1、<p><b> 附錄1 翻譯原文</b></p><p> Infrastructure for Automatic Dynamic Deployment of J2EE Application in Distributed Environments</p><p> Anatoly Akkerman, Alexander Totok, and Vi
2、jay Karamcheti</p><p> Abstract: in order to achieve such dynamic adaptation, we need an infrastructure for automating J2EE application deployment in such an environment. This need is quite evident to anyon
3、e who has ever tried deploying a J2EE application even on a single application server, which is a task that involves a great deal of configuration of both the system services and application components.</p><p&
4、gt; Key words: j2ee; component; Distributed; Dynamic Deployment; </p><p> 1 Introduction</p><p> In recent years, we have seen a significant growth in component-based enterprise application d
5、evelopment. These applications are typically deployed on company Intranets or on the Internet and are characterized by high transaction volume, large numbers of users and wide area access. Traditionally they are deployed
6、 in a central location, using server clustering with load balancing (horizontal partitioning) to sustain user load. However, horizontal partitioning has been shown very efficient only in</p><p> ? Using pro
7、perly designed applications, vertical distribution across wide-area networks improves user-perceived latencies.</p><p> ? Wide-area vertical layering requires replication of application components and maint
8、aining consistency between replicas.</p><p> ? Additional replicas may be deployed dynamically to handle new requests.</p><p> ? Different replicas may, in fact, be different implementations o
9、f the same component based on usage (read-only, read-write).</p><p> ? New request paths may reuse components from previously deployed paths.</p><p> Applying intelligent monitoring [6] and AI
10、 planning [2, 12] techniques in conjunction with the conclusions of that study, we see a potential for dynamic adaptation in industry-standard J2EE component-based applications in wide area networks Through deployment of
11、 additional application components dynamically based on active monitoring. However, in order to achieve such dynamic adaptation, we need an infrastructure for automating J2EE application deployment in such an environment
12、. This need is qui</p><p> This distributed deployment infrastructure must be able to:</p><p> ? address inter-component connectivity specification and define its effects on component configur
13、ation and deployment,</p><p> ? address application component dependencies on application server services, their configuration and deployment,</p><p> ? provide simple but expressive abstracti
14、ons to control adaptation through dynamic deployment and undeployment of components,</p><p> ? enable reuse of services and components to maintain efficient use of network nodes’ resources,</p><p
15、> ? provide these facilities without incurring significant additional design effort on behalf of application programmers.</p><p> In this paper we propose the infrastructure for automatic dynamic deploy
16、ment of J2EE applications, which addresses all of the aforementioned issues. The infrastructure defines architecture description languages (ADL) for component and link description and assembly. The Component Description
17、Language is used to describe application components and links. It provides clear separation of application components from system components. A flexible type system is used to define compatibility of componen</p>
18、<p> 2 J2EE Background</p><p> 2.1 Introduction</p><p> Component frameworks. A component framework is a middleware system that supports applications consisting of components conforming
19、to certain standards. Application components are “plugged” into the component framework, which establishes their environmental conditions and regulates the interactions between them. This is usually done through containe
20、rs, component holders, which also provide commonly required support for naming, security, transactions, and persistence.</p><p> Figure 1:J2EE 3-Tier architecture</p><p> Component frameworks
21、provide an integrated environment for component execution, as a result significantly reduce the effort .it takes to design, implement, deploy, and maintain applications. Current day industry component framework standards
22、 are represented by Object Management Group’s CORBA Component Model [18], Sun Microsystems’ Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) [25] and Microsoft’s .NET [17], with J2EE being currently the most popular and widely
23、used component framework in the enterpr</p><p> J2EE. Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) [25] is a comprehensive standard for developing multi-tier enterprise Java applications. The J2EE specificatio
24、n among other things defines the following:</p><p> ? Component programming model,</p><p> ? Component contracts with the hosting server,</p><p> ? Services that the platform pro
25、vides to these components,</p><p> ? Various human roles,</p><p> ? Compatibility test suites and compliance testing procedures.</p><p> Among the list of services that a complia
