1、<p> 完全競爭市場形成條件極其缺陷</p><p> 完全競爭市場是指競爭充分而不受任何阻礙和干擾的一種市場結構。在這種市場類型中,買賣人數眾多,買者和賣者是價格的接受者,資源可自由流動,信息具有完全性。</p><p><b> 條件</b></p><p><b> 大量買者和賣者</b><
2、/p><p> 市場上有眾多的生產者和消費者,任何一個生產者或消費者都不能影響市場價格。由于存在著大量的生產者和消費者,與整個市場的生產量(即銷售量)和購買量相比較,任何一個生產者的生產量(即銷售量)和任何一個消費者的購買量所占的比例都很小,因而,他們都無能力影響市場的產量(即銷售量)和價格,所以,任何生產者和消費者的單獨市場行為都不會引起市場產量(即銷售量)和價格的變化。正如美國經濟學家喬治·斯蒂格勒所
3、說的那樣:“任何單獨的購買者和銷售者都不能依憑其購買和銷售來影響價格。用另一種方式來表達,就是:任何購買者面對的供給彈性是無窮大,而銷售者面臨的需求彈性也是無窮大的。 這也就是說,他們都只能是市場既定價格的接受者,而不是市場價格的決定者。</p><p><b> 產品同質性</b></p><p> 市場上有許多企業(yè),每個企業(yè)在生產某種產品時不僅是同質的產品,而
4、且在產品的質量、性能、外形、包裝等等方面也是無差別的,以致于任何一個企業(yè)都無法通過自己的產品具有與他人產品的特異之處來影響價格而形成壟斷,從而享受壟斷利益。對于消費者來說,無論購買哪一個企業(yè)的產品都是同質無差別產品,以致于眾多消費者無法根據產品的差別而形成偏好,從而使生產這些產品的生產者形成一定的壟斷性而影響市場價格 也就是說,只要生產同質產品,各種商品互相之間就具有完全的替代性,這很容易接近完全競爭市場。</p><
5、;p><b> 資源流動性</b></p><p> 這意味著廠商進入或退出一個行業(yè)是完全自由和毫無困難的。任何一個生產者,既可以自由進入某個市場,也可以自由退出某個市場,即進入市場或退出市場完全由生產者自己自由決定,不受任何社會法令和其他社會力量的限制 由于無任何進出市場的社會障礙,生產者能自由進入或退出市場,因此,當某個行業(yè)市場上有凈利潤時,就會吸引許多新的生產者進入這個行業(yè)市
6、場,從而引起利潤的下降,以致于利潤逐漸消失。而當行業(yè)市場出現虧損時,許多生產者又會退出這個市場,從而又會引起行業(yè)市場利潤的出現和增長。這樣,在一個較長的時期內,生產者只能獲得正常的利潤,而不能獲得壟斷利益。</p><p><b> 信息完全性</b></p><p> 即市場上的每一個買者和賣者都掌握著與自己的經濟決策有關的一切信息。這樣每一個消費者和每一個廠商
7、都可以根據自己掌握的完全的信息,做出自己的最優(yōu)的經濟決策,從而獲得最大的經濟效益。而且,由于每一個買者和賣者都知道既定的市場價格,都按照這一既定的市場價格進行交易,這也就排除了由于信息不通暢而可能導致的一個市場同時按照不同的價格進行交易的情況。所以,任何市場主體都不能通過權力、關稅、補貼、配給或其他任何人為的手段來控制市場供需和市場價格。</p><p> 促使微觀經濟運行保持高效率</p>&l
8、t;p> 完全競爭市場全面排除了任何壟斷性質和任何限制,完全依據市場的調節(jié)進行運行,因而可以促使微觀經濟運行保持高效率。因為在完全競爭市場條件下,生產效率低和無效率的生產者會在眾多生產者的相互競爭中被迫退出市場,生產效率高的生產者則得以繼續(xù)存在,同時,又有生產效率更高的生產者隨時進入市場參與市場競爭,生產效率更高的生產者則在新一輪的市場競爭中取勝,因而,完全競爭市場可促使生產者充分發(fā)揮自己的積極性和主動性,進行高效率的生產。&l
9、t;/p><p><b> 促進生產效率的提高</b></p><p> 完全競爭市場可以促使生產者以最低成本進行生產,從而提高生產效率。 因為在完全競爭市場類型條件下,每個生產者都只能是市場價格的接受者,因而他們要想使自己的利潤最大化,就必須以最低的成本進行生產。也即必須按照其產品平均成本處于最低點時的產量進行生產。生產者以最低的生產成本生產出最高產量的產品,這是一
10、種最佳規(guī)模的生產,這樣的生產也就投有浪費任何資源和生產能力,因而,這樣的生產過程也就是一種促進生產效率和效益不斷提高的過程。</p><p><b> 增進社會利益</b></p><p> 完全競爭市場中的競爭,在引導生產者追求自己利益的過程中,也有效地促進了社會的利益。這是亞當·斯密的重大發(fā)現及著名論斷。他認為,市場競爭引導每個生產者都不斷地努力追求
11、自己的利益,他們所考慮的并不是社會利益,但是,由于受著“一只看不見的手的指導,去盡力達到一個并非他本意想要達到的目的。他追求自己的利益,往往使他能比在真正出于本意的情況下更能有效地促進社會的利益。 例如,假若每個生產者都努力使其生產的產品價值達到最高程度,其結果必然使社會的年收額有很大的增長,從而也就促進了社會公共利益的增加。</p><p><b> 提高資源的配置效率</b></
12、p><p> 在完全競爭市場條件下,資源能不斷地自由流向最能滿足消費者需要的商品生產部門,在資源的不斷流動過程中實現了資源在不同用途間、不同效益間和在生產過程中的不同組合間的有效選擇,使資源發(fā)揮出更大的效用,從而也就會太大提高資源的配置效率與配置效益。</p><p> 消費者及消費需求滿足的最大化</p><p> 在完全競爭市場條件下,價格趨向等于生產成本。因
13、而,“在許多情況下,它可以形成對消費者來說最低的價格”, 而且完全競爭市場條件下的利潤比其他非完全競爭市場條件下的利潤要小,所以“在純粹競爭的情況下,獲利最大的是消費者”。同時,完全競爭市場還“可以使消費需求的滿足趨向最大化”。</p><p> 盡管完全競爭市場在現實經濟生活中幾乎是不存在的,但是,研究完全競爭市場類型仍有其積極的意義。分析研究完全競爭市場形式,有利于建立完全競爭市場類型的一般理論,當人們熟悉
14、掌握了完全競爭市場類型的理論及其特征以后,就可以用其指導自己的市場決策。例如,生產者就可以在出現類似情況時(如作為價格的接受者時等)作出正確的產量和價格決策。更重要的是分析研究完全競爭市場類型理論,可以為分析研究其他市場類型提供借鑒。例如,在對有關壟斷市場、壟斷競爭市場和寡頭壟斷市場中競爭與效率問題進行比較研究的過程中完全競爭市場類型理論可以作為一個衡量標準起到借鑒作用。</p><p><b> 缺
15、陷</b></p><p> ?。ㄒ唬┩耆偁幨袌鲈诂F實生活前提條件的情況下,很難成立,因而,完全競爭市場的效率也必須在具備了嚴格前提條件的情況下才會出現。而在現實經濟實踐中,難以全面具備完全競爭市場的所有前提條件,因此,實際上完全競爭市場在現實經濟實踐中很難出現。完全競爭市場只是西方經濟學家在研究市場經濟理論過程中的一種理論假設,是他們進行經濟分折的一種手段和方法。這樣,沒有實踐意義就成了完全競爭市
16、場形式的最根本的缺陷。在這種根本缺陷的條件下,完全競爭市場還具有其他許多與前提條件相對應的具體缺陷。</p><p> ?。ǘ┩耆偁幨袌鏊仨毜挠写罅啃∑髽I(yè)存在這個條件既不可能也不適用。在現實經濟實踐中,即使進入市場非常自由,由于其他各個方面條件的限制和影響,進入市場中的企業(yè)也不可能無限多。即使市場中已存在有大量的企業(yè),這些企業(yè)也只能是小企業(yè)。在有著大量小企業(yè)的情況下,市場中的商品價格就可能相對較高。因為,其
