1、<p> 編號: </p><p> 畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)外文翻譯</p><p><b> ?。ㄗg文)</b></p><p> 學(xué) 院: 機電工程學(xué)院 </p><p> 專 業(yè):機械設(shè)計制造及其自動化</p><p>
2、 學(xué)生姓名: </p><p> 學(xué) 號: </p><p> 指導(dǎo)教師單位: 藝術(shù)與設(shè)計學(xué)院 </p><p> 姓 名: 梁惠萍 </p><p> 職 稱: 講師 </p>
3、<p> 2012年 5 月 15 日</p><p> The Effects of Mold Designon the Pore Morphology ofPolymers Produced withMuCell_ Technology</p><p> ABSTRACT: </p><p> In this study two molds w
4、ere designed and used in MuCell_technology to generate implants with a porous structure. To arrive the desiredpore structure many process parameters were investigated for indicating theeffects of process parameters on th
5、e pore morphology. This process parameterinvestigation was performed on each mold respectively, so that the influencesof the mold design on the pore morphology have been researched by the sameprocess parameter setting. I
6、t was found that the mold design al</p><p> KEY WORDS: mold design, cell morphology, MuCell_, injection molding,medical implant, porous polymer, polyurethane.</p><p> INTRODUCTION</p>&
7、lt;p> MuCell technology, as an effective microcellular injection moldingprocess, is widely used in automobile and furniture industries.In most cases, MuCell_ technology is used to save raw materials, but itis also us
8、ed to produce implants with closed porous structure [1]. It usesCO2 as blowing agent, which is injected in the plasticization section ofthe injection molding machine (Figure 1). The blowing agent is injectedinto the poly
9、mer melt through the gas supply line and injector, in itssuper critica</p><p> The MuCell Microcellular Foam injection molding technology is a complete process and equipment technology which facilitates ext
10、remely high quality and greatly reduces production costs. The MuCell Process involves the controlled use of gas in its supercritical state to create a foamed part. The MuCell Technology is targeted at precision and
11、 engineered plastic components with maximum wall thicknesses of less than 3mm.The MuCell Process generally offers a 50-75% improvement in key quality measures</p><p> reduction and design for functionality
12、often results in material and weight savings of more than 20%. </p><p> By replacing the pack & hold phase with cell growth, lower stress parts are produced which have enhanced dimensional stability and
13、 substantially reduce warpage. Cell growth also results in the elimination of sink marks.</p><p> Unlike chemical foaming agents, the physical MuCell process has no temperature limitation and does not leave
14、 any chemical residue in the polymer; making consumer products perfectly suitable for recycling within the original polymer classification and allowing re-grind material to reenter the process flow. </p><p>
15、 The numerous cost and processing advantages have led to rapid global deployment of the MuCell process primarily in automotive, consumer electronics, medical device, packaging and consumer goods applications.Microcellul
16、ar foams refer to thermoplastic foams with cells of the order of 10 µm in size. Typically these foams are rigid, closed-cell structures; although recently there is much interest in creating open-cell, porous structu
17、res that have cells in this size range. The microcellular process t</p><p> It would be reasonable to say that the potential of microcellular foams has yet to be realized. These materials have not yet appea
