1、<p><b> 養(yǎng) 老 院</b></p><p> 養(yǎng)老院分為療養(yǎng)院,專業(yè)護理組(首爾大學),護理院或療養(yǎng)院。這是一個需要護理和日?;顒佑胁槐愕娜司幼〉牡胤?。居住在這里的居民包括身體或精神殘疾的老人和成年人,住在療養(yǎng)院的人如果發(fā)生意外或疾病也會被進行物理治療。居民的法律權利取決于機構的法律地位。</p><p><b> 美 國&l
2、t;/b></p><p> 在美國,一個“專業(yè)護理機構”或“民營護理機構”是指一個注冊參加并可以醫(yī)療保險報銷的機構。聯邦醫(yī)療保險方案主要是為那些在工作時為社會保障和醫(yī)療保險做出貢獻的老年人而設的,護理基金是指給予那些得到認證并參與了醫(yī)療報銷的養(yǎng)老院的資金。聯邦醫(yī)療補助計劃是為每個國家提供醫(yī)療及相關服務,并為那些所謂的“窮人”實施的。所謂的“窮人”是指每個國家確定的給予老人,殘疾人或兒童醫(yī)療補助的資格(如
3、兒童的健康保險計劃 -芯片和母嬰保健和食品方案)。</p><p> 每個國家開辦的養(yǎng)老院,都受到國家法律和法規(guī)的保護。護養(yǎng)院可以選擇參加醫(yī)療保險或醫(yī)療補助。如果他們通過一項調查(檢查),他們得到許可,也受到聯邦法律和法規(guī)的保護。全部或部分護理之家可參加醫(yī)療保險或醫(yī)療補助。</p><p> 在美國,護理安老院參加醫(yī)療保險或醫(yī)療補助須有職業(yè)護士每天24小時值班。至少每天8小時,每周7天
4、,必須有一個注冊護士值班。護養(yǎng)院的管理由持牌護理之家管理員管理。不像美國護理沒有標準化的培訓和管理人員發(fā)牌規(guī)定,但大多數州都要求有聯邦許可證,許多州,如加利福尼亞州有他們自己的系統(tǒng)管理員執(zhí)照。到2005年4月18日,美國共有16094家有許可的養(yǎng)老院,低于2002年12月12日,德爾的16516家。</p><p> 有些國家已經給能夠在社區(qū)生活但需要幫助的老人和其他成年人提供不同的照料。例如,康涅狄格安老院或
5、安老院是由公共衛(wèi)生國務院授權。這些安老院提供24小時監(jiān)管,提供了更多的“如家“的環(huán)境。許多人實際上已轉化為住房,提供一個住宅社區(qū),促進了獨立的生活方式和給予他人需要的某種形式的援助,以促進更好的在社區(qū)生活</p><p><b> 服 務</b></p><p> 護理之家提供的服務包括護士,護理助手和助理服務,物理,職業(yè)及語言治療師,社會工作者及康樂助理和食宿
6、。大多數護理機構提供的認證服務是護士助理,而不是由技術人員擔任。平均每100個居民擁有40張病床和40個認證的護士助理。注冊護士執(zhí)照的護士和數量均明顯低于每100個居民擁有和7張病床和每100個居民擁有13張病床。 </p><p> 參加醫(yī)療保險和醫(yī)療補助的護養(yǎng)院都必須達到聯邦工作人員和服務質量方面的要求才能為居民服務。2004年,16,100家護理機構中,98.5%的護理機構被證實參與全國范圍的醫(yī)療保險,醫(yī)
7、療補助。 </p><p> 醫(yī)療保險包含了在20到100天之內為那些需要熟練的護理或康復服務的護理受益人提供至少連續(xù)三天的貼身服務。該保險不包括照顧只需要監(jiān)護的人。例如,當一個人需要幫助洗澡,散步,或從床上移到椅子上是不包括在里面的。要獲得醫(yī)療保險所指的專業(yè)護理,醫(yī)生必須證明受益人需要熟練的日常護理康復技術或其他相關的住院服務,而且這些服務,作為一個實際問題,必須在提供住院的基礎上。例如,中風后住院和物理治療
8、,或在技術熟練的護理之下,受益人的傷口在手術后需要公布的受益者,可能是醫(yī)療保險包含的護理資格。 </p><p> 民營護理之家是指提供一個獨立的醫(yī)院服務為基礎的機構。一個獨立的機構是一般護理之家的一部分,涵蓋了通過醫(yī)療補助,通過長期護理保險或醫(yī)療保險服務,以及民營護理之家長期護理服務的一部分。一般來說,民營護理之家為患者所提供的醫(yī)療保險彌補的只是一個獨立的護理之家常住人口總量的一小部分。 </p>
9、<p> 醫(yī)療護理還包括那些需要監(jiān)護,并按要求提供的相應等級的家庭護理。如護理之家居民的身體障礙或認知障礙,需要24小時護理。以滿足一個國家的經濟狀況調查的入息及資產審查。 </p><p> 家庭護理費用可以達到每月數千元。成本很高的護理往往都是一些消耗資源的護理。如果符合資格,涵蓋在醫(yī)療護理范圍內的人可以繼續(xù)保留這些權利。然而,那些病人要求保護他們的畢生積蓄或資產。</p>&
10、lt;p> 美國政府的管制和監(jiān)督</p><p> 在美國所有護理院接收醫(yī)療保險和醫(yī)療補助的資金是受聯邦法規(guī)所規(guī)定的。負責療養(yǎng)院檢測的被稱為測量師,通常叫做情況檢測師。情況檢測師可察看遵守執(zhí)照(國家規(guī)定)認證(醫(yī)療保險和醫(yī)療補助的規(guī)定)。 </p><p> “最小數據集”評估是美國聯邦政府規(guī)定的部分,它是指對參與了醫(yī)療保險或醫(yī)療證明療養(yǎng)院的所有居民進行全面評估的過程。最小數據
11、集的評估是一個篩選評估,在對每個居民的行為能力進行全面評估的基礎上,幫助養(yǎng)老院工作人員識別并幫助居民達到健康的標準或應付其他需求。 最小數據集會產生一種,用于償還所有醫(yī)療保險,并在許多國家用來設置網絡檔案系統(tǒng)的報銷的“資源利用組” 。</p><p> 對于美國護養(yǎng)院和網絡檔案系統(tǒng)服務中心,醫(yī)療保險和醫(yī)療補助有一個網站,這個網站允許用戶執(zhí)行監(jiān)督某些機構指標。網站內容管理系統(tǒng)還出版了用于監(jiān)督的設施清單用來衡量護養(yǎng)