17、一,小企業(yè)的生產規(guī)模較小,不能進行規(guī)模生產,存在著規(guī)模不經濟,生產成本高。因而小企業(yè)生產的產品價格高。其二,小企業(yè)的生產成本下降潛力小,這是因為小企業(yè)無力引進先進的生產技術和設備,生產的效率難以有較大的提高,這樣其產品的生產成本也就難降低。即使能夠引進先進的生產技術和設備,也無法達到規(guī)模生產,這時其生產成本不僅不能下降反而還會上升。</p><p> ?。ㄈ┩耆偁幨袌鲆矔斐少Y源的浪費。在完全競爭市場條件下,
18、自由進入使效率更高、產品更能適合消費者需要的企業(yè)不斷涌進市場,而那些效率低、產品已不能適應消費者需要的企業(yè)則不斷地被淘汰退出市場。小企業(yè)在進步和外來干擾的沖擊下很容易在競爭中失敗,成為完全競爭市場條件下正常的和經常的現象。那些因在競爭中失敗而退出市場的企業(yè),其整個企業(yè)的設備與勞動力在仍然可以發(fā)揮作用的情況下被迫停止使用,這樣,不能不造成寶貴的物質資源和勞動力資源的浪費。</p><p> ?。ㄋ模┩耆偁幨袌鲋型?/p>
20、/p><p> 一般來說,在現實經濟生活中,只有農業(yè)生產等極少數行業(yè)比較接近完全競爭市場。因為在農業(yè)生產中農戶的數量多而且每個農戶的生產規(guī)模一般都不大,同時,每個農戶生產的農產品產量及其在整個農產品總產量中所占的比例都極小,因而,每個農戶的生產和銷售行為都無法影響農產品的市場價格,只能接受農產品的市場價格。如果有的農戶要提高其農產品的出售價格,農產品的市場價格不會因此而提高,其最 結果只能是自己的產品賣不出去。如果
21、農戶要降低自己農產品的出售價格,農產品的市場價格也不會因此而下降,雖然該農戶的農產品能以比市場價格更低的價格較快的銷售出去。但是,不可避免地要遭受很大的經濟損失。這樣,農戶降低其農產品價格的行為就顯得毫無實際意義了。</p><p> Defect forming condition is extremely perfect competition market</p><p> Re
22、fers to the completely competitive market competition fully and not subject to any obstacles and interference of a kind of market structure. Numbers in this kind of market type, buying and selling, buyers and sellers is
23、the price of the recipient, resources can be free flow of information is complete.</p><p> conditions</p><p> A large number of buyers and sellers</p><p> There are many on the m
24、arket of producers and consumers, any producer or consumer can affect the market price. Because there are a large number of producers and consumers, and the whole market of production (i.e., sales) compared with buying,
25、any one of producers of production (i.e., sales) and any consumer purchases of the proportion is very small, thus, they have no ability to affect the market of production (i.e., sales) and prices, so that all producers a
26、nd consumers of market behavior alone</p><p> Product homogeneity</p><p> There are many companies on the market, every enterprise in the production of some products is not only a homogeneous
27、product, and in the product quality, performance, appearance, packaging, etc is also there, so that any a enterprise can through their own product is product specific place to influence prices with others to form a monop
28、oly, so as to enjoy monopoly profits. For consumers, no matter where they buy the product of an enterprise are homogenous undifferentiated products, so that many </p><p> Resources of liquidity</p>&
29、lt;p> This means that manufacturers to enter or exit a industry is completely free and without any difficulty. Any producer, can free access to a market, are also free to exit certain market, namely the entry or exit
30、 the market completely decided by the producers themselves free, not subject to any restriction of social law and other social forces due to the social barriers no in and out of the market, producers are free to enter or
31、 exit the market, therefore, when an industry there are net profit on </p><p> Information is complete</p><p> Namely the every buyers and sellers on the market holds all the information assoc
32、iated with their economic decisions. So that each consumer and each vendor can according to their mastery of the information completely, make their own optimal economic decisions, so as to achieve maximum economic benefi