18、red in mass produced plastic items, and the promised savings in materials and associated costs have yet to materialize. This is largely due to manufacturing difficulties encountered in scaling up for large scale producti
19、on. However, enthusiasm for these materials remains high, and today researchers and commercial enterprises on every continent are in a global race to </p><p> Much has been learned about the processing and
20、properties of microcellular foams since the first patent was granted in 1984 [2]. An early review of the subject appeared in 1993 [3]. In this chapter the state-of-the art of processing will be reviewed in the next secti
21、on, followed by a discussion of structure and properties. This chapter will conclude with a look at some of the current research directions involving microcellular technology. </p><p> Although innovations
22、in processing have developed at a rapid pace, the property data on microcellular foams has been slow in coming. The early publications on microcellular foams conjectured that the microcellular structure, believed to be o
23、n a scale that was smaller than the ‘critical flaw size’ for polymers, would enable these foams to retain their mechanical properties even as the density was reduced. No quantitative information on the critical flaw size
24、 was ever presented, nor was any proper</p><p> The tensile property data [4] shows that the tensile strength of microcellular foams decreases in proportion to the foam density, and can be approximated quit
25、e well by the rule of mixtures. Thus a 50% relative density foam can be expected to have 50% of the strength of the solid polymer. Figure 11.5 shows relative tensile strength as a function of relative foam density for a
26、number of microcellular polymers. In this figure the relative tensile strength, is obtained by dividing the tensile streng</p><p> Fatigue and creep behaviours of microcellular polycarbonate foams have been
27、 investigated [8-10]. An interesting result from fatigue studies is that introduction of very small bubbles in PC, with less that 1% reduction of density, led to a thirty-fold increase in fatigue life compared to the sol
28、id PC. This might suggest a process similar to heat treatment of metals, where a PC part may be saturated with carbon dioxide at 5 MPa and then heated to say 60 ºC to introduce the microcellular structure </p>
29、<p> The tensile data for all gas-polymer systems investigated falls on one reduced plot where relative tensile strength can be plotted against the relative density, as is shown in Figure 11.5. However, energy ab
30、sorption measures, such as an impact test, are more sensitive to variations from polymer to polymer, and the results cannot be generalized. Gardner Impact Strength for PVC foams [11] with relative densities of 0.5 and hi
31、gher. It is seen that the impact strength decreases linearly with foam de</p><p> Some studies have investigated the relations between the key processparameters in MuCell_ technology and produced cellular f
32、oam structure[1,5,6]. It was found that the pore morphology in MuCell_ process couldbe adjusted through varying the process parameters. However, there iscurrently no literature regarding the effects of mold design on the
33、 poremorphology by MuCell_ technology.</p><p> In this study two molds were designed and used in MuCell_ process togenerate implants with a porous structure for medical use. The researchof process parameter