26、nt application server must provide are messaging, transactions, naming and others that can be used by the application components. Application developed using J2EE adhere to the classical 3-Tier architectures – Presentati
27、on Tier, Business Tier, and Enterprise Information System (EIS) Tier (see Fig. 1). J2EE components belonging to each tier are developed adhering to the Specific J2EE standards.</p><p> 1. Presentation or We
28、b tier.</p><p> This tier is actually subdivided into client and server sides. The client side hosts a web browser, applets and Java applications that communicate with the server side of presentation tier o
29、r the business tier. The server side hosts Java Servlet components [30], Java Server Pages (JSPs) [29] and static web content. These components are responsible for presenting business data to the end users. The data itse
30、lf is typically acquired from the business tier and sometimes directly from the Enterprise</p><p> 2. Business or EJB tier.</p><p> This tier consists of Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs) [24] that
31、 model the business logic of the enterprise application. These components provide persistence mechanisms and transactional support. The components in the EJB tier are invoked through remote invocations (RMI), in-JVM invo
32、cations or asynchronous message delivery, depending on the type of EJB component. The EJB specification defines several types of components. They differ in invocation style (synchronous vs. asynchronous, local vs. remote
33、</p><p> 3. Enterprise Information System (EIS) or Data tier.</p><p> This tier refers to the enterprise information systems, like relational databases, ERP systems, messaging systems and the
34、like. Business and presentation tier component communicate with this tier with the help of resource adapters as defined by the Java Connector Architecture [26].The J2EE programming model has been conceived as a distribut
35、ed programming model where application components would run in J2EE servers and communicate with each other. After the initial introduction and first server i</p><p> 2.2 J2EE Component Programming Model<
36、;/p><p> Before we describe basic J2EE components, let’s first address the issue of defining what a component is a software component is a unit of composition with contractually specified interfaces and explic
37、it context dependencies only. A software component can be deployed independently and is subject to composition by third parties [31].According to this definition the following entities which make up a typical J2EE applic
38、ation would be considered application components (some exceptions given below):</p><p> ? EJBs (session, entity, message-driven),</p><p> ? Web components (servlets, JSPs),</p><p>
39、; ? messaging destinations,</p><p> ? Data sources,</p><p> EJB and Web components are deployed into their corresponding containers provided by the application server vendor. They have well-d
40、efined contracts with their containers that govern lifecycle, threading, persistence and other concerns. Both Web and EJB components use JNDI lookups to locate resources or other EJB components they want to communicate w
41、ith. The JNDI context in which these lookups are performed is maintained separately for each component by its container. Bindings messaging destinati</p><p> 2.3 Links Between Components</p><p>
42、; 2.3.1 Remote Interactions</p><p> J2EE defines only three basic inter-component connection types that can cross application server boundaries, in all three cases; communication is accomplished through sp
43、ecial Java objects.</p><p> ? Remote EJB invocation: synchronous EJB invocations through EJB Home and EJB Object interfaces.</p><p> ? Java Connector outbound connection: synchronous message r
44、eceipt, synchronous and asynchronous message sending.Database query using Connection Factory and Connection interfaces.</p><p> ? Java Connector inbound connection: asynchronous message delivery into Messag
45、e-Driven Beans (MDBs) only, utilizing Activation Spec objects. </p><p> In the first two cases, an application component developer writes the code that performs lookup of these objects in the component’s ru
46、n-time JNDI context as well as code that issues method invocations or sends and receives messages to and from the remote component. The component’s run-time JNDI context is created for each deployment of the component.Bi
47、ndings in the context are initialized at component deployment time by the deployed (usually by means of component’s deployment descriptors). These</p><p> ? Deployment of target component classes (optional
48、for some components, like destinations),</p><p> ? Creation of a special Java object to be used as a target component’s proxy,</p><p> ? Binding of this object with component’s host naming ser
49、vice (JNDI or JMX),</p><p> ? Start of the target component,</p><p> ? Deployment of referencing component classes,</p><p> ? Creation and population of referencing component’s r
50、un-time context in its host naming service,</p><p> ? start of the referencing component.</p><p> However, none of modern application servers allow detailed control of the deployment process f
51、or all component types beyond what is possible by limited options in their deployment descriptors 4. Therefore our infrastructure will use a simplified approach that relies on features currently available on most applica
