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1、分 類 編 號 :密 級 :單 位 代 碼 : 10065號 : 10 32 62 00 5公 共 管 理 碩 士 (MPA )專 業(yè) 學 位 論 文論 文題 目:基 于 電子 政 務視域 下 服 務 型政 府建 設研 究學 生 姓 名 :張 鈞 申請 學位 級 別 :碩 士研 究 方 向: 政府行政管理指 導教師姓 名 : 佟 德 志 專業(yè)技術職稱 :教 授實踐導師姓名 :杜 鴻林 所在 單位名稱 :天津 市社科 規(guī)劃 辦

2、提交 論 文 日期 : 20 12 年 5 月天 津 師 范 大 學 公共 管 理 碩 士 ( M PA ) 研 究 生 學 位 論文A b s tra c tO n t h e arri valof i nform at ion soci ety,governm ents aroun d t he w orl d have m adeopti m i zed pub l i c servi ce on e of t h ei r i

3、 m p ortantm issi ons,guaranteed by t he const ruct ion ofservice-oriented governm ent,w hich i s al so t he t argetof our count ry i n order t o enhance t hecom pet i t i veness,advance t he const ructi on and reform

4、t he adm i ni st rat i ve system si nce t het ransi ti on f rom t he regulat i ng gov ernm entt o t he servi ng type i s i nevi t ab le.Servi ce-ori entedgovernm ent,a n ew m ode of governm entadm i ni st rat i on,m

5、 eans t he t horough t ransform at i oni n t he adm i nist rat i ve t heory,organi zat i onalst ruct ure,system m echanism ,operat i ngm et hodol ogy and m anagi ng m ean s.T h i s t ransform at i on i s a bi g chal l

6、en ge and i s nott o b esm oot h i n i ts const ructi on .U nder t he tendency of i nform ati zati on,el ect roni c governm enthasb ecom e t he opti m um choi ce for buil di ng servi ce-orient ed governm entan d w e h

7、ave to ful l yacknow l edge t h att his t ran si t i on i s a t horough revol ut i on of t he t radi t i onaladm i nist rat i vem ode,a t ransform at i on to t he letter,i nstead of el ect roni zi ng i t.D uri ng t his

8、process,w e m ustcom bi ne el ect ronic gov ernm entw it h adm i ni st rat i ve reform ,functi on change and systemreconst ructi on und er the t he gui dance of t he conceptof people-ori ented serv i ng governm ent.T

9、hu s,w e are abl e t o suppl y suprem e and convenientpubl i c service to t he soci ety and peop l eand prom ote t he const ruct i on of service-oriented governm ent.B y expl ori ng deeply t h e servi ce-oriented

10、 governm entw i t h el ect roni c adm i nist rat i on ,t hi spaper,i n t he fi rstpl ace,descri b es t he stat us qu o and such related aspects as t he pol i cy-m aki ng,e-adm i ni st rat ion bui l di ng,gov ernm entw

11、 eb designi ng and so on,and l ater i ndi cat es som eexist i ng probl em s,su ch as t he deviat ions i n t he understandi ng of e-adm i nist rat i on,l ack ofoveral lp l anni ng and orchest rat i ng.A nd furt herm ore,


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