33、ts. Also, because each buyers and sellers know the established market prices, all in accordance with the established market prices, it also ruled out because of the information not unobstructed and c</p><p>
34、 Prompted the micro economic operation to keep high efficiency</p><p> Fully ruled out any perfectly competitive markets monopoly nature and any restrictions, completely according to the operation of marke
35、t regulation, thus it can be contributed to microeconomic maintain efficient operation. Because in perfect competition conditions, the production efficiency is low and inefficient producers will be forced to exit the mar
36、ket in many producers compete, high production efficiency of the producers will continue to exist, and at the same time, and the production effici</p><p> Promote the improvement of production efficiency<
37、;/p><p> Perfect competition can encourage producers with the lowest cost of production, improve production efficiency. Because in perfect competition market type condition, every producer can only is the mark
38、et price of the recipient, so they want to maximize their profits, it must be at the lowest cost for production. That must be in accordance with its product at a low average cost of production. Producers with the lowest
39、cost of production to produce the maximum yield of product, it is a kind of opti</p><p> Increase the interest of the society</p><p> Perfect competition in the market competition, in the proc
40、ess of lead producers to one's own interests, also effectively promote the interests of society. This is a major discovery and Adam Smith's famous claim that. Competition in the market guide every producer, he ar
41、gues, constantly striving for their own interests, it is not what they consider social interests, however, due to the "the guidance of an invisible hand, try to achieve a not his intent to achieve purpose. He pursue
42、 their own inte</p><p> Improve the efficiency of resource configuration</p><p> Under the condition of perfect competition market, resources can constantly free flow to the most to meet the n
43、eed of the consumer goods production department, in the process of resources flow to achieve the resources between the different USES, different combinations of different benefits between and in the production process be
44、tween the effective choice, make the resources to play a greater effectiveness, thus it will be too big improve the efficiency of the resource configuration efficiency a</p><p> The maximization of consumer
45、s and satisfy consumer demand</p><p> Under the condition of perfect competition, price trend is equal to the cost of production. Thus, "in many cases, it can form the lowest price for customers",
46、 and under the conditions of perfect competition market profits than other non profit under the condition of completely competitive market, so "in the case of pure competition, the profit of the biggest is consumer&
47、quot;. At the same time, perfect competition also can maximize the satisfaction of consumer demand trend ".</p><p> Although perfect competition in real economic life is almost non-existent, but the ty