34、s was independently performed on these two molds.By comparing the pore structure of implants made from two molds atthe same process parameter setting, the influences of the mold design onthe porous structure were investi
35、gated.</p><p> Figure 1. Draft of the MuCell_ technology</p><p> MATERIALS AND METHODS</p><p> Polymer ProcessingMedical grade thermoplastic polyurethane TPU (Texin_ 985, Bayer,P
36、a, USA) was chosen as raw material for the implant. An injectionmolding machine (KM 125-520C2, KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH,Munich, Germany) with a temperature control unit for cooling the mold(90S/6/TS22/1K/RT45, Regl
37、oplas, St. Gallen, Switzerland) was used forthe production of the samples. The injection molding machine wasequipped with a MuCell_ package by the Trexel Inc., Woburn, MA, USA.The MuCell_ package i</p><p>
38、CO2 was used as blowing agent (CO2 protective gas DIN-32525-C1,Westfalen AG, Mu¨nster, Germany).</p><p> In order to produce the implant, two particular molds were designedand used. The technical drawi
39、ngs of molded parts from mold A and moldB are shown in Figure 2. The mold A had six ring shaped implantsand was just used for the preliminary test of the feasibility of thefoaming process and parameter research. The mold
40、 B was designed withsix solid disk shaped implant based on the results of in vivo test ofimplants from mold A, for a higher biological requirement andprospective production.</p><p> Figure 2. Different mold
41、 designs.</p><p> Two molds have similar gate, runner, and sprues. The mold B has ashorter polymer melt flow of mold cavity and the L/D (length/thickness)of 2.8, whereas this L/D for mold A is 4.7. This mea
42、ns the molded partfrom mold B is relatively thicker but shorter. The advantage of mold B isthat the energy loss of melt flow, which dominates the cell nucleationand growth, is reduced due to the shorter flow path (low L/
43、D). As aresult better pore morphology, such as bigger mean pore size, higherporosity, and so</p><p> Experimental Strategy</p><p> The choice of the changeable parameters was made based on the
44、knowledge given by nucleation theory and literature search [5,7]. Theranges of variable parameters and the values of fixed parameters arepresented in Table 1. The experiments were done by varying one of variable paramete
45、rs while keeping the others constant. The wholeprocess parameters investigation was performed on two molds respectively.The implants from two molds, which were used to be compared,were produced at exactly same process p&
46、lt;/p><p> Characterization of Macro- and Microstructures</p><p> Scanning electron microscopy (SEM; Jeol JSM-6060LV, JEOL Ltd.,Tokyo, Japan) was used for the observation of the pore morphology o
47、fthe cross section of implant. The samples were sliced with a scalpel andthen coated with a thin gold layer by using a sputter-coater (SCD 005,BAL-TEC AG, Balzers, Lichtenstein) under high vacuum with a voltagerange betw
48、een 5 and 15 kV. Characteristics of porous structure such aspore size and porosity can be calculated by counting the average cellnumber and size of sev</p><p> One cut area with certain size was chosen and
49、all pores were measuredmanually with the help of software of digital microscope (VHX-500, Keyence Corporation, Osaka, Japan). The average diameter ofpores was calculated as Dmeasured. Due to the fact that the pores shown
