1、分類編 中位代碼:10065研 究 生 學 位 論 文論 文 題 目: 《 獪 園》 的辨 體研 究學 生 姓 名: 屮 請學 位 級 別 : 文學 碩 L屮 ? 、 丨 k名稱 : 屮M 占代 文學研 究 /J [ nj: 兒 ■ “ 向 指 4 教I 川 j姓 名: C ; ? 、 丨 k技 術職 稱 :提 交 論 么丨 丨 明 : 20 12 3 IJT H E S T Y L IS T IC D
2、IS C R IM IN A T IO N O F K U A I Y U A NA B S T R A C TIn o rder to st u dy and evaluate t h e li terary styl es of cl assi calC hi nese novel s, w esh oul d com e back to anal ysi s nov elt ext s, onl y i n t hi s w
3、 ay can w e obt ai n t h e m ostpersu ai ve judgem ent.K uaiY uan i s a represent ati ve of sup ernat uralt al es co l l ect i ons i nM i ng D ynasty w ho contai ns bot h sket ches and l egendary genre. H o w ever,
4、i t s st yl i st i ccharact eri sti cs and v al ue h av e al w ays been negl ect ed . T “ herefore, i n t his pap er , w efi rst l y reclassify and renam e the l i terary styl es of cl assi calC hi nese nov el s. O n t h
5、 i sbasi s, w e discri m i nat e t he tw o st yles of novels i n K uaiY uan, and t hen st udy t hei rdi ff erences and charact eri st ics. T hrough t he case st udy of K uaiY uan, w e i ntrospectt h eol d cogn i t i
6、 on of supernat uralt al es w i t h sketches genre i n academ i c ci rcl es.T his paper has t hree part s, and t he speci fi c st ruct ure as fol l ow s:C hapt er Ih ackl es the cont rovercy over styl ist
7、i c discri m i nat ion of t he l i terarystyl es of cl assicalC h i nese novel s duri ng C h i nese hi st roy, and t hen advices a standardabouthow t o cl assi fy t he l i terary styles of cl assi calC hi nese novel s
8、 and supernat uralt ales. T hati s:W i t h t he appearan ce of legend T ang as a dem arcat ion point, b ot h of t hei rclassifi cat i on can be di vi ded i nt o tw o peri ods. A s for t he classi fi cat ion of supern
9、at uralt al cs i n the l at ter peri od, w e can use t hem e and styl e as t w o di ff erentangles.C hapt er IIdi scri m i nates l i t erary st yl es of t he novel s i n K uaiY uan f rom fouraspects: syst em s, rhe
10、t ori calfeat ures, expressi on form s, aest het i c spi ri tand object s. T h et w o di fferentl i terary styl es o f t h e novel s i n K uaiY uan are sk etch es genre an dl egendary genre.A m ong t he 753 pi eces of
11、novels i n K uaiY uan, w e i dent ify 737 p i ecesof novel s w ho bel ong t o t he f orm er st yl e and 16 ones w ho bel ong t o t he latter.C hapter IIIanal ysises narrati ve artof l i terary sket ches i n K u
12、 aiY uan fromnarrati ve persp ect i ve and sch edul i ng. A nd t hen i tdi scusses t he ent i re narrati ve st yl e o fl i terary sket ches from nar rat i ve purportand beaut y.A ft er t he st udy of speci fi c w
13、ork si n K u aiY uan, w e sugguestt o reassess t he val ue of supernat uralt al es w i t h sketchesgenre by usi ng a styl i st i c crit eri on di ff erentfrom t hatof l egendary genre.K E Y W O R D S : K uaiY ua
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