109</p><p> [3] 恩·斯坦因.福克納談創(chuàng)作[A].??思{評論集[C].北京:中國科學(xué)出版社, 1980 274</p><p> [4] 馬小雪.
12、“消失”的玫瑰[J].山東教育學(xué)院學(xué)報,2008,(1):99-101</p><p> [5] 陶 潔.福克納短篇小說集[M].南京:譯林出版社,2001.9</p><p> [6] 劉瑛.“玫瑰”的象征含義[J].四川兵工學(xué)報,2008,(6):107-109</p><p> [7] 彭曉華、蒲度戎編著.《英美短篇小說選讀》[M].重慶:重慶大學(xué)出版社
13、,2000.6</p><p><b> 畢業(yè)論文文獻綜述</b></p><p><b> 英語</b></p><p> Emily as a “Rose” in a Rose for Emily</p><p> 前言部分(說明寫作的目的,介紹有關(guān)概念,扼要說明有關(guān)主題爭論焦點)<
14、;/p><p> 威廉·??思{(1897—1962)是美國現(xiàn)代文學(xué)史上最出色的幾位小說家之一,是英美意識流小說的杰出代表,南方文學(xué)的領(lǐng)袖。他生于美國南方密西西比州的一個沒落的莊園主家庭。南北戰(zhàn)爭結(jié)束后,美國的奴隸制度隨之消失,福克納家族同南方的許多莊園主家族一樣逐漸衰敗。福克納一共寫了19部長篇小說與百篇短篇小說,其中十五部長篇與絕大多數(shù)短篇的故事都發(fā)生在約克納帕塔法縣,稱為約克納帕塔法世系。其主要脈絡(luò)是
15、這個縣杰弗遜鎮(zhèn)極其郊區(qū)的屬于不同社會階層的若干個家族的幾代人的故事。 其中《獻給艾米麗的一朵玫瑰》就是其中的一篇。</p><p> 在小說《獻給艾米麗的一朵玫瑰》里,??思{借助自己對南方腹地的深刻了解與南方帶有悲劇色彩的歷史、語言、文化相結(jié)合,把自己對南方的深厚復(fù)雜的感情融入了小說中。婦女形象在??思{的小說中一直占有重要的地位,她們都是古老的南方傳統(tǒng)道德的受害者。艾米麗就是這樣一個形象。在小說中,男人占有了絕
16、對的控制權(quán),女人只有順從。這我們可以從小說描寫他父親是如何趕走艾米麗的求婚者中可以了解到。通過對艾米麗的描寫,??思{譴責了非人道的傳統(tǒng)道德以及扭曲人性的南方社會。同時??思{也表達了自己對敢于叛逆和追求正常人生活的受害者們的深切同情和崇高敬意。</p><p> 短篇小說《獻給艾米利的一朵玫瑰》講述了在南方杰弗遜小鎮(zhèn)一位貴族老處女因愛生恨,毒殺情人,終生與尸首相伴,過著隱居生活的悲慘故事。在這部作品里,??思{刻畫
17、了一位深受南方設(shè)為傳統(tǒng)道德迫害的貴族老處女的形象,但是他卻獻給了這位古怪、高傲而又悲慘的老處女一朵紅紅的玫瑰,更確切的說,??思{筆下的艾米麗小姐就是一朵玫瑰,一朵靜靜綻放后又凋零于格里爾生家族大宅這座黑屋中的紅玫瑰。</p><p> 二、主題部分(闡明有關(guān)主題的歷史背景、現(xiàn)狀和發(fā)展方向,以及對這些問題的評述) </p><p> 福克納的“約克納帕塔法世系”系列小說是以約克納帕塔法縣
19、的飄零子弟。艾米麗就是被選中的貴族代表之一。只不過,她一方面成為舊南方的代表,另一方面卻又公然挑戰(zhàn)舊南方,破壞它的傳統(tǒng)規(guī)范。</p><p> 小說題為《獻給艾米麗的一朵玫瑰》,然而令人奇怪的是整個故事既沒有提到玫瑰花,也沒有提到有人給艾米麗送過玫瑰花。只是到了故事最后,人們才發(fā)現(xiàn)在艾米麗小姐塵封的房里,有著“褪色的玫瑰色窗幔、玫瑰色燈罩?!痹谶@里,“褪色的玫瑰色窗幔,玫瑰色燈罩”正是她那消逝了的愛情的寫照。這
