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1、申請(qǐng)上海交通大學(xué)工程碩士學(xué)位論文 基于歐盟 EN14764 新標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的自行車 制動(dòng)性能測(cè)試系統(tǒng) 上海交通大學(xué)機(jī)械與動(dòng)力工程學(xué)院 2007 年 01 月 學(xué) 校:上海交通大學(xué) 院 系:機(jī)械與動(dòng)力工程學(xué)院 工程領(lǐng)域:機(jī)械工程 交大導(dǎo)師:黎明柱 企業(yè)導(dǎo)師:張學(xué)鋒 工程碩士:錢烈輝 學(xué) 號(hào):1040212002 IIR ESEA RCH A ND A PPL I C ATI O N O F B I

2、 C Y CLE B RA K E PERFO RM AN CE TEST SY STEM BASED O N EN 14764 ABSTR A CT T he bi cycl e br ake per f or m ance i s one oft he m osti m por t anti ndexes f ors af et y r unni ng ofbi cycl e becaus e i tr el a

3、t ed di r ect l y t o t he r i dersaf e atem er gency si t uat i ons.The r esear ch on i ti s t hemos tcompl ex and di f f i cul t y subj ecti n t hebi cycl et heor y.Espe c i al l y a tt heend of2005,The

4、Eur opean Uni on r el eas e ne w bi cyc l e s t andar ds,i n whi ch new t estr equi r em ent sf orbr ake per f or m ance w er e dr aw n out .A ccor di ng t o t he new s t andar d,t he t ext ,t hr ough anal

5、 yzi ng aboutbi cycl e br ake t heor y and dr aw i ng l ess ons f r om ot heror gani zat i ons’r esear ch exper i ences,devel ops a new t estsys t em conf or m i ng t o t he E N st andar d.Bas ed on opt i m u

6、m desi gn met hod and syst em eval uat i on pr i nci pl est he paperdes i gn and opt i m i ze each syst em st r uct ur es f r om dr i vi ng uni t ,pl at f or m st r uct ur es,l oadi ng m echani s m ,i nputand out p

7、utofbr ake f or ce.B y anal yzi ng m at hem at i c m odelofabove s t r uct ur escont r oland m i ni m i ze t he devi at i ons.And t hr ough i nt r oduci ng t he m at hem at i c m odelofdr i ve m ot orand t r ansm i

8、 ssi on sys t em des i gn t he new w ay f ort he sys t em .Thi s t exthasdesi gned t he har dw ar e and sof t w ar e oft he el ect r i c cont r olsyst em ofcom put ert estboar d.A nd choose t he cont

9、 r oluni t s and des i gn t he par am et erf ori t .Especi al l y r esear ch t he dr i vi ng m ot orby f r equency conver t erand m at hem at i c m odeloft he oper at ed br ake l everf or ce.A tl astar t i

10、cl e w i t h t he ai d ofact ualt estver i f y t estsyst em desi gns.O ne t he hand t he t es tr es ul tpr ove t he exact nessand conveni ence oft he t estsys t em ,on t he ot herhand r es ear ch t he per f o


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