1、<p> 畢業(yè)設計(論文)外文文獻翻譯</p><p><b> 2013屆</b></p><p> 譯文一: 建立一個品牌必須做對的一件事 </p><p> 譯文二: 如何建立一個有效的社會化媒體品牌 </p><p> THE ONE THING YOU M
2、UST GET RIGHT WHEN BUILDING A BRAND</p><p> Patrick Barwise and Sean Meehan</p><p> Yes, new media give us powerful tools and speed—but that’s not enough.</p><p> As usual, marke
3、ters are turning hype into hyperventilation. This time, it’s about the supposed end of marketing as we know it, thanks to the rise of social media and the shift of power to consumers. But it’s wrong to think we’re enteri
4、ng a world in which traditional marketing activities, and brands themselves, will become irrelevant. In fact, the opposite is true. Social media make it more urgent than ever that companies get the basics right, developi
5、ng and reliably delivering on a compelling br</p><p> It has always been risky for companies to disappoint customers, at least over the long term. But today the scale and speed of social media can make fall
6、ing short instantly painful. Consider the internet-fueled backlash against Kryptonite’s expensive but easily picked lock and Dell’s flammable laptops. By the same token, companies that consistently deliver what they prom
7、ise benefit mightily when social media amplify their reputation. The obvious danger is failing to keep pace with social media de</p><p> We’ve long worked on marketing strategy with companies across industr
8、ies; over the past 15 years we’ve focused on new media, and recently on social media marketing. And we’ve been directly involved in successful new-media start-ups, including one specializing in customer advisory panels a
9、nd online brand communities. Our conclusion? The companies that will succeed in this environment are exploiting the many opportunities presented by social media while keeping an unwavering eye on their brand pro</p>
10、;<p> Leverage social media</p><p> Most companies have cottoned on to social media as tools for engagement and collaboration. Marketers at leading companies have created lively exchanges with and a
11、mong customers on sites such as OPEN Forum(American Express), Beinggirl.com(Procter& Gamble), myPlanNet(Cisco), and Fiesta Movement(Ford), tapping into participants’ expertise and creatively for product development.
12、Of course, social media can also boost brand awareness, trial, and ultimately sales, especially when a campaign goes viral</p><p> This represents a profound shift. Historically, market research was product
13、-rather than customer centric: Marketers asked questions about attitudes and behaviors relevant to their brands. More recently we have seen the rise of ethnographic research to help them understand how both a brand and i
14、ts wider product category fit into people’s lives. Social networks take this a step further by providing powerful new ways to explore consumer’s lives and opinions.</p><p> Procter&Gamble was an early a
15、dopter of social media; now all its business have sites aimed at specific markets and communities. Its feminine care group, appreciating the need to listen to rather than talk at customers, made sure that Beinggirl was l
16、ess about its products than about the tribulations of 11-to-14-year-old—embarrassing moments, hygiene concerns, boy trouble. The site’s main value to P&G is not that it drives product sales but that it illuminates th