50、in the micrographs are 2D projections of 3D objects, their maximumdiameter may not be represented in the image. Following equation wasused for determination of the maximum spherical diameter, namedcorrected median pore d
51、iameter, from </p><p><b> (1)</b></p><p> MicroCT (SkyScan 1172, SkyScan, Kontich, Belgium) was used toquantitatively measure the porous interconnectivity of implants – three8mm_11
52、mm cylindrical samples from each implant (n3) at 7 mmresolution using a voltage of 59 kV, and a current of 167 mA. Imagereconstruction and analysis were conducted using the software packageprovided by SkyScan. Samples we
53、re rotated 1808 around their long axisand three absorption images were recorded every 0.400o of rotation.These raw images of the samples were </p><p> The image analysis of the reconstructed axial bitmap im
54、ages wasperformed using the standard SkyScan software (CTan and CTvol).First, a thresholding analysis was performed to determine the thresholdvalue for which the greyscale tomograms of scaffolds were mostaccurately repre
55、sented by their binarised counterparts in terms ofporosity. The threshold value was set between 65 and 225 for this study.Additional noise was removed by the ‘despeckling’ function. All objectssmaller than 500 voxels and
56、 not </p><p><b> (2)</b></p><p> All images underwent 3D analysis, followed by the quantification ofinterconnectivity using the ‘shrink-wrap’ function, which allows measuringthe fr
57、action of pore volume in a scaffold that was accessible fromthe outside through openings of a certain minimum size [8]. A shrinkwrapprocess was performed between two 3D measurements to shrinkthe outside boundary of the V
58、OI in a scaffold through openings the sizeof which was equal to or larger than a threshold value (0–280 mm wereused in this study). I</p><p><b> ?。?)</b></p><p> RESULTS AND DISCUSS
59、ION</p><p> The SEM images (Figure 3) show the pore structures of foamedimplants from two molds in the injection speed variation with value of30 mm/s, when the other process parameters were kept unchanged(w
60、eight reduction of 35%, plasticizing temperature of 1808C, plasticizingpressure of 180 bar, mold temperature of 258C, and gas content of 2%). Itwas found that the left image, which came from the foamed implantfrom mold B
61、, showed a significant larger pore size than right image frommold A. The interconnecti</p><p> Figure 3. Different pore structures of mold B (left) and mold A (right) at the injectionspeed of 30 mm/s.</p
62、><p> Figure 4. Differences of the porosity at injection speed variation.</p><p> It was found from Figure 4 that the implants from mold B at everydifferent injection speed had a higher porosity
63、than the implants frommold A. The porosity range of implants from mold B was between 73%and 79%, whereas by mold A this porosity range was between 60% and67%. At the same time the standard deviation of the porosity from
64、moldB was significantly smaller than the deviation by mold A.</p><p> Figure 5. The mean pore size from two molds at different injection speeds</p><p> Figure 5 shows the mean pore size of two
65、 molds by different injectionspeeds. The pore size decreased with rise of the injection speed for twomolds. The same result was also found by other study [11]. The porediameter of the implants from mold B decreased from
66、340_17 mm to246_20 mm with injection speed increase; the mold A showed the porediameter from 234_90 mm to 152_34 mm by the same injection speedvariation. The mean pore size from mold B at every speed was alsohigher compa