20、個并沒有玫瑰花出現(xiàn)的故事卻以“玫瑰花”為題,這迷一樣的篇名究竟暗藏著作者怎么樣的深意呢?</p><p> 這正是本論文要討論的問題。??思{本人在談到故事標題的含義時曾說:“這兒有個遭遇悲慘的女人,她的悲劇是無法改變的,任何人也無能為力。我可憐她。這是向她表示敬意,就像你在這種情形下要像人作出某種姿勢、行個禮什么的一樣。對一個男人,你會敬他一杯酒,而對一個女人,你則會獻上一朵玫瑰。”這句話泄漏了??思{對艾米麗小
21、姐這一人物形象的迷戀與惋惜的復(fù)雜情愫。</p><p> 現(xiàn)今為止已經(jīng)有很多人對福克納取這個題目寓意的研究,總的來說可以分成這么幾類。</p><p> 馬小雪,來自聊城大學(xué)外國語學(xué)院2007級碩士研究生,認為玫瑰具有以下幾個象征。第一,它代表了耶穌的血液,并且意味著對上帝的愛,一種尊敬和崇拜的感情,艾米麗是老一輩人心中宗教的神圣代表。第二,玫瑰代表了安東尼的血液。安東尼和維納斯的愛情
22、悲劇也是以玫瑰的出現(xiàn)和英雄的死亡結(jié)束,所以這注定了艾米麗的愛情是血腥的悲劇。第三,玫瑰代表了性愛。作者認為玫瑰(Rose)和性愛(Eros)同音,并且整篇文章并未提及玫瑰,而只是對艾米麗古怪性格和她病態(tài)心理的描寫,所以題目又可叫為艾米麗的性愛。并且荷默(Homer),艾米麗的情人,其名字發(fā)音非常像“Home”的發(fā)音,也暗示著艾米麗一直都把他困在了家里。</p><p> 黃曦,來自于成都大學(xué)外國語學(xué)院教師,是從
24、> 劉瑛(江漢大學(xué) 外國語學(xué)院,武漢 430056)認為玫瑰即象征著艾米麗的愛情,又象征著艾米麗本人,同時還象征著衰敗的美國南方種植園主制度。荷默是艾米麗唯一的精神寄托,他點燃了艾米麗的熊熊愛火,這把愛火就像盛開的玫瑰一樣,熱情似火。玫瑰象征艾米麗是因為玫瑰是花中貴族,血統(tǒng)高貴,身價不凡,花莖上的刺又讓人生畏,玫瑰的這些特點與艾米麗極為相似。小說中描寫到鎮(zhèn)上的男人去參加艾米麗的葬禮,是因為一座紀念碑的倒塌,人們對逐漸小時的舊的傳
25、統(tǒng)的緬懷。作者用“玫瑰”作為小說標題,是在用玫瑰悼念自己成長的這片土地,在祭奠種植園主制度的落幕。</p><p> 在西方文化中,玫瑰象征著純潔、美麗和愛情。程錫麟《獻給艾米麗的玫瑰在哪里》一文中指出,它實際上至少能有如下幾種理解:“1.玫瑰是指代表該鎮(zhèn)民的敘述者‘我們’在講述艾米麗時所表達出的對她的敬意和感情。2.它可能暗指艾米麗在追求愛情問題上試圖戰(zhàn)勝時空,她的這種執(zhí)著和挑戰(zhàn)精神值的獻給玫瑰。3.它可能指
26、艾米麗的愛情是超越死亡的愛情。4.艾米麗是南方傳統(tǒng)的化身,因此“玫瑰”也可能是指艾米麗成了杰弗遜鎮(zhèn)居民,尤其是那些南方聯(lián)邦老軍人心中的那種玫瑰”。</p><p> ??思{將這篇小說刻意起個不同尋常的篇名,不管玫瑰代表了什么,它都暗示了福克納對某些已逝事物的悼念,反映了他對美國南方歷史、文化等觀念和存在的復(fù)雜心態(tài)。</p><p> 三、總結(jié)部分(將全文主題進行扼要總結(jié),提出自己的見解