17、e target consumers’ world. Similarl</p><p> P&G recently encountered firsthand the dark side of social media—the speed with they can spread damaging messages. After the company introduce Dry Max technol
18、ogy into its Pampers produce line last year, promising extra protection and a less bulky diaper, Ronsana Shah, an angry customer whose child had developed diaper rash, created a Facebook page dedicated to putting pressur
19、e on the firm to withdraw the product. Other reports of rashes and blisters followed, and by May 7,000 parents had joined </p><p> Confident in its product’s performance, P&G stood firm. Its long experi
20、ence in the category had taught it that some proportion of babies will always suffer from rashes, and the frequency of such problems hadn’t changed after the introduction of Dry Max. Aided by its well-established social
21、media network, Pampers Village, and its Pampers Facebook page, the company made its case sympathetically but clearly. It responded to all complaints, offered advice to parents, and explained why the produce wo</p>
22、<p> Far from curbing P&G’s enthusiasm for social media, this incident helped the company hone its approach. It plans to use greater prelaunch engagement through these channels in future to clarify expectation
23、s and enable an even faster and more effective response to any unexpected backlash.</p><p> Toyota, too, deftly used social media as part of its crisis management during the sudden-acceleration recall. It s
24、et up a team to monitor and respond with facts to rumors on Facebook and elsewhere, and created a Twitter presence for COO Jim Lentz. The team identified online fans and sought permission to distribute their statements t
25、hrough Toyota channels. Drawing on the company’s brand reputation—the reservoir of goodwill earned over decades of delivering on its promise of quality, reliability, </p><p> Enhance the playbook</p>
26、<p> Although any company’s decision about whether and how to use a new tool is situation-specific, all companies should incorporate social media into their marketing playbooks. But what’s the best approach? Our a
27、nalysis of the strategies and performance of a diverse range of companies suggests that great brands share four fundamental qualities:</p><p> They offer and communicate a clear, relevant customer promise.&
28、lt;/p><p> They build trust by delivering on that promise.</p><p> They drive the market by continually improving the promise.</p><p> They seek further advantage by innovating beyo
29、nd the familiar.</p><p> These basics don’t sound like rocker science, but we’ve been surprised by now many companies still fail to get them right. Social media can be used to reinforce all four, even as th
30、ey make them more urgent. Look at Virgin Atlantic Airways has used social media to buttress the branding basics.</p><p> 建立一個品牌必須做對的一件事</p><p> Patrick Barwise and Sean Meehan</p><p
31、> 是的,新媒體給了我們強大的工具和速度,但這對于建設品牌來說,仍然還是不夠的。</p><p> 像往常一樣,市場營銷人員總是過度轉向了以炒作為主要手段的營銷。由于社會化媒體的興起和向消費者轉移的權力,這一次,是關于我們熟知的所謂傳統營銷的結束。如果認為我們正在進入的新世界中,傳統的營銷活動和品牌本身都將變得毫無意義,那就大錯特錯了。事實上,正好相反。社會化媒體使得企業(yè)比以往更加迫切地需要獲得基本權利
32、、開發(fā)和承諾建立一個引人注目的品牌。</p><p> 至少在長期看來,使客戶失望一直是公司的風險。但今天社會化媒體的規(guī)模和速度能夠減少失敗的代價??紤]到互聯網上所推動的對Kryptonite牌保險鎖的昂貴價格的反抗所帶來的反饋,Kryptonite牌保險鎖仍然容易攜帶和存放戴爾牌的極其易燃的筆記本電腦。同樣的道理,當社會化媒體擴大自己的聲譽時,公司始終如一地從他們的承諾中獲取巨大的利益。對公司而言,最明顯的危