48、pe of perfect competition market still has its positive significance. Analysis form completely competitive market, set up perfect competition market type of general theory, when people familiar with the mastery of the ty
49、pe of perfect competition market theory and its characteristics, can use the guide to their market decisions. Producers, for example, can be in similar situations (e.g., is regarded as the recipi</p><p><
50、b> defects</b></p><p> (a) perfect competition in real life conditions, it is difficult to set up, therefore, the efficiency of the perfect competition market is also must have the strict premise
51、 condition will appear. Practice in the real economy, fully has all the prerequisites of a perfectly competitive market, so, in fact in real economic practice, it is difficult to completely competitive market. Perfect co
52、mpetition market is just western economists in the research theory is a theory assumes that in the process o</p><p> (2) perfect competition must be the presence of a large number of small businesses is nei
53、ther possible nor the conditions applicable. In the practice of the real economy, even to enter the market is very free, because other aspects conditions restriction and influence of enterprise could not have an infinite
54、 number of entering the market. Even if existing a large number of enterprises in the market, these companies also can be to small businesses. With a large number of small businesses, product</p><p> (3) pe
55、rfect competition also causes waste of resources. Under the condition of perfect competition market, free access to make the efficiency higher, more suitable for consumer products need to be constantly poured into the ma
56、rket of enterprise, and the efficiency is low, the product has not been able to satisfy the needs of the consumer companies are constantly eliminated out of business. Under the impact of the progress and the interference
57、 from outside the small business is easy to fail in th</p><p> (4) perfect competition in the market of complete knowledge assumption is not realistic. In general, both producers and consumers, can only hav
58、e incomplete knowledge. Producers for its status in the real market, the future development trends and various factors affecting the market information, and so on knowledge, cannot fully grasp. Often only in a world of u
59、ncertainty. Consumers, can not fully grasp certain all products on the market price, quality, etc. At the same time, the market informati</p><p> In general, in the real economic life, only a handful of ind
60、ustries such as agriculture production close to perfect competition market. Because the number of farmers in agriculture more and every peasant household production scale is generally small, at the same time, the agricul
61、tural output of every peasant household production and its application in the agricultural production and the proportion of small, therefore, every peasant household production and sales behavior cannot affect the market
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- 完全競爭市場習題
- 淺析可競爭市場與完全競爭市場
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- 畢業(yè)設計(論文)文獻翻譯.doc
- 畢業(yè)設計(論文)文獻翻譯.doc
- 畢業(yè)設計(論文)文獻翻譯.doc
- 畢業(yè)設計(論文)文獻翻譯.doc
- 畢業(yè)設計(論文)文獻翻譯.doc