1、<p><b> 附錄一 中文文獻</b></p><p> 瀝青路面的病害與維護</p><p> 1、瀝青路面早期病害的表現(xiàn)特征和成因</p><p> 高速公路瀝青路面早期病害主要表現(xiàn)特征:局部沉降、縱橫向裂縫、車轍、坑槽、面層松散、功能性破壞。這六種病害形成主要是下面四個成因:</p><p>
2、 1.1 瀝青混凝土的水穩(wěn)性從設計到施工未能得到有效控制。水在路面中表現(xiàn)形式:空隙水、層間水、深層滲水。水對路面的損害:</p><p> a.高溫動水壓力對瀝青有剝離作用造成路面松散;</p><p> b.層間水使瀝青路面各層分開改變路面的受力狀況,路面在動荷載的作用下彎拉應力成幾何級數(shù)的增加;</p><p> c.水的沖刷破壞路面材料結構;</
3、p><p> d.滲水是路基不均勻沉降的主要原因。</p><p> 1.2 瀝青混凝土的熱穩(wěn)性受多種因素的影響。主要是a.油石比;b.級配;c.攤鋪的均勻性。特別應注意的是粉料不宜太多,粉膠比(礦粉比瀝青)宜控制在1.0~1.2之間。</p><p> 1.3 路基、路面強度達不到設計要求。造成這種現(xiàn)象主要是因為在施工中質(zhì)量控制不嚴格,一些小問題并未得到妥善的處
4、理。</p><p> 1.4 初期養(yǎng)護不及時、不到位。</p><p> 2、早期病害專項治理和日常維修界限劃分</p><p> 2.1 瀝青路面早期病害專項治理范圍的認定:</p><p> ?、?病害分為形成、發(fā)展和破壞三個階段,后兩個階段的病害應列入專項治理;</p><p> ?、?病害確定的依據(jù):以
5、表觀特征初步確定范圍,以沉降值、彎沉、平整度核定病害程度;鉆孔取芯分析病害層次和處理深度,并確定專項治理方案;</p><p><b> ?、?范圍:</b></p><p> a.沉降病害的處理路段:調(diào)坡長度不小于30m、10m內(nèi)落差大于3cm、存在明顯跳車感地段;</p><p> b.其他病害,處理長度為:病害長度不小于10m的過渡段
6、,在100m范圍修補量超15%、每公里范圍內(nèi)修補面積超過30%,且分散的路段,應整段修復;</p><p> c.處理寬度:可考慮一個車道、1/4幅、1/2幅三種形式;</p><p> d.處理層次:壞到什么層次,處理到什么層次。</p><p> 2.2 瀝青路面維修以預防為主,出現(xiàn)下列狀況要列入預防性維修:</p><p> ?、?/p>
7、 局部露出跑砂點,面積在10m2以內(nèi),由于瀝青剝離,細集料跑出,表面呈蜂窩狀。</p><p> ?、?局部沉降點,縱橫方向1m范圍內(nèi)沉降超過2cm、行車出現(xiàn)明顯跳動。</p><p> ?、?唧漿點,路面龜裂、網(wǎng)裂,水滲透到基層,出現(xiàn)基層沖刷唧漿。</p><p> ?、?路面出現(xiàn)推移、擁包、車轍點,由于路面的水穩(wěn)性和熱穩(wěn)性差,導致路面上面層出現(xiàn)局部縱向推移形成搓
8、板、橫向推移出現(xiàn)車轍。推移、擁包或車轍長度在10m范圍內(nèi)的點。</p><p> ?、?橫向縫、縱向縫,柔、剛結合部(如橋頭搭板接頭)等處裂縫出現(xiàn)錯臺,錯臺高差大于5mm的點。</p><p> 3、路面維修作業(yè)類別</p><p> 3.1 涂膠防水:路面出現(xiàn)網(wǎng)裂,沒有明顯變形,也未出現(xiàn)唧漿,擬采用修補膠薄薄涂一層,防止水的滲透。</p><
9、;p> 3.2 裂縫灌熱瀝青,防止水的滲漏:路面出現(xiàn)裂縫但未出現(xiàn)明顯錯臺(在5mm以內(nèi)),也無啃邊現(xiàn)象,可采用灌熱瀝青的辦法作防水處理。</p><p> 3.3 熱烘、摻料、補強:經(jīng)過考證屬瀝青面層上面層的病害,如龜裂、蜂窩1~2cm以內(nèi)車轍等路面變形不嚴重的點,可采用修路王熱烘,適當添加新料,人工攪拌均勻,壓實補強??荚嚧?lt;/p><p> 3.4 挖補分層填筑:路面病害已
10、經(jīng)波及到中下面層,乃至基層,必須挖除,分層填筑。</p><p> 4、瀝青路面修補作業(yè)操作要領</p><p> 4.1 熱瀝青灌縫修補工藝。清縫(用吹風機和鐵鉤清除縫中雜物)→以加溫到130℃以上熱瀝青(有良好的流動性)用灌縫機依次緩慢向縫中灌注,直到飽滿為止→待瀝青冷卻但在可塑狀態(tài)時(約60℃左右),用鐵鏟鏟除表面多余瀝青,以防污染路面。</p><p>
11、 4.2 瀝青路面上面層熱補操作工藝流程。劃定修補范圍→熱烘有病害路面使溫度達到100℃以上(表面鐵鏟能鏟動)→用鐵耙將有病害路面表面耙松并鏟除表面大集料→添加新料→梳拌均勻→碾壓密實→冷卻到地表溫度在50℃以下、腳踩不軟時放行交通。</p><p> 4.3 挖補工藝流程。劃定維修范圍→沿范圍四周鋸縫→鑿除病害層→清除廢料→高壓吹風機將修補界面吹凈→灑粘層油布滿界面→分層填筑(厚度不大于6cm)→分層壓實,
12、壓實度要在95%以上→用冷補膠涂四周接縫以防水→冷卻到50℃以下時放行。</p><p> 5、瀝青路面維修技術要求</p><p> 5.1 維修范圍確定:</p><p> ?、?表觀確定的病害面積四周擴大10~15cm.</p><p> ② 用3m直尺檢查大于5mm的點應在修補范圍內(nèi)。</p><p>
13、 ③ 范圍四周線要橫平豎直,與標線成垂直和平行狀。</p><p> 5.2 修補床面要干凈、無雜物和浮灰、無松動的集料,床底無龜裂和唧泥、滲水現(xiàn)象。出現(xiàn)潮濕床面時要烘干才能進行下道工序。</p><p> 5.3 病害修補中的防水措施:</p><p> ?、?四周接縫要布滿粘層油但不流動。</p><p> ?、?多層次修補要形成臺階
14、,臺階寬度大于10cm.</p><p> ?、?四周接縫面層涂冷補膠。</p><p> ?、?四周接縫填料略高一點,加大震壓遍數(shù),提高四周填料的密度。</p><p> ⑤ 修補表面不出現(xiàn)集料離析現(xiàn)象。</p><p> 5.4 修補平整度的控制:</p><p> ?、?分層填筑時中下面層厚度可以適當調(diào)整,上
15、面層宜在4cm厚,松鋪系數(shù)1.16~1.2.</p><p> ?、?有病害處兩個坑塘相距不足1m時,上面層連通形成一個修補面。</p><p> ?、?四周接口縱橫向3m直尺檢查要小于5mm才能保證接口平順。</p><p> ?、?用較細的集料填邊,先壓邊逐次向中間推進。</p><p> ?、?壓實度是保證平整度的先決條件,補料溫度不得
16、低于120℃,修補時開口面積要保證每層壓實機具都能下去正常工作,采用夯錘、夯板、小型壓路機聯(lián)合作業(yè),碾壓5~6遍,確保每層的壓實度。</p><p> 6、瀝青路面病害維修質(zhì)量的檢測</p><p> 6.1 修補平整度用3m直尺在修補結束后進行檢查,平整度不大于5mm. </p><p> 6.2 修補壓實度。每10天抽查一次,用核子密實度儀等快速法測定當旬
17、修補面積的15~20%,修補壓實度不小于95%。</p><p> 6.3 返修率,每季檢查一次,每年度作一次綜合評價:返修率不得超過5%。</p><p> 7、路面評價指標的探討路面評價筆者認為應從以下四個方面著手</p><p> (1) 路面強度—彎沉檢測,超出設計允許值10%的要引起重視,超過20%~30%的路面就有破壞征象。</p>
18、<p> (2) 車轍深度檢測:車轍深度在0.8cm以下的對行車不會造成不舒適,在0.8~1.0cm之間的為形成階段;1.0~2.0cm的為病害發(fā)展階段;2.0cm以上的為破壞階段。</p><p> (3) 抗滑性能檢測:摩擦系數(shù)< 55,構造深度 < 45時,有可能危及行車安全。</p><p> (5) 路面病害面積占車道面積的百分率調(diào)查:當大于20%時,路面美觀程度