27、并對進一步的發(fā)展方向做出預(yù)測)</p><p> 小說的題目為《獻給艾米麗的一朵玫瑰》以及文中的“敗了色的的玫瑰色窗簾,玫瑰色燈罩”都被賦予了象征意義。至于這到底象征了什么,是眾說紛紜。</p><p> 本論文是要把艾米麗就是那朵玫瑰來進行研究,借鑒前人的成果,結(jié)合自己的理解,從而對??思{的創(chuàng)作意圖以及艾米麗的性格有更深的理解。通過對艾米麗就是那朵玫瑰進行研究,分析小說的玫瑰意象。主
29、<p><b> 四、參考文獻:</b></p><p> [1] 程錫麟.獻給艾米麗的玫瑰在哪里[J].外國文學(xué)評論,2005(3):67-73</p><p> [2] 黃曦.玫瑰的花與刺[J].成都大學(xué)學(xué)報(教育科學(xué)版),2008,(2):107-109</p><p> [3] 恩·斯坦因.福克納談創(chuàng)作[A
30、].??思{評論集[C].北京:中國科學(xué)出版社, 1980 274</p><p> [4] 馬小雪.“消失”的玫瑰[J].山東教育學(xué)院學(xué)報,2008,(1):99-101</p><p> [5] 陶 潔.??思{短篇小說集[M].南京:譯林出版社,2001.9</p><p> [6] 劉瑛.“玫瑰”的象征含義[J].四川兵工學(xué)報,2008,(6):107-1
31、09</p><p> [7] 彭曉華、蒲度戎編著.《英美短篇小說選讀》[M].重慶:重慶大學(xué)出版社,2000.6</p><p><b> ?。?0_ _屆)</b></p><p><b> 本科畢業(yè)設(shè)計</b></p><p><b> 英語</b></p&g
32、t;<p> Emily as a “Rose”in a Rose for Emily</p><p><b> 內(nèi)容摘要</b></p><p> 威廉·??思{是美國南方文學(xué)的領(lǐng)袖。其中《獻給艾米麗的一朵玫瑰》是約克納帕塔法世系里的一部小說。小說題為《獻給艾米麗的一朵玫瑰》,但整部小說只是在結(jié)尾提到兩次“褪色的玫瑰色窗幔、玫瑰色燈罩”。
33、本文認為艾米麗小姐就是那朵玫瑰,然后從這個角度對小說的南方傳統(tǒng)、南方的沒落貴族以及艾米麗的愛情進行分析,從而更好的理解小說的主題和作者的創(chuàng)作意圖。</p><p> 關(guān)鍵字:玫瑰;艾米麗;南方傳統(tǒng);南方的沒落貴族;愛情 </p><p><b> Abstract</b></p><p> William Faulkner was one
34、 of the most influential American novelists. His short story A Rose for Emily, was those among his best works,taking place in the imaginary Yoknapatawpha County. Although the title of the short story is A Rose for Emily,
35、 rose is only mentioned two times at the end of the story. This thesis aims to have a further analysis of the southern American tradition, the Griersons and Emily’s love from a different perspective “Emily is the rose”.