12、院的經營情況。美國政府責任辦公室已發(fā)現養(yǎng)老院視察的數目問題嚴重已經對目前的居民造成了危險。美國政府責任辦公室的結論是,雖然合作醫(yī)療監(jiān)督有所改善,但在護理安老院的監(jiān)督方面仍有薄弱環(huán)節(jié)。2008年9月發(fā)表的一份報告發(fā)現,2007年,超過90%的家庭護理存在聯邦衛(wèi)生和安全的隱患,約有17%的家庭護理有缺陷,這種缺陷造成了患者的實際損害或即時危害。 </p><p> 養(yǎng)老行業(yè)被認為是國家兩個最重要的行業(yè)之一,(另一個
13、是核電工業(yè))。 </p><p> 醫(yī)療保險和醫(yī)療補助調查</p><p> 適用護養(yǎng)院和網絡檔案系統(tǒng)的聯邦監(jiān)管和檢查(測量)運用研究于1965年創(chuàng)建的醫(yī)療服務質量模型。該模型包含護理團隊,護理程序和結果的概念。</p><p><b> 護理團隊</b></p><p> 調查發(fā)現,醫(yī)療結構是養(yǎng)老院的資源,這包
14、括工作人員,他們的知識和技能,政策,程序,記錄,設備等,護理團隊是測量組織關懷的工具。</p><p><b> 護理程序</b></p><p> 在實際中,護理程序是養(yǎng)老院的資本。調查過程表明每個居民需要適當性,及時性的服務。護理程序是由5種腦力和體力活動所組成的:測量,規(guī)劃,執(zhí)行(代),評估和傳播。 這些活動必須是完整的,并共同執(zhí)行的。遺憾的是這些過程都以任
15、務而不是以居民為中心。一個有責任的護士在發(fā)現傷口的時候可以有序的進行換藥并就行傷口評估。養(yǎng)老中心的護士早就知道治療會導致居民的痛苦和術前的痛苦。在治療中,她(或他)將與居民交談,并以此來分散他們的注意力從而達到減少居民痛苦的目的。與那些處在特殊情況下的居民討論各種問題,可以大大的提高他們的舒適感。在這種特定的情況下,護士也能夠做好縱向跟進,這保證了更持久的實施效果。</p><p><b> 結 果
16、</b></p><p> 在醫(yī)療服務質量模式中,結果被假定為醫(yī)療程序的結果,醫(yī)療程序被假定為需要的醫(yī)療團隊。一個結果可能是一個間接地支持照顧居民的結果。一種間接治療或設施治療結果主要用于監(jiān)督和糾正或培訓員工,改變員工的知識和技能。工作人員應用這些新技術的過程是一個產生更好居住效果的過程。失敗的結果可能被歸類為物理結果(死亡,疾病,殘疾或功能障礙)和心理結果(不適,不滿)。 結果通常是指居民的健康狀
17、況,福利,病人滿意度等,這種結果通常是用來提高護理人員的護理經驗。</p><p><b> 消費者選擇</b></p><p> 目前的趨勢是向他們提供滿足重要人士所需要的支持和長期的生活安排。事實上,在美國,作為一個真正選擇制度改革的研究結果顯示很多人住在社區(qū)是都能夠回自己的家。 私人護理機構可以提供能夠陪護的私人護士。 </p><p&g
18、t; 在考慮為那些不能獨立生活的人安排生活時,潛在客戶認為多看看養(yǎng)老院和輔助生活設施記住每個人并能獨立照顧自己是非常重要的。許多家庭選擇選擇養(yǎng)老院都是選擇那種充滿愛心的,每天只要戴在養(yǎng)老院幾個小時的養(yǎng)老院。 </p><p> 從2002年開始,醫(yī)療補助就建立了一個在線比較網站,旨在促進養(yǎng)老院之間的良性競爭。</p><p><b> 趨 勢</b></
19、p><p> 在美國,一些養(yǎng)老院已經開始改變他們的管理模式和組織結構,旨在創(chuàng)造一個更加以居民為中心的環(huán)境,所以他們更注重“家庭式”或“醫(yī)院一樣”的養(yǎng)老院,這些家庭共用一個廚房和客廳。護理人員的任務是照顧好其中的一個“家庭”。白天,當他們醒來時,當他們吃飯時,當他們想做什么時。工作人員可以為他們服務。他們也有機會獲得更多的陪伴,如寵物的陪伴。運用這種管理模式的機構將它稱為“文化轉向”或“文化變革”,例如長期照護,這種
20、護理之家,被稱為“溫室”。</p><p><b> 面向任務的護理</b></p><p> 任務導向的護理是指給護士分配具體的任務,一個護士負責一個特定的病房。如果居民遇到特殊情況,那么,在一段時間內會有很多護士照顧她。如果居民遇到問題,護理人員隨機安排,護士被要求與居民建立密切的關系、美國的護士資格培訓是任務導向。在有營業(yè)資格的護士之家,它的主要從業(yè)者是有職
21、業(yè)資格的護士。經過認證的護理之家是病人的主要照顧者。職業(yè)資格學院的培訓要求培訓時間和實際工作時間總共要達到75小時以上,并且必須通過口頭或書面測試。因此,美國的養(yǎng)老院,對護理者的培訓是一項責任。</p><p><b> 居民護理</b></p><p> 以居民為主的護理,是指護士被分配到特定的患者并有能力與病人建立良好的關系。在一個機構中,就像大多數家庭一樣,
22、患者都被治療了。采用居民為主的護理,可以使護士與每個病人都更熟悉,照顧他們的特殊需求,無論是情緒上的還是醫(yī)療上的。與此相反,以機構護理為中心的護理院。其重點是工作人員的便利和效率。在這里工作人員只是執(zhí)行任務,而不是通過與居民互動而達到理想的居住成果。凡駐地為中心的工作人員都知道你的名字,機構工作人員通過房間號碼識別,診斷,例如幫助那些有需要的居民進食。</p><p><b> 科學發(fā)現</b&
23、gt;</p><p> 根據不同的調查結果顯示,住在以居住為主的護理院,可以得到高質量的服務。護理人員被要求要多關注一下病人,并與他們多相處。大量的問題都是在初級護理檢查之后才發(fā)現的。在護理人員長時間的照顧病患之后,會慢慢的發(fā)現很多病患應注意的問題。一旦體驗過這種模式的護理,護士往往會更喜歡以居住中心這種模式。雖然居民為導向的護理不能夠延長生命,但是他們可以通過與人們交流來消除許多寂寞和不滿的感受。</
24、p><p> 輪流看護是指讓所有人享受到同等的服務。有了這個特定的系統(tǒng),養(yǎng)老院會為居住在這里的人負責。然而,這一系統(tǒng)的執(zhí)行可能會引起問題,那些被分配照顧居民的護士和護理者會與居民們產生良好的感情。當他們被調走或者離開時,他們會舍不得。 </p><p> 各種研究結果表明,為了完成任務而去照顧居民會引起居民的不滿。在許多情況下,向居民透露信息會讓他們變的慌亂,因此決定不透露所有信息。 患者