33、險是無法跟上社會化媒體的發(fā)展。但同樣的,一個不太明顯的危險正因為對一些基本因素的忽視而正被分散注意力。</p><p> 我們長期從事于各行業(yè)公司的營銷戰(zhàn)略策劃。在過去的15年中,我們一直專注于新興媒體,這在最近則表現在社會化媒體營銷上。我們已經直接參與建設多家成功的專注于新媒體的新興公司,其中包括一個專業(yè)的客戶咨詢面板和一個品牌網絡社區(qū)。我們的結論是什么呢?這些企業(yè)們將在這樣的環(huán)境中取得成功,利用社會化媒體所
34、提供的諸多機遇的同時也始終堅定不移地保持自己的品牌承諾,并且他們也會謹慎仔細地修改營銷戰(zhàn)略而非試圖全盤改寫。</p><p><b> 充分利用社會化媒體</b></p><p> 大多數公司都傾向于把社會化媒體作為一種參與和協作的工具。領先公司的營銷人員們已經在網站上和客戶們建立了活躍有效的交流,比如美國運通公司的開放論壇、寶潔公司的Beinggirl.com、
35、思科公司的myPlanNet、福特公司的“嘉年華運動”,他們的共同點是都挖掘了參與者的專業(yè)知識和創(chuàng)造性的產品開發(fā)。當然,社會化媒體也可以提高品牌知名度、有利嘗試和最終銷售成果,尤其是在一個活動被廣泛傳播的時候。然而,對大多數公司而言,更重要的是通過社會化媒體可以比以往任何時候更加迅速地獲得豐富的、直接的客戶信息和客戶關注。</p><p> 這是一場前所未有的深刻變局。從歷史上來看,市場調研往往更多以產品為中心
36、而非以客戶為中心:市場工作者們過去常常詢問對他們品牌的行為的看法和態(tài)度。而最近我們已經看到民族差異性研究的興起已經在幫助他們理解如何讓同一個品牌在兩個地方以更廣闊的產品類別融入到人們的生活中去。社會化媒體正更進一步地通過強大的新方式來探索消費者們的生活和意見。</p><p> 寶潔公司是社會化媒體較早的使用者之一,現在其所有的業(yè)務都已針對不同的特殊市場和社區(qū)建立網絡站點。其針對女性護理的項目團隊,往往更多通過
38、參與了品牌建設并且彼此信任。這些公司們通過放棄一部分權力來創(chuàng)造活躍的社區(qū)——在我們的傳統經驗來看,這往往讓營銷人員難以調整。</p><p> 然而最近,社會化媒體的負面作用也讓寶潔公司首當其沖——破壞性的信息通過社會化媒體的傳播異常迅速。去年,在寶潔公司將Dry Max 技術引進幫寶適的產品生產中后,曾向客戶承諾將展現給他們一個有更多額外保護和體積更小的產品。Ronsana Shah,一個憤怒的消費者,同時也
39、是一位在使用幫寶適尿布后得了疹子的小孩的母親,自發(fā)創(chuàng)建了一個Facebook頁面以致力于對寶潔公司施壓迫使其回收所有的相關產品。更多地關于嬰孩使用幫寶適尿布而引發(fā)皮疹和水泡的報道隨之而來,到了去年5月份,已經有超過7000位父母加入了Shah的維權運動。</p><p> 寶潔公司始終立場堅定,對于其產品的質量非常自信。在這一領域的長期經驗顯示,非常小的比例的嬰兒確實會可能患有皮疹,而這非常小的比例的問題并不能
40、改變Dry Max 技術的引進使用。寶潔公司得益于其完善的社會化媒體網絡,包括“幫寶適村”和幫寶適在Facebook上的主頁,將這次事件導向對其的同情并且條理清晰。寶潔公司回應了所有的投訴,并提供建議給那些父母,還解釋了為什么相關產品不會被撤回。9月份的時候,美國消費者產品安全委員會發(fā)布報告,稱其沒有發(fā)現Dry Max技術與嬰孩發(fā)疹之間的聯系。</p><p> 此番事件讓寶潔公司對社會化媒體的熱情更加高漲,這
41、次事件幫助公司完善了營銷渠道。它計劃利用通過這些渠道為更廣泛的品牌傳播做更多的準備,從而在未來更好地闡述公司的期望以及對意想不到的反應的更快、更有效的回應。</p><p> 同樣,在突然加速的客戶反饋中,豐田公司將社會化媒體的巧妙運用作為危機管理的組成部分。豐田公司建立了一個專有團隊在Facebook的公司主頁上和其它地方來監(jiān)控和用事實響應關于公司的不利謠言,除此之外豐田公司的首席運營官Jim Lentz也在
43、;p><b> 增強營銷戰(zhàn)略</b></p><p> 盡管任何公司關于是否以及如何使用一個新工具情況各有特殊。所有的公司都應該將社會化媒體納入他們的營銷戰(zhàn)略體系中。但是最好的方法是什么?我們對不同種類 的公司的策略和績效的分析表明,偉大的品牌總是時刻散發(fā)著四種氣質:它們向客戶提供和傳達一個清晰的與客戶關系密切的承諾;它們通過實現這一承諾來建立重要的信任;它們通過對承諾的不斷改善來
44、推動市場的發(fā)展;它們不斷地超越以獲取更大的優(yōu)勢。</p><p> 這些基本要點聽起來并不像什么高深的火箭科學,但我們仍然在驚訝直到現在還有很多的公司仍然沒有用正確的方法去看待和運用社會化媒體。即便社會化媒體將會使得他們焦頭爛額,但是卻一定能加強以上的四個要點??纯淳S珍航空大西洋公司是如何利用社會化媒體支持品牌的基礎建設吧。</p><p> CREATING AN EFFECTIVE
45、</p><p> SOCIAL MEDIA BRAND</p><p> Allen and Lani Voivod</p><p> Intention. Purpose. Passion. These attributes are at the heart of any effective brand: The intention you have to
46、 serve others with your unique business; the purpose for which you take any action; and the passion you demonstrate. The most successful businesses on social media channels use those characteristics to create an emotiona
47、l connection with their audience. And that leads to honest-to-goodness results—increased revenue, reduced costs, lead generation and customer satisfaction.</p><p> Sending a Cohesive Message</p><
48、p> When you think about reaching out to new customers, consistency is key. You want customers to have the same brand experience regardless of whether they interact with you on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, or
49、 YouTube. That alignment should also extend to your web site and other customer interactions. Here's how to ensure brand alignment across all channels:</p><p> Perform a social media audit: Examine the
50、images, logos and tone of your content. Does it look and feel like it has a common emotional thread? Is all your business profile information complete and up to date? Is it mobile-friendly for all smartphones?</p>