36、As a result, we have a better unders</p><p> Key words: rose; Emily; southern American tradition; the Griersons; love </p><p><b> Content</b></p><p> Abstract…………………
37、……………………………………………….II</p><p> Introduction…………………………………………………………..1</p><p> Emily as the “rose” of the south……………………………………...2</p><p> Emily as a rose of southern tradition………………
38、…………….</p><p> Emily reflects the author’s nostalgia…………………………….</p><p> Emily as the “rose” of the Griersons…………………………….........</p><p> Emily is his father’s rose……………………………………
39、…..</p><p> The Griersons’ status in the town………………………………..</p><p> Emily’s love just like the rose………………………………………….</p><p> Emily pursued her love bravely………………………………..</p>
40、;<p> Emily killed his lover…………………………………………..</p><p> 5. Conclusion…………………………………………………………….</p><p> Bibliography……………………………………………………………..</p><p> Acknowledgements ………………
41、……………………………………..</p><p> Introduction</p><p> William Faulkner (1897-1962) is one of the leading American authors of the 20th century and received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1949 for hi
42、s powerful and artistically unique contribution to the modern American novel. He was famous for the skill called the stream of consciousness and a regionalist and spent most of his life in a small, particular area of the
43、 United States, the Deep South with its bitter history of slavery, writing about the scenes and people he knew best, civil war and des</p><p> And A Rose for Emily is among Faulkner’s best novel for his “Ya
44、knqpatawpha Kingdom.” This novel tells a story of an eccentric spinster, Emily Grierson. An unnamed narrator details Emily’s tragic life. Miss Emily, growing up in the Sothern noble family, was ruled by her father with a
45、n iron fist by turning away every suitor the young girl had; after her father’s death, she had a boyfriend, an unlikely Yankee guy named Homer, who refused to marry Emily. So Miss Emily poisoned her lover and lived wi<
46、;/p><p> Although the title of the short story is A Rose for Emily, rose is only mentioned two times at the end of the story. This thesis aims to have a further analysis of the southern American tradition, the
47、 Griersons and Emily’s love from a different perspective “Emily is the rose”. As a result, we have a better understanding of the story and what the writer are trying to convey. </p><p> Emily as the “rose”
48、of the south</p><p> Readers who first read the title may have questions in mind: who is Emily? Who gives Emily flowers? Why they give her a rose not other flowers? </p><p> Emily was a typica
49、l representative of the declining noble family who was so well acquainted with the tradition way of plantation life. So to those who felt sorrowful and nostalgic of the falling world, Emily was their rose. The author was
50、 one of them, though he showed hatred for the old rotten things which he described.</p><p> Going, one of the scholars who explored the symbolic and implications of the “rose” in the title, held the opinion
51、 that “the treasured memory of old confederate veterans and the moral obloquy of the righteous and curious of the later generation” (Going,1958:27) The next two parts aims to analysis this story from these two perspectiv
52、es. One is Emily was the rose of the southern tradition. The other is Emily was the rose of the author.</p><p> Emily as a rose of southern tradition </p><p> Emily was the rose of southern tr
53、adition, who was respected by the old generation in the town. When Emily was dead, men went to her funeral and showed “a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument”. “A fallen monument” means the tradition of the
54、 Southern America was completely gone after Emily was dead, because when Emily was alive, she was a tradition, a duty, and a care. Then she was dead, the monument fallen. </p><p> The story took place in th
55、e American South, when the civil war just ended and the advancement of the North industrialization accelerated up the disintegration and the fall of southern plantation. The new social and economic order bred after the w
56、ar has not only abandoned the secret of the old positive moral values, it’s also adopted the more ruthless and ambitious way of the industrialized North (Wan Peide, 1981: 227). In the southern descendants’ eyes, the disa
57、ppearance of the comfortable life,</p><p> Without outstanding talents, beautiful appearance, immortal feats, Emily represented one generation, just for she was born in a noble Griersons family with abundan
58、t prosperity and high social status and she was arrogant, cold and standing above others. As Southern tradition was completely disintegrated, people in the town regarded her as the embodiment of the tradition and the sym