25、通常抱怨有寂寞和流離失所的感覺</p><p> “居民轉讓是指輪流著照顧居民,而不是一個護士照顧一個特定的居民。 因為一個看護身上的負擔可能很重,所以很多看護不能用一個居民的感情和物質方面的經驗來定義居民的信息,這些信息可能是錯誤的或者是沒有事實根據的,因為很多的看護輪流照顧一個居民。</p><p><b> 應急處理</b></p><p
26、> 在看護病人的時候遇到緊急情況往往是令人生畏的任務,它包括著事件很容易失去控制和沒有緩和的時間。(目前)只有一些可以運用的應急方案或操作標準程序。幸好,還是有很多作家出版了關于這些話題的評論性文章。</p><p><b> 英 國</b></p><p> 2002年,英國的護理院因為有特定的居住環(huán)境和護理人員好和總所周知。在英國護理院及護理安老院是
27、由英格蘭,蘇格蘭,威爾士和北愛爾蘭的不同組織組成的。 進入一家養(yǎng)老院,你需要當地市議會對您的財務狀進行評估。您可能還必須通過護士對你的評估,看你是否需要被護理。</p><p> 在英國,2009年四月,資金下降底線是13500英鎊,在這個水平上,所有的從退休金,補償金,救濟金和其他除了個人花費的津貼(當前是 21.9英鎊)以外的經濟來源,都將用于支付房子看護。當地的政務為提供被占據房間不比當地常態(tài)的房間貴這件
29、23,000英鎊的病人們,在看護病房需要支付全額費用,直到他們的財產跌至最低限度。那些需要額外看護的病人們估計這些費用(漢普夏郡看護在2009年是483英鎊)并且通過國際健康服務接受另外的財政支持 (103.80英鎊),這就是所謂的儲備看護。</p><p> 作為衛(wèi)生署網站上詳細的多學科的評估過程。國民保健服務的資金已全部用于保證給居民提供的護理符合醫(yī)療保健的標準并負全部責任是確定的。 </p>
30、<p> 英國的成人護理安老院是受護理質量委員會所管的,這取代了社會的監(jiān)管。英國的成人護理安老院至少每3年要被檢查一次。在威爾士,威爾士照管標準監(jiān)察局負有監(jiān)督的責任,在蘇格蘭,蘇格蘭委員會的護理法規(guī)和北愛爾蘭的法規(guī)質量促進了北愛爾蘭委員會的法律監(jiān)管力度。 </p><p> 2010年5月,聯合政府宣布成立一個獨立的委員會負責資助長期護理,這是由12個月份的人口老齡化醫(yī)療融資報告造成的。護理質量委
31、員會本身也重新實施了登記過程,2010年十月竣工,這將導致2011年四月新的管理形式的產生。</p><p> 資料來源:Nursing home [EB/OL].http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nursing_home,2010.6</p><p><b> 外文原文:</b></p><p> Nursing
32、 home</p><p> From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</p><p> A nursing home, convalescent home, Skilled Nursing Unit (SNU), care home or rest home provides a type of care of residents: it is a
33、place of residence for people who require constant nursing care and have significant deficiencies with activities of daily living[citation needed]. Residents include the elderly and younger adults with physical or mental
34、 disabilities. Residents in a skilled nursing facility may also receive physical, occupational, and other rehabilitative therapies following an acci</p><p> United States</p><p> In the United
35、 States, a "Skilled Nursing Facility" or "SNF" is a nursing home certified to participate in, and be reimbursed by Medicare. Medicare is the federal program primarily for the aged who contributed to S
36、ocial Security and Medicare while they were employed. A "Nursing Facility" or "NF" is a nursing home certified to participate in, and be reimbursed by Medicaid. Medicaid is the federal program impleme
37、nted with each State to provide health care and related services to those who are "poor</p><p> In the United States, each State "licenses" its nursing homes, making them subject to the State