51、<p> Choose your brand champion(s): Someone has to post all your social content. Have them post by name so your audience gets to know them. These posters should have great soft skills—empathy, generosity and an in
52、clusive attitude.</p><p> Get focused: Ask yourself what you want to achieve six to 12 months from now and make a marketing plan. Try out different options to find what works best, and keep yourself and you
53、r team engaged and committed. Paul Boynton, CEO of The Moore Center in Manchester and author of Begin With Yes, has grown his Facebook Page by the thousands. He's posting photos twice a day with descriptions.</p&g
54、t;<p> When your brand is aligned with your intention, purpose, and passion, the results are remarkable. Look to the NH Division of Economic Development for proof The division rebranded under the "No Bull&qu
55、ot; logo and slogan in 2009, and in two years, its website traffic has tripled, outreach costs are down, it has won awards and developed the largest economic development presence on Facebook in the nation.</p><
56、;p> Creating Brand Penetration</p><p> A cohesive and consistent brand presence on your social channels, with a set of goals, allows you to start working your channels. Keep these tips in mind for get&l
57、t;/p><p> ting the word out:</p><p> Create and curate new and relevant content: You don't have to produce everything yourself. You can also be the "filter" where good content is sh
58、ared, liked, retweeted, and commented upon, with you as the trusted source—all key aspects to getting your brand out there more often.</p><p> Respond soon, and with a smile: Respond promptly and be friendl
59、y, even when the feedback is negative. This practically guarantees you'll take the high road, and generates positive word of mouth. Check out The Common Man's Twitter account, @The CManNH. Erica Murphy, their dir
60、ector of communications and community relations, excels at positivity and responsiveness.</p><p> Cross-pollinate: Let your audience decide where they want to connect with you. Highlight your social channel
61、s in your other marketing materials.</p><p> As a sign of the times, TV shows and commercials these days are starting to send people to Facebook pages instead of websites, and flash Twitter hashtags to cont
62、inue the conversation.</p><p> Take your show on the road: Comment on other people's blogs and Facebook pages. Reply to other people's tweets, create video responses to YouTube postings. These are t
63、he virtual equivalents of going to a networking event.</p><p> Advertise as needed: Target ads to your ideal audience, and since social advertising tends to be darned cheap and its impact easy to test, it
64、39;s a good deal.</p><p> Measuring Your Success</p><p> For many years, social media escaped the demands of measurement routinely applied to all other marketing fields. But tools are evolving
65、 to help you quantify your social media success. Here are the top five:</p><p> Google Analytics: Track traffic from social channels, and use multi-channel funnels that show all the channels your customers
66、used in the month before a given sales or lead generation conversion. It's free, with a souped-up enterprise version available at cost for big businesses.</p><p> Facebook Insights: This app gives you a
67、 ton of information about those who like your business. Karmen Gifford, executive director of the Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce, uses it to refine her posting strategy, and now regularly sees gains in Facebook "l