52、tion servers:</p><p> ? Ability to deploy messaging destinations and data sources dynamically,</p><p> ? Ability to create and bind into JNDI special objects to access messaging destinations a
53、nd data sources,</p><p> ? Ability to specify initial binding of EJB Home objects upon EJB component deployment,</p><p> ? Ability to specify a JNDI reference 5 in the referencing component’s
54、run-time context to point to the EJB Home binding of the referenced EJB component. In our infrastructure which is limited to homogeneous application servers, these options are sufficient to control intercomponent links t
55、hrough simple deployment descriptor manipulation. However, in context of heterogeneous application servers, simple JNDI references and thus simple descriptor manipulation are insufficient due to cross-applicat</p>
56、<p> 2.3.2 Local Interactions</p><p> Some interactions between components can occur only between components co-located in the same application server JVM and sometimes only in the same container. In
57、 the Web tier, examples of such interactions are servlet-to-servlet request forwarding. In the EJB tier, such interactions are CMP Entity relations and invocations via EJB local interfaces. Such local deployment concerns
58、 need not be exposed at the level of a distributed deployment infrastructure other than to ensure collocation. Therefor</p><p> 2.4 Deployment of J2EE Applications and System Services</p><p>
59、2.4.1 Deployment of Application Components</p><p> Deployment and undeployment of standard J2EE components has not yet been standardized (see JSR 88 [10] for standardization effort 6). Therefore, each appli
60、cation server vendor provides proprietary facilities for component deployment and undeployment. And while the J2EE specification does define packaging of standard components which includes format and location of XML-base
61、d deployment descriptors within the package, this package is not required to be deployable by an application server without p</p><p> ? Generation of additional proprietary descriptors that supplement or re
62、place the standard ones,</p><p> ? Code generation of application server-specific classes.</p><p> In order to proceed with building a dynamic distributed deployment infrastructure capable of
63、deploying in heterogeneous networks, we propose a universal unit of deployment to be a single XML-based deployment descriptor or a set of such,bundled into an archive. The archive may optionally include Java classes that
64、 implement the component and any other resources that the component may need. Alternatively, the deployment descriptors may simply have URL references to codebases. We assume presence of </p><p> 2.4.2 Depl
65、oyment of System Components (Services)</p><p> While lacking only in the area of defining a clear specification of deployment and undeployment when it comes to application components, the J2EE standard fall
66、s much shorter with respect to system services. Not only a standardized deployment facility for system services is not specified, the specification, in fact, places no requirements even on life cycle properties of these
67、services, nor does it address the issue of explicit specification of application component dependencies on the underlying</p><p> For example, an EJB with container managed transactions that declares at lea
68、st one method that supports/requires/starts a new transaction would require presence of a TransactionManager service in the application server. Similarly, a messagedriven bean implicitly requires an instance of a messagi
69、ng service running somewhere in the network that hosts the messaging destination for the MDB and a Java Connector based hook-up from within its hosting application server to this messaging service.</p><p>
70、Given that applications would typically use only a subset of services provided by an application server, componentized application servers that allow incremental service deployments depending on the needs of the applicat
71、ion allow for most efficient utilization of server resources. There are several J2EE application servers that are already fully or partially componentized, including open source application servers JBoss [11] and JOnAS [
72、19]. We feel that dynamic reconfiguration of application ser</p><p> References</p><p> [1] Apache Software Foundation. Apache Geronimo Application Server. http://geronimo.apache.org/.</p&g
73、t;<p> [2] N. Arshad, D. Heimbigner, and A. L. Wolf. Deployment and dynamic reconfiguration planning for distributed software systems. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Tools with Artificial
74、Intelligence (ICTAI’03), November 2003.</p><p> [3] T. Batista and N. Rodriguez. Dynamic reconfiguration of component-based applications. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Software Engineerin
75、g for Parallel and Distributed Systems, June 2000.</p><p> [4] BEA Systems Inc. WebLogic Application Server. http://www.beasys.com/products/weblogic/.</p><p> [5] G. Candea, E. Kiciman, S. Zha