67、red with mold A. It </p><p> Figure 6 shows the interconnective pore size of foamed implants. Theinterconnective pore size is very important for the tissue in growth inBiology. The interconnective pore size
68、 of foamed implants from mold Bhad a range of 91_6 mm to 67_7 mm; by mold A this range was35_10 mm to 19_8 mm. This change was also corresponding to thefinding in the mean pore size of foamed implants from two molds.<
69、/p><p> It could be concluded from Figures 3–6 that the improved mold designof mold B could not affect the change tendency of pore structure, such asdecreased pore size with rise of the injection speed, but it
70、 could increasethe porosity and the mean pore size as well as the interconnective poresize of the foamed implants. At the same time the standard deviation of pore structure was significantly decreased. In other words the
71、 porestructure of foamed implants from mold B had a higher porosity, a largerpo</p><p> Figure 6. Size of interconnections of implants at different injection speeds.</p><p> Figure 7 shows the
72、 comparison of the maximal porosity at differentkinds of process parameter variations, including the injection speed, fromtwo molds. In every kind of process parameter variations, the maximalporosity was always obtained
73、at a same setting value for two molds, suchas 79% and 67% at 300 mm/s by mold B and mold A for the injection speedvariation. It was observed that mold B indicated a higher maximalporosity at every kind of parameter varia
74、tion. The porosity at 35% weightreduction </p><p> The differences between the maximal pore sizes at different kinds ofprocess parameter variations of two molds are shown in Figure 8.Implants from two molds
75、 showed the maximal pore size also at the sameprocess parameters setting in every kind of variation. The mold B hasalways a larger maximal pore size than mold A. The minimal elevation ofmaxima pore size of mold B was 14%
76、 by the plasticizing temperaturevariation, whereas the maximal elevation of pore size with value of 45%was found by the injec</p><p> Figure 7. Differences between the maximal porosity at different processi
77、ng parametersfor two molds.</p><p> Figure 8. Differences between the maximal pore size at different process parameters fortwo molds.</p><p> Figure 7 and 8 have indicated that the improvement
78、 of the porestructure, such as maximal pore size and porosity, induced by thechange of mold design could be observed not only in variation of theinjection speed but also in all process parameters variations. Theshortened
79、 L/D by mold B led to a decreased energy loss which dominatesthe cell nucleation, during the polymer melt flow in the mold cavity. Therelative thicker implant from mold B needed also a longer cooling time,which was very
80、important </p><p> CONCLUSION</p><p> This study was intent to investigate the potential effect of the molddesign on the pore morphology. The improved pore morphology such asthe higher porosit
81、y, larger mean pore size, and smaller deviation wasfound by the foamed samples from mold B. This indicated that besidesthe effects of process parameters, the mold design, that is, productdesign has also a distinct influe
82、nce on the foam behavior of foamingprocess, which has given the possibility to improve the pore morphologythrough a more suita</p><p> 模具設(shè)計對微孔泡沫注塑技術(shù)</p><p> MuCell生產(chǎn)的聚合物孔結(jié)構(gòu)的影響</p><p