38、's laws and regulations. Nursing homes may choose to participate in Medicare and/or Medicaid. If they pass a survey (inspection), they are "certified" and are also subject to federal laws and regulations. A
39、ll or part of a nursing home may participate in Medicare and/or Medicaid。</p><p> In the United States, nursing homes which participate in Medicare and/or Medicaid are required to have licensed practical nu
40、rses (LPNs) (in some States designated "vocational nurses" or "LVNs") on duty 24 hours a day. For at least 8 hours per day, 7 days per week, there must be a registered nurse on duty. Nursing homes are
41、 managed by a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator. Unlike U.S. nursing there are no standardized training and licensing requirements for administrators, though most states requ</p><p> There are states that
42、 have other levels of care offered to elderly and other adults who need assistance and are able to live in the community. For instance, Connecticut has Residential Care Homes or RCH that are licensed by the State Departm
43、ent of Public Health. These homes provide 24-hour supervision and typically offer a more "home-like" environment. Many are actually large homes that have been converted to dwellings that offer a residential com
44、munity that promotes an independent lifestyle and</p><p><b> Services</b></p><p> Services provided in nursing homes include services of nurses, nursing aides and assistants; physi
45、cal, occupational and speech therapists; social workers and recreational assistants; and room and board. Most care in nursing facilities is provided by certified nursing assistants, not by skilled personnel. In 2004, the
46、re were, on average, 40 certified nursing assistants per 100 resident beds. The number of registered nurses and licensed practical nurses were significantly lower at 7 per 100 reside</p><p> Nursing homes t
47、hat participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs are subject to federal requirements regarding staffing and quality of care for residents.[2] In 2004, 98.5% of the 16,100 nursing facilities nationwide were certified
48、 to participate in Medicare, Medicaid, or both.</p><p> Medicare covers nursing home services for 20 to 100 days for beneficiaries who require skilled nursing care or rehabilitation services following a hos
49、pitalization of at least three consecutive days. The program does not cover nursing care if only custodial care is needed — for example, when a person needs assistance with bathing, walking, or transferring from a bed to
50、 a chair. To be eligible for Medicare-covered skilled nursing facility (SNF) care, a physician must certify that the beneficiary n</p><p> SNF services may be offered in a free-standing or hospital-based fa