19、和行車舒適程度將嚴重下降。以上四個指標目前缺乏定量的系統(tǒng)分析,我們將在以后的工作中收集有關資料,建立科學的路面養(yǎng)護監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)。</p><p><b> 附錄二: 英文文獻</b></p><p> The disease and maintenance of Asphalt pavement</p><p> 1.Asphalt pave
20、ment performance characteristics and the early disease.</p><p> Highway asphalt pavement main features: the disease early settlement, the vertical and horizontal cracks locally, rutting, pit slot, facing th
21、e loose, functional damage. The six major disease is the following four causes:</p><p> 1.1 Asphalt concrete water stability from design to construction failed to effectively control. Water in the pavement
22、performance forms: gap between layers of water, water, deep water. Water automobi damage:</p><p> A. High temperature, the hydrodynamic pressure on asphalt pavement is caused by stripping effect; loose,<
23、/p><p> B. Asphalt pavement layer water layers separated, the change in the dynamic load surface under the flexural stress into geometric increase,</p><p> C. Water erosion damage road structure,
24、</p><p> D. Water seepage is uneven settlement of roadbed.</p><p> 1.2 The thermal stability of asphalt concrete is influenced by many factors. </p><p> Major is A). oil-stone ra
25、tio, B). gradation, C) .the uniformity of paving. Special attention is powder shoulds not be too much, powder (mineral) should be controlled in asphalt than 1.0 ~ 1.2.</p><p> 1.3 Subgrade pavement design d
26、emand.these strength. This phenomenon mainly because in construction quality control, a few problems are not properly handling.</p><p> 1.4 Initial maintenance.</p><p> 2. Early disease manage
27、ment and daily maintenance boundaries</p><p> 2.1 Asphalt pavement early disease management scope of:</p><p> (1) The formation, development and disease is divided into three stages, after the
28、 destruction of the two stages of disease should be included in the special treatment,</p><p> (2) The basis to determine the disease apparent feature: to determine the initial sedimentation value and defle
29、ction, flatness, verification diseases, Drilling core analysis hierarchy and depth, disease and special control scheme,</p><p> (3) scope:</p><p> A. Settlement diseases sections: slope length
30、 less than 30, more than 3cm, fall within the 10m jumping exists obvious sense location,</p><p> B. Other diseases, the length of treatment for the disease length less than 10m: the scope of 100m in transit
31、ion section, the amount exceeds 15%, repair per kilometer range covers more than 30%, and repair the road shall be scattered; the period of repair,</p><p> C. Can consider to handle a lane width, 1/4 and 1
32、1/2 of three kinds of forms,</p><p> D. Processing level: what bad, processing to what level.</p><p> 2.2 Asphalt pavement maintenance prevention, to include in the following preventive mainte
33、nance:</p><p> (1) Local show ran sand, 10 square meters within the area in asphalt, because, fine aggregate ran out of a honeycomb, surface.</p><p> (2) Points, and vertical and horizontal di
34、rection of local settlement 1-m scope, more than 2cm subsidence appears obvious.</p><p> (3) Its pulp, pavement (chap, nets, water permeate, grass-roots flushing piping grass-roots slurry.</p><p&