59、bol of the responsibility “Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care”. They saw Emily as a hereditary obligation</p><p> Since America was found in 1776, there was difference between the north and the
60、south. The main income resource was plantation economy in south, while modern industry dominated the economy in north. American Civil War was caused by the difference between them. At Faulkner’s time, the decline of sout
61、h aristocrats was an inevitable situation. Emily had no choice to born in such a family. Therefore, when Emily could not live by herself at forty, the old generation sent their daughters and granddaug</p><p>
62、; What emerges from behind Emily was not just the history of her family and that of the county Yoknaptawpha, but also the history of the history of the whole aristocrat south as well. Thus, her tragedy was simply a mini
63、ature of the declining south, her death standing for the fall of monument- the fall of the old tradition. Emily vanished, so was their Southern dream. Therefore, she was their rose, something very valuable. After Emily w
64、as dead, the town people put a rose on Emily’s coffin. The rose</p><p> Emily reflects the author’s nostalgia</p><p> Faulkner, the author, uses the symbolic significance of the rose to show h
65、is admiration and compassion for Emily.</p><p> Faulkner said.” … the old verities and truths of the hearts, the old universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed—love and honor and pity
66、and compassion and sacrifice…”(Liu,2002)A Rose for Emily follows the principle. The story focus on Emily Grierson, a noble lady who tenaciously defends her love and refuses to accept the passage of time, or the inevitabl
67、e change and loss that accompanies it. As a descendent of the Southern aristocracy, Emily is a typical of those in Faulkne</p><p> Faulkner uses A Rose for Emily as the title of this short story and a rose
68、normally reminds people of beauty, love, innocence, romance or eulogy, we can conclude that the novel implies the other theme that the story desires to bring out Faulkner’s song of praise for Emily. He set a high value o
69、n Emily’s strong character and staunch which preserved her desperate defense of the traditional moral value. When Emily lost all things she had possessed, she maintained her dignity, sticking to the moral </p><
70、;p> Faulkner understood Emily’s sadness and pains, sympathizing with her misery of losing all her opportunities to have love and happiness. Emily was a symbol of old values, standing for tradition, duty and past glor
71、y. But she was also a victim of all those she cared and embraced under the control of the culture. Faulkner implied himself, nobody could stop the tragedy of a poor woman and a rose was to show his respect and sympathy f
72、or her, just as “a kind of compensation, a sort of grief” (Shen Zhih</p><p> From the explanation of the Faulkner, we can learn that Faulkner, as a southern writer Faulkner regarded Emily as the tradition r
73、epresentative of America, shows deep sympathy for Emily, and from the description of the Negro slave, we know that Faulkner actually disapproved of the Southern tradition. There is not much description of the Negro, but
74、he attained great importance in the story. Faulkner showed much sympathy for him, feels guilty conscience as a member of the South and was disgusted wi</p><p> From the above discussion, we can conclude tha
75、t Emily represented Faulkner’s rose memory of the southern tradition. She was his rose. However, he criticized her and disapproved of her no matter how he admired her, liked her. What he could do was to present a rose fo
76、r her.</p><p> Emily as the “rose” of the Griersons</p><p> Emily, as the only child of his father, stands for the “rose” of the Griersons. His father, Mr. Grierson, lavished all his love on h
77、is daughter, which was also one of the resources of Emily’s tragedy. The next two part aims to analyze Emily was the rose of his family from the two aspects. One is that Emily was his father’s rose, and the other is the
78、status of the Griersons in the town.</p><p> 3.1Emily is his father’s rose</p><p> Emily was his father’s only children, he loved her very much. Although there is not much description of Emily
79、’s father and what we learned was from others’ memory, we still can learn that Emily was his father’s rose. </p><p> Emily’s father, a nobleman, stubbornly tried to keep the fame of the noble family as much