68、ikes" after chamber events.</p><p> Grading tools: These services attempt to grade your social performance, based on the service's idea ideas of what's important. A word to the wise: Track them
69、 over time to see trends, as those are much more useful. Hubspot's Graders, Klout, and Kred are three notable tools to check out.</p><p> Social Media Dashboard: With a dashboard, you can securely manag
70、e multiple social networks and also delegate social activity to team members. Hoot Suite is the number one app for this, hands down. For new content, it's always best to hand-post on the platform itself.</p>&
71、lt;p> A Social CRM: If you have the budget, a customer relationship management system (CRM) including social media profiles can be tremendously powerful.</p><p> With just a few of these tools in place,
72、 you'll soon know what's working and what isn't. By tracking your progress over time and exploring new territory, your business can grow its social media brand.</p><p> 如何建立一個有效的社會化媒體品牌</p>
73、;<p> Allen and Lani Voivod</p><p> 意圖、目的、激情。這些屬性是任何有效品牌的核心:意圖在于為他人提供你獨特的業(yè)務;目的在于你采取的任何行動;激情在于你的表現。最成功的企業(yè)們在社會化媒體渠道使用這些特性來與他們的客戶建立情感聯系。這帶來了真正實在的結果:增加收入、降低成本、銷路拓展和客戶滿意度的提升。</p><p> 傳達一個富有
74、凝聚力的消息</p><p> 當你想招攬新客戶,相容性是關鍵。不管他們是否曾與你在Facebook、Twitter、Linkedin、Google+或者YouTube上互動,你都希望客戶擁有與你一樣的品牌經驗。這種定位也應當擴展到你的網站以及與其他客戶的交流互動。下面的內容將幫助你如何確保品牌定位貫穿至所有渠道。</p><p> 完成社會化媒體審核:檢查圖像、標識、內容基調。是否看
75、起來和感覺起來擁有共同的情感路線?是否所有的業(yè)務概要信息完整并且更新到最新?是否對所有的智能手機開放移動業(yè)務?</p><p> 選擇你的品牌冠軍(們):有人快速發(fā)布你的社會化內容。在發(fā)布的時候往往附著他們的姓名以讓你的客戶知道他們。這些發(fā)布者應當具有同情心、慷慨和包容的軟技能。</p><p> 更加專心:捫心自問你想在從現在起的6到12個月內達成什么樣的目標并為之制定市場營銷計劃。
76、嘗試不同的選擇以發(fā)現最好的工作方式,讓你自己和你的團隊加入進去并增強聯系。Paul Boynton,摩爾中心的首席執(zhí)行官,同時也是《Begin With Yes》的作者,在曼徹斯特已經更新過他的Facebook主頁成千上萬次?;旧厦刻焖紩l(fā)布帶有描述性內容的照片兩次。</p><p> 當你的品牌符合你的意圖、目的和激情,成果馬上就會變得顯而易見。瞧瞧美國新罕布什爾州的經濟發(fā)展部門的證明,其在2009年提出
77、的無牛標志和口號,在兩年內為其帶來3倍的網站流量增長以及推廣成本的下降,它通過Facebook在這個國家贏得了無數的褒獎和持續(xù)的發(fā)展。</p><p><b> 創(chuàng)建品牌滲透</b></p><p> 一個具有一組目標的,富有凝聚力和一致性的品牌正通過你的社會化渠道舒展開來,允許你開始運作你的渠道。保持以下這些小點在腦海中以隨時用到:</p><
78、;p> 創(chuàng)造與發(fā)展新的和相關性強的內容:你不必完全靠自己生產所有的東西。你也可以過濾,好的內容是共享的,喜歡、轉發(fā)、評論,你的真誠會讓你的品牌通過關鍵方面?zhèn)鞑サ酶鼮閺V泛。</p><p> 快速響應并且微笑:即便當反饋是負面的,仍然要友好地迅速回應。這基本上可以保證你走在一條正確的路上并收獲正面的口碑。檢查普通男人的Twitter賬戶,請@The CManNH。Erica Murphy是他們的通訊和社會
79、化關系主任,擅長積極性和反應性。</p><p> 交叉授粉:讓你的客戶決定他們要在哪與你交互。在你的其它營銷資源中突出你的社會化渠道。</p><p> 作為一個時代的標志,這些天電視節(jié)目和廣告都開始派人到Facebooks而非網站的頁面上,加速Twitter上的標簽以維持對話。</p><p> 在路上表演:在人們的博客和Facebook頁面上的發(fā)表評論、
80、回復人們的發(fā)言、在Youtube上制造視頻效應。這些都是虛擬的、平等的社交網絡活動。</p><p> 根據需要做廣告:將目標定位在你最中意的客戶,且由于社會化網絡廣告非常廉價,可以輕易地測試出廣告效果的影響力如何,這是一個不錯的交易。</p><p><b> 測量你的成功</b></p><p> 多年來,社會化媒體逃過測量常規(guī)應用于
81、所有其他營銷領域的需求。但工具的發(fā)展,可以幫助量化你的社會媒體的成功。下面有五個要點:</p><p> 谷歌分析:基于社會化渠道的軌道交通,在給定銷售或銷路拓展確定前一個月利用多渠道漏斗以顯示在渠道中的目標客戶。這是免費的,改裝后的企業(yè)可以在成本上支撐大型商業(yè)。</p><p> Facebook的精準營銷:這個應用程序為你提供了大量的親近你的業(yè)務信息。Karmen Gifford,
82、通過湖泊地區(qū)商務部的商會執(zhí)行董事長,用它來完善自己的發(fā)布策略,可見的收益經常出現在大量Facebook的贊之后。</p><p> 分級工具:這些服務基于對服務重要性的思考,試圖為你的社會化表現分級。一句忠告:按照它們隨著時間的發(fā)展去世來看,這些都是非常有用的舉措。Hubspot、Klout、Kred是其中被檢驗過的三個優(yōu)秀顯著的工具。 </p><p> 社會化網絡的控制面板:
83、通過一個控制面板,你可以安全地管理多個社交網絡并代表團隊成員參與社交活動。其中排名第一的應用HootSuite極其容易運用。對新的內容來說,通過平臺自己手動發(fā)布總是最好的。</p><p> 社會化客戶關系管理:如果你有預算,一個包括社會化媒體配置的客戶關系管理系統(CRM)可以非常強大。</p><p> 只要用到這些工具中的一部分,你就會很快知道哪些是有效的,而哪些則無效。隨著時間
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