51、cility. A freestanding facility is generally part of a nursing home that covers Medicare SNF services as well as long-term care services for people who pay out-of-pocket, through Medicaid, or through a long-term care ins
52、urance policy. Generally, Medicare SNF patients make up just a small portion of the total resident population of a free-standing nursing home.</p><p> Medicare also covers nursing home care for certain pers
53、ons who require custodial care, meet a state's means-tested income and asset tests, and require the level-of-care offered in a nursing home. Nursing home residents have physical or cognitive impairments and require 2
54、4-hour care.</p><p> The cost of staying in a Nursing home can cost several thousand per month or more.[3] Some deplete their resources on the often high cost of care. If eligible, Medicaid will cover conti
55、nued stays in nursing home for these individuals for life. However, they require that the patient be "spent down" to a low asset level first by either depleting their life savings or asset-protecting them, ofte
56、n using an elder law attorney.</p><p> U.S. Government regulations and oversight</p><p> All nursing homes in the United States that receive Medicare and/or Medicaid funding are subject to fed
57、eral regulations. People who inspect nursing homes are called surveyors or, most commonly, state surveyors. State surveyors may inspect for compliance with licensure (State regulations) and/or certification (Medicare and
58、 Medicaid regulations).</p><p> The "Mininimum Data Set" assessment (MDS) is part of the U.S. federally mandated process for comprehensive assessment of all residents in Medicare or Medicaid certi
59、fied nursing homes. The MDS assessment is a screening assessment that forms the basis of a comprehensive assessment of each resident's functional capabilities and helps nursing home staffs identify and help residents
60、 meet or cope with health and other needs. The MDS also yields "Resource Utilization Groups" (RUGS) which are used for a</p><p> For United States SNFs and NFs, the Centers for Medicare and Medica
61、id Services has a website which allows users to see how well facilities perform in certain metrics (see "Nursing Home Compare Tool" in the external link section below). CMS also publishes a list of Special Focu
62、s Facilities - nursing homes with "a history of serious quality issues."[4][5] The US Government Accountability Office (GAO), however, has found that state nursing home inspections understate the number of seri