83、><b> 摘 要</b></p><p> 在這項研究中,兩副模具都用微孔泡沫注塑技術(shù)MuCell設(shè)計和使用以生成具有多孔結(jié)構(gòu)的植入物。為了到達所需孔隙結(jié)構(gòu),對許多工藝參數(shù)進行了調(diào)查用以說明工藝參數(shù)對孔形態(tài)的影響。這個過程參數(shù)的調(diào)查分別在每個模具上進行嚴(yán)格地實驗,這樣模具設(shè)計對孔形態(tài)的影響可以通過相同工藝參數(shù)設(shè)置來研究。于是研究發(fā)現(xiàn),模具的設(shè)計對MuCell技術(shù)的孔隙結(jié)構(gòu)確有影
84、響。一個適當(dāng)?shù)哪>咴O(shè)計能提高生成的孔隙結(jié)構(gòu),比如孔隙率,孔徑等,并且互相影響。</p><p> 關(guān)鍵詞: 模具設(shè)計,細胞形態(tài),微孔泡沫注塑,注塑成型,醫(yī)療植入物,多孔聚合物,聚氨酯。</p><p><b> 引言</b></p><p> MuCell技術(shù),作為一種有效的微孔注塑加工,被廣泛應(yīng)用于汽車和家具等行業(yè)。采用微孔泡沫注塑技術(shù)
85、在很多情況下可以節(jié)省原料,并且它可以用于生產(chǎn)具有多孔結(jié)構(gòu)的封閉的產(chǎn)品[1]。這項技術(shù)使用CO2作為發(fā)泡劑,并將其注入到注射機的塑化部分(圖1)。在供氣線路和噴油器的作用下,被注入的發(fā)泡劑達到在其超臨界狀態(tài)在在注塑機的塑化部分成為熔體聚合物。經(jīng)過塑化的聚合物熔體和氣體混合并通過噴嘴注入到模具內(nèi)部,在模具內(nèi)快速壓降的影響下就變成了泡沫結(jié)構(gòu)。如今微孔泡沫注塑技術(shù)已經(jīng)可以生產(chǎn)接近蜂窩形狀的泡沫。</p><p> Mu
86、Cell技術(shù)的微孔發(fā)泡注塑成型技術(shù)是一個完整的工藝和設(shè)備技術(shù),有利于質(zhì)量非常高,大大降低了生產(chǎn)成本。 MuCell工藝涉及在其超臨界狀態(tài)下氣體的控制使用,以創(chuàng)建一個泡沫的一部分。 MuCell技術(shù)是有針對性的技術(shù)精度和工程塑料元件,最大墻壁厚度小于3mm。MuCell工藝質(zhì)量的關(guān)鍵措施,如平整度,圓度和翹曲,也消除了所有的凹痕,一般都提供了一個提高50-75%。這些改進的結(jié)果,在成型零件,而不是固體成型的非均勻應(yīng)力特性建立相對統(tǒng)一的應(yīng)力
88、求。這25頁的加工手冊涵蓋的過程中設(shè)置的所有方面,解決問題,以優(yōu)化的結(jié)果。誰是制造或正在計劃使用MuCell技術(shù)注塑</p><p> 通過更換包裝和保持細胞的生長階段,低應(yīng)力部件的生產(chǎn),提高尺寸穩(wěn)定性,并大大減少翹曲。細胞的生長,也導(dǎo)致在消除縮痕。</p><p> MuCell技術(shù)的物理過程與化學(xué)發(fā)泡劑,有沒有溫度的限制,不留任何化學(xué)殘留物在聚合物,使消費產(chǎn)品的完美適合在原來的聚合
89、物分類回收并允許重新研磨材料重新輸入流程。</p><p> 無數(shù)的成本優(yōu)勢和加工優(yōu)勢,已導(dǎo)致全球快速部署的MuCell技術(shù)過程主要是在汽車,消費電子,醫(yī)療設(shè)備,包裝及消費品應(yīng)用。這將是合理的,說的微孔泡沫的潛力尚未得到實現(xiàn)。這些材料還沒有尚未出現(xiàn)在大規(guī)模生產(chǎn)的塑料物品,節(jié)省材料和相關(guān)費用的承諾還沒有兌現(xiàn)。這主要是由于擴大大規(guī)模生產(chǎn)中遇到的生產(chǎn)困難。然而,對這些材料的熱情仍然很高,今天在各大洲的研究人員和商業(yè)企
90、業(yè)在全球競爭中利用的潛在好處。</p><p> 已經(jīng)有很多關(guān)于微孔泡沫材料的加工和性能了解到以來的第一項專利被授予1984年。一個主題的早期審查,出現(xiàn)在1993年。本章中的國家的藝術(shù)處理,將在下一節(jié)審查,隨后的結(jié)構(gòu)和性質(zhì)的討論。本章結(jié)束時將在一些涉及微孔技術(shù)目前的研究方向。</p><p> 雖然在處理創(chuàng)新發(fā)展迅速,微孔泡沫的屬性數(shù)據(jù)一直在緩慢。微孔泡沫的早期出版物推測,微孔結(jié)構(gòu),認(rèn)
91、為是比聚合物“臨界缺陷尺寸較小的規(guī)模,將使這些泡沫,以保留其機械性能,密度減少。是以往任何時候都沒有致命的缺陷大小的定量信息,也不是支持的假說中提出的任何財產(chǎn)數(shù)據(jù)。這很可能是由于重點放在發(fā)展過程,而不是早年在這一領(lǐng)域的發(fā)展,性能表征。然而,隨著時間的推移,這一猜想已經(jīng)成為一個神話,微孔材料是固體聚合物的強烈,但有一個較低的密度,從而提供了一個機會,以降低成本,沒有性能損失。</p><p> 拉伸性能數(shù)據(jù)[表明
94、能會影響長遠的泡沫導(dǎo)熱[6]。已審查通過威廉姆斯和Wrobleski的</p><p> 顯微組織,抗拉強度和低密度泡沫的熱膨脹性能。聚碳酸酯微孔塑料泡沫材料的疲勞和蠕變行為進行了研究。疲勞研究的一個有趣的結(jié)果是非常小氣泡在PC上推出,不到1%,密度降低,導(dǎo)致在疲勞壽命固體PC相比增加了三十倍。這可能表明一個類似金屬,1電腦的一部分可飽和二氧化碳在5兆帕和再加熱說60℃,以引進無1可觀的密度變化的微孔結(jié)構(gòu),增加
95、了一個疲勞壽命的熱處理過程的一部分。由于加工溫度低,非常小的尺寸變化,在實驗中觀察到。</p><p> 拉伸所有天然氣聚合物系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù)調(diào)查跌倒在一個相對拉伸強度可對相對密度的繪制減少積。然而,能量吸收的措施,如沖擊試驗,從聚合物,聚合物的變化更加敏感,結(jié)果不能一概而論。圖11.7顯示加德納沖擊強度PVC泡沫0.5和更高的相對密度??梢钥闯觯瑳_擊強度降低泡沫密度線性。這個結(jié)果是相反的民間信仰,只要沒有證據(jù)舉行的微
96、孔結(jié)構(gòu),始終將改善由于阻力增加的能量吸收行為,嚴(yán)厲打擊傳播提供微空洞。</p><p> 已經(jīng)有研究人員研究過微孔泡沫注塑技術(shù)中的技術(shù)參數(shù)與所生產(chǎn)的蜂窩泡沫結(jié)構(gòu)之間的關(guān)系[1,5,6]。結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn),MuCell工藝的孔隙大小可以通過設(shè)置不同的工藝參數(shù)進行調(diào)整。但是目前還沒有文獻記錄關(guān)于模具設(shè)計對微孔泡沫注塑技術(shù)的孔形態(tài)的影響。在該研究中,設(shè)計了兩款可以使用MuCell工藝設(shè)計和實施的模具來成型醫(yī)療用途的多孔結(jié)構(gòu)的
97、產(chǎn)品。在這兩款模具上進行實驗時都使用了獨立的工藝參數(shù)。通過比較采用相同的工藝參數(shù)設(shè)置的兩款模具所成型的產(chǎn)品的孔隙結(jié)構(gòu),來研究模具設(shè)計對多孔結(jié)構(gòu)的影響。</p><p> 圖1 微孔泡沫注塑技術(shù)示意圖</p><p><b> 材料和方法</b></p><p> 聚合物材料工藝成型產(chǎn)品的原料選用醫(yī)療級熱塑性聚氨酯TPU(Texin985,
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