76、ng, P. Keyani, and A. Fox. JAGR: An autonomous self-recovering application server. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Active Middleware Services, June 2003.</p><p> [6] M. Chen, E. Kiciman,
77、 E. Fratkin, E. Brewer, and A. Fox. Pinpoint: Problem determination in large, dynamic, Internet services. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, June 2002.</p><p>
78、 [7] J. E. Cook and J. A. Dage. Highly reliable upgrading of components. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’99), May 1999.</p><p> [8] M. Fleury and F. Reverb
79、el. The JBoss extensible server. In Proceedings of the ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference (Middleware’2003), June 2003.</p><p> [9] IBM Corporation. WebSphere Application Server. http://www
80、.ibm.com/software/websphere/.</p><p> [10] Java Community Process. Java Specification Request 88 (JSR88). http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=88.</p><p> [11] JBoss Group. JBoss Application Se
81、rver. http://www.jboss.org.</p><p> [12] T. Kichkaylo, A. Ivan, and V. Karamcheti. Constrained component deployment in wide-area networks using AI planning techniques. In Proceedings of the International Pa
82、rallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), April 2003.</p><p> [13] F. Kon and R. H. Campbell. Dependence management in component-based distributed systems. IEEE Concurrency, 8(1):26–36, 2000.<
83、/p><p> [14] D. Llambiri, A. Totok, and V. Karamcheti. Efficiently distributing component-based applications across wide-area environments. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computi
84、ng Systems (ICDCS), pages 412–421, May 2003.</p><p> [15] J.Magee, A. Tseng, and J. Kramer. Composing distributed objects in CORBA. In Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Autonomous Decentra
85、lized Systems (ISADS’97), pages 257–263, 1997.</p><p> [16] V. Marangozova and D. Hagimont. An infrastructure for CORBA component replication. In Proceedings of the IFIP/ACM Working Conference on Component
86、Deployment, pages 257–263, 2002.</p><p> [17] Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft .NET. http://www.microsoft.com/net/.</p><p> [18] Object Management Group. CORBA Component Model (CCM) Specificat
87、ion. </p><p> http://www.omg.org/technology/documents/formal/components.htm.</p><p> [19] ObjectWeb Consortium. JOnAS Application Server. http://jonas.objectweb.org/.</p><p> [20
88、] ObjectWeb Consortium. RUBiS: Rice University Bidding System. http://rubis.objectweb.org/.</p><p> [21] Oracle Corporation. Oracle Application Server. http://www.oracle.com/appserver/.</p><p>
89、 [22] M. Rutherford, K. Anderson, A. Carzaniga, D. Heimbigner, and A. L.Wolf. Reconfiguration in the Enterprise JavaBean component model. In Proceedings of the IFIP/ACM Working Conference on Component Deployment, pages
90、67–81, 2002.</p><p> [23] Sun Microsystems Inc. Java Pet Store Sample Application. http://java.sun.com/developer/releases/petstore/.</p><p> [24] Sun Microsystems Inc. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJ
91、B) Specification. http://java.sun.com/products/ejb/.</p><p> [25] Sun Microsystems Inc. Java 2 Enterprise Edition. http://java.sun.com/j2ee/.</p><p> [26] Sun Microsystems Inc. Java Connector
92、Architecture (JCA) Specification. http://java.sun.com/j2ee/connector/.</p><p> [27] Sun Microsystems Inc. Java Management Extensions (JMX) Specification. http://java.sun.com/products/JavaManagement/.</p&
93、gt;<p> [28] Sun Microsystems Inc. Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) Specification. http://java.sun.com/ products/jndi/.</p><p> [29] Sun Microsystems Inc. Java Server Pages (JSP) Specifica
94、tion. http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/.</p><p> [30] Sun Microsystems Inc. Java Servlets Specification. http://java.sun.com/products/servlet/.</p><p> [31] C. Szyperski. Component Software. A
95、ddison-Wesley, November 2002.</p><p> [32] TPC-W-NYU. A J2EE implementation of the TPC-W benchmark. http://cs1.cs.nyu.edu/totok/professional/software/tpcw/tpcw.html.</p><p> [33] World Wide We
96、b Consortium. XML Path Language (XPath) Specification. http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath</p><p> [34] XmlBlaster Open Source Project. http://www.xmlblaster.org/.</p><p><b> 附錄2 外文翻譯</b>&l
97、t;/p><p> 基于J2EE在分布式環(huán)境下的底層結構自動動態(tài)部署應用</p><p> Anatoly Akkerman, Alexander Totok, and Vijay Karamcheti</p><p> 摘要:為了實現其動態(tài)的可適應性,我們需要一種框架來在廣域網中符合工業(yè)標準基于組件的環(huán)境里自動化地配置J2EE 應用程序。這種需要對于哪怕在單一的
98、應用程序服務器上嘗試部署J2EE應用的人來說也很明顯,這種任務涉及到大量的系統服務和應用組件的配置。</p><p> 關鍵詞:j2ee;動態(tài)配置;分布式;動態(tài)部署;</p><p><b> 1 前言</b></p><p> 近年來,我們已經看到基于組件的企業(yè)應用開發(fā)的顯著增加。這種應用程序通常被部署在公司的內部網或者是因特網上,以高
100、的可行性。其研究的主要結論可以概括如下:</p><p> (1) 如果應用合適的應用程序,則在廣域網中的垂直負荷可以察覺到延遲。</p><p> (2) 廣域垂直層需要復制應用層組件而且需要維持和原組件間的一致性。</p><p> (3) 新加的復制組件可以動態(tài)配置以滿足新的請求。</p><p> (4) 事實上,不同的復制組
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- 基于j2ee在分布式環(huán)境下的底層結構的自動動態(tài)配置的應用
- 基于j2ee在分布式環(huán)境下的底層結構的自動動態(tài)配置的應用
- 外文文獻翻譯--基于j2ee在分布式環(huán)境下的底層結構的自動動態(tài)配置的應用
- 基于J2EE在分布式環(huán)境下的底層結構的自動動態(tài)配置的應用.doc
- 計算機外文翻譯--基于j2ee在分布式環(huán)境下的底層結構的自動動態(tài)配置的應用
- 計算機專業(yè)外文翻譯--基于j2ee在分布式環(huán)境下的底層結構的自動動態(tài)配置的應用
- 基于j2ee在分布式環(huán)境下的底層結構的自動動態(tài)配置的應用畢業(yè)論文外文文獻翻譯
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