63、ous nursing h</p><p> SNFs and NFs are subject to federal regulations and also strict state regulations. The nursing home industry is considered one of the two most heavily regulated industries in the Unite
64、d States (the other being the nuclear power industry).[9]</p><p> Medicare and Medicaid surveys</p><p> Federal regulation and inspection (surveying) of SNFs and NFs applies a model of health
65、care quality created for research by Avedis Donabedian in 1965. The model uses the concepts of structure, process and outcome.</p><p><b> Structure</b></p><p> For surveying, struc
66、ture is the nursing home's resources. That includes staff, their knowledge and skills, policies, procedures, records, equipment, buildings, etc. Structure surveying looks at the instrumentalities of care and their or
67、ganization.</p><p><b> Process</b></p><p> Process is the nursing home's resources in action. Process surveying looks at the appropriateness, timeliness and quality of care and
68、 services in relation to each resident's needs. Process can be organized into 5 kinds of intellectual and physical activities: assessing, planning, implementing (acting), evaluating, and communicating. These activiti
69、es must be integrated and often occur together. Unfortunately these processes can be task or resident-centered. A task nurse implements a physician ord</p><p><b> Outcome</b></p><p>
70、; In Donabedian's model, outcome is assumed to result from processes and processes are assumed to require structures. An outcome may be a facility outcome which indirectly supports direct resident care. An example o
71、f an indirect or facility outcome would be supervising and correcting or training staff That changes staff knowledge and skills. Staff applying those new skills is a process which should yield better resident outcomes. R
72、esident outcomes may be classified as physical (death, disease, dis</p><p> Consumer choices</p><p> Current trends are to provide people with significant needs for long term supports and serv
73、ices with a variety of living arrangements. Indeed, research in the U.S. as a result of the Real Choice Systems Change Grants, shows that many people are able to return to their own homes in the community. Private nursin
74、g agencies may be able to provide live-in nurses to stay and work with patients in their own homes.</p><p> When considering living arrangements for those who are unable to live by themselves, potential cus
75、tomers consider it to be important to carefully look at many nursing homes and assisted living facilities as well as retirement homes, keeping in mind the person's abilities to take care of themselves independently.