35、gt; (4) Pavement, rutting, hold, because the water stability and thermal stability, cause local road top layer of longitudinal and transverse goes on CuoBan formation appeared rut. Hold on, bag or rut length in 10m with
36、in the scope of the point.</p><p> (5)Horizontal seam, longitudinal seam 5, soft, just taking (such as bridge by plate joint) and cracks, fault fault than 5mm point machine elevation.</p><p>
37、3.Pavement maintenance operations</p><p> 3.1 Gelatinize waterproof: pavement nets, without apparent deformation, also did not appear piping, is used to repair glue, thin scumble to prevent water penetratio
38、n.</p><p> 3.2 Cracks, prevent heat asphalt filling water leakage crack: but not visible in the wrong (5mm), also can be used to eating and heat asphalt way for irrigation water treatment.</p><p&
39、gt; 3.3 Hot baked, admixtures and textual research of asphalt layer after layer of diseases, such as above chap, honeycomb 1 ~ 2cm within such pavement deformation no serious rut, can use the king, proper baking hot roa
40、d, adding new artificial vege, compaction. Exam big</p><p> 3.4 Dig layered rock: pavement surface, has brought it to lower levels, and disadvantage, layered rock must be.</p><p> 4.Asphalt pa
41、vement repair operations</p><p> 4.1 Hot filling seam repairing process of asphalt. Qing seam (with blower and hook cleared the slot with heat and sundry) to 130 degrees Celsius above heat asphalt (good) in
42、 order to slow filling machine, until full slit, so for asphalt cooling but in plastic state (60 degrees Celsius), with the spade, in case of asphalt surface of eradicating excess pollution.</p><p> 4.2 Asp
43、halt surface ReBu operation process. Repair and hot baked delimit limits have disease that temperature reached 100 degrees road surface above (dynamic), can the spade spade in TieBa will harrow loose and road surface dis
44、eases and eradicate surface add new material feeding county, comb. Mix well and was expounded and cooling to surface temperature at 50 ° c and under foot not soft release traffic.</p><p> 4.3 Dig proce
45、ss. The scope of maintenance, delimit limits round sawing seam, except disease layer and cut waste removal, high-pressure blower blew clean and repair interface will sprinkle with adhesive layer of oil layer thickness an
46、d filling the interface (less than) - 6cm stratified compaction, compaction degree in 95% with cold, with waterproof glue tu around juncture, cooling to 50 ° c below.</p><p> 5.Asphalt pavement mainten
47、ance and technical requirements</p><p> 5.1 Maintenance scope:</p><p> (1) The apparent determine around 10-15cm area expanded.</p><p> (2) Use 3m straightedge check point should
48、 be greater than 5mm in repairing range.</p><p> (3) Scope to the flat vertical line around, and HangZhuang peace into vertical lines.</p><p> 5.2 To clean the surface of bed repair, without s
49、undry and float ash, no looseness of aggregate, bed is cracked mud and water piping and phenomenon. Appear when the surface of bed to dry wet to next procedure.</p><p> 5.3 The repairing waterproof measure:
50、</p><p> (1) To stick around juncture is oily, but not flow.</p><p> (2) Steps, to form a multi-level repair 10cm wider than steps.</p><p> (3) Joint surface besmear cold around.