80、 as possible, though his life was not as abundant as before. In his lifetime, he prevented any town youth from marrying his daughter, for they were not from the family as distinguished as the Griersons. In his eyes, no y
81、outh were quite good enough to his daughter. From the scene how Mr. Grierson drove away the proposers, we can learn that Emily was his father’s rose protected by Mr. Grierson with heart and s</p><p> From t
82、he above discussion, we can conclude that Emily was his father’s pearl in the palm and his father’s rose. Maybe to Mr. Grierson, his daughter- Emily was symbolic of his status as an aristocracy and such symbolic he would
83、 never lost.</p><p> The Griersons’ status in the town</p><p> There is no doubt that the status of Grierson family was honored by the town people. People thought highly of the Griersons and t
84、he life of the noble family was a lot mysterious to the town people. We can conclude this from the following aspects.</p><p> First, from the description of Emily’s house at the beginning of the story, we c
85、an learn that it was a very big, squarish frame house which was set on what had once been their most select street and now only Emily’s house was left. We can see the golden era the house declined but it still weighed a
86、lot in town people’s eyes. Actually, the house represented the status of the Griersons. </p><p> Second, after Emily was died, the women mostly went to her funnel out of curiosity to see the inside of house
87、. There was only one person in the town ever seeing the house who was an old black manservant-a combined gardener and cook. To the women, the life of the Griersons was too holy, too far to them.</p><p> Thi
88、rd, we return to the past, two years after Miss Emily’s father’s death. There have been complaints about an awful stench emanating from Miss Emily’s house. The older generation, which feels that it is improper to tell a
89、lady that she stinks, arranges for a group of men to spread lime on her lawn and inside the cellar door of her house. All the while, she sits at a window, motionless. To the old generation, the Griersons was highly above
90、 other people. Talking anything ill about them was someth</p><p> Above all, the status of the Griersons was in top rank in the town.</p><p> Emily’s love just like the rose</p><p&g
91、t; A red rose, a beautiful flower, holds great significance. Unlike other flowers, roses possess thorns. Hence, the writer used a rose to symbolize Emily’s tragic love. She pursued her love truly, sincerely, bravely. Af
92、ter learning she could not hold Homer, she poisoned him and slept with him. It is abnormal, but it also suggests the way Emily treated love, like a rose. The title of this story is A Rose for Emily. According to the abov
93、e interpretation, we can change the title into the Love for Emil</p><p> Emily pursued her love bravely</p><p> A rose normally represents love and romance. There is no “rose” in A Rose for Em
94、ily. But at the end of the story, in Emily’s bridal, there is “rose” in the last section-“the valance curtains of faded rose color” and “the rose-shaded lights”. Although these words “rose” are not used as nouns but as a
95、djectives, it still implies that Emily ever pursued her love bravely just as the rose came into bloom brightly, though now the color faded. Faulkner had ever written a poem which symbolizes rose as lo</p><p>
96、; Emily, a lady of noble birth, ever controlled completely by her father who thought no men in the town were good enough to marry his daughter. However, after the death of his father, Emily bumped into Homer, a Yankee H
97、omer Barron and fell love with him, although their affair was opposed by the whole town and her relatives. Emily did not care it at all, no matter what such love would bring to her family and what if her father was still
98、 alive. She held her head high enough just like a noble lady on</p><p> However, Emily had a stronger willingness and actions to resist against the pressure from the townspeople around her. Whatever the rea
99、son she loved him. Maybe she wanted a company or to find a substitute of her father or to jump of the tragedy of her life. It is out of the question Emily loved Homer with heart and soul. She spent every Sunday together
100、with homer and persevered in trying to marry him. It was not only her first time to forget her honorable high rank and love a northern man against</p><p> Emily killed his lover</p><p> Althou
101、gh this story is based on love, it is eerie that Emily killed Homer and slept with the corpse for many years. What is more, the town people failed to find it until Emily died and people entered Emily’s house. Actually, t
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