76、While certainly not a residential option, many families choose to have their elderly loved one spend several hours per day at an adult daycare center.</p><p> Beginning in 2002, Medicare began hosting an on
77、line comparison site intended to foster quality improving competition between nursing homes.</p><p><b> Trend</b></p><p> In the U.S. a few nursing homes are beginning to change th
78、e way they are managed and organized to create a more resident-centered environment, so they are more "home-like" and less institutional or "hospital-like." In these homes, units are replaced with a s
79、mall set of rooms surrounding a common kitchen and living room. The staff giving care is assigned to one of these "households." Residents have far more choices about when they awake, when they eat and what they
80、 want to do during the day. They</p><p> Task-oriented care</p><p> Task oriented care is where nurses are assigned specific tasks to perform for numerous residents on a specific ward. Residen
81、ts in this particular situation are exposed to multiple nurses at any given time. Because of the random disbursement of tasks, nurses are declined the ability to develop more in depth relations with any particular reside
82、nt. Licensed (vocational) nurse training in the United States is task oriented. The primary care giver in a certified nursing home is a "Certified Nurses Ai</p><p> Resident-oriented care</p>&l
83、t;p> Resident oriented care is where nurses are assigned to particular patients and have the ability to develop relationships with individual patients. Patients are treated more as family, as opposed to random patien
84、ts in an institution. Using resident-oriented care, nurses are able to become familiar with each patient and cater more to their specific needs, whether they be emotional or medical. In contrast, institutional care is in
85、stitution-centered. The focus is staff convenience and efficiency. St</p><p> Scientific findings</p><p> According to various findings residents who receive resident-oriented care experience
86、a higher quality of life, in respect to attention and time spent with patients and the number of fault reports after the introduction of Primary Nursing. Once they experience it, nurses often prefer resident-oriented set
87、tings, too. Although resident-oriented nursing does not lengthen life, nursing home residents are able to connect with someone, which allows them to dispel many feelings of loneliness and discon</p><p> &qu
88、ot;Resident assignment" refers to the extent to which residents are allocated to the same nurse. With this particular system one person is responsible for the entire admission period of the resident. However, this s
89、ystem can cause difficulties for the nurse or care-giver should one of the residents they are assigned to pass away or move to a different facility, as the nurse/caregiver may become attached to the resident(s) they are
90、caring for.</p><p> Various findings suggest that task-oriented care produces less satisfied residents. In many cases, residents are disoriented and unsure of who to disclose information to and as a result
91、decide not to share information at all. Patients usually complain of loneliness and feelings of displacement.</p><p> "Resident assignment" is allocated to numerous nurses as opposed to one person
92、 carrying the responsibility of one resident. Because the load on one nurse can become so great, various nurses are unable to identify with gradual emotional and physical changes experienced by one particular resident. R
93、esident information has the ability to get misplaced or undocumented because of the numerous amounts of nurses that deal with one resident.[citation needed].</p><p> Emergency management</p><p>
94、; Dealing with an emergency in nursing home is always a formidable task which involves the damage control and mitigation of the event. Not many written plans or standard operating procedures are available publicly, exce
95、pt for a few [9]. However, there are published academic reviews about the topic written by many authors [10], [11], [12].</p><p> United Kingdom </p><p> In 2002 nursing homes became known as
96、care homes with nursing and residential homes became known as care homes [13]. </p><p> In the United Kingdom care homes and care homes with nursing are regulated by different organisations in England, Scot
97、land, Wales and Northern Ireland. To enter a care home, you need an assessment of needs and of your financial condition from your local council. You may also have an assessment by a nurse, should you require nursing care
98、. The cost of a care home is means tested in England.</p><p> As of April 2009 in England, the lower capital limit is £13,500. At this level, all income from pensions, savings, benefits and other sourc
99、es, except a "personal expenses allowance" (currently £21.90), will go to paying the care home fees. The local council pays the remaining contribution provided the room occupied is not more expensive than
100、the local council's normal rate, currently £364.48 for Hampshire for example. If the resident is paying more than this the council will not pay anything and</p><p> The NHS has full responsibility
101、for funding the whole placement if the resident in a care home with nursing meets the criteria for NHS continuing Health Care. This is identified by a multi-disciplinary assessment process as detailed on the DOH website.
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