51、</p><p> (4) Around seam filling a shock, increase the number of times, increase pressure of packing density around.</p><p> (5) Don't appear repair surface aggregate segregation phenomeno
52、n.</p><p> 5.4.Repair flatness control: </p><p> (1)when filling the lower surface layer thickness can be adjusted, it should be in the thick layer 4cm, loose spread coefficient 116 ~ 120.<
53、/p><p> (2) KengTang apart two sick harm, insufficient 1-m above layer connected to form a repair.</p><p> (3) To interface around 3m straightedge check to ensure smooth than 5mm to interface.<
54、;/p><p> (4) With fine aggregate, first in advance to the middle pressure successive.</p><p> (5) Degree of compaction degree is the precondition for and shall not be less than 120 degrees Celsiu
55、s temperature, repair to ensure open area of each layer of compaction machine can continue normal work, using rammer, ram plate, small roller compaction joint work, 5 ~ 6 times, ensuring that each layer of the compaction
56、 degree.</p><p> 6.The quality of the asphalt pavement maintenance. Diseases</p><p> 6.1 Repair flatness use 3m straightedge after repair in check, roughness is not more than 5mm. </p>
57、<p> 6.2 Repair compaction degree. Once every 10 days, with a nuclear density spot such as rapid determination of ten-day repair 15-20%, repair the compaction degree not less than 95%.</p><p> 7.Pavem
58、ent evaluation index of evaluation of the road that from the following four aspects:</p><p> 1 Pavement -- deflection testing, the intensity of the design value beyond attention to 10%, 20% ~ 30% of the pav
59、ement is destroyed.</p><p> 2 Rut depth detection: rut depth in 0.8 cm for driving under will not cause discomfort, in 0.8 ~ 1.0 cm for the formation of stage, 1.0 ~ 2.0 development stages of cm disease, 2
60、cm above for destruction.</p><p> 3 Sliding resistance properties testing: friction coefficient, depth of < < 55 45, may endanger the safety.</p><p> 4 Pavement area percentage of invest
61、igation: driveway area more than 20%, the road when driving comfort levels with beautiful degree will be serious decline. The above four indexes of quantitative analysis of the current system, we will be in the later wor
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- 試論瀝青路面的病害與防治
- 淺談瀝青路面的維護與養(yǎng)護
- 針對瀝青路面的病害的防治措施
- 外文翻譯--瀝青路面的養(yǎng)護發(fā)展
- 瀝青路面的病害防治畢業(yè)論文
- 瀝青路面的病害防治畢業(yè)設計
- 淺談瀝青路面的常見病害與養(yǎng)護措施
- 淺談瀝青路面的常見病害與養(yǎng)護措施
- 瀝青路面病害淺析
- 外文翻譯--瀝青路面的養(yǎng)護發(fā)展.doc
- 瀝青路面的病害分析及預防措施
- 外文翻譯--瀝青路面的養(yǎng)護發(fā)展.doc
- 瀝青路面的常見病害及養(yǎng)護探討
- 瀝青路面維護方案
- 瀝青路面維護方案
- 瀝青路面維護方案
- 試析半剛性基層瀝青路面的病害及養(yǎng)護
- 淺談瀝青路面病害與養(yǎng)護對策
- 4、瀝青路面的恢復
- 4、瀝青